2019-09-13 22:00:34 -04:00

68 lines
2.3 KiB

;;; lang/go/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Packages
(after! go-mode
(set-docsets! 'go-mode "Go")
(set-repl-handler! 'go-mode #'gorepl-run)
(set-lookup-handlers! 'go-mode
:definition #'go-guru-definition
:references #'go-guru-referrers
:documentation #'godoc-at-point)
;; Redefines default formatter to *not* use goimports if reformatting a
;; region; as it doesn't play well with partial code.
(set-formatter! 'gofmt
'(("%s" (if (or +format-region-p
(not (executable-find "goimports")))
(if (featurep! +lsp)
(add-hook 'go-mode-local-vars-hook #'lsp!)
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook #'go-eldoc-setup))
(map! :map go-mode-map
"a" #'go-add-tags
"e" #'+go/play-buffer-or-region
"i" #'go-goto-imports ; Go to imports
(:prefix ("h" . "help")
"." #'godoc-at-point ; Lookup in godoc
"d" #'go-guru-describe ; Describe this
"v" #'go-guru-freevars ; List free variables
"i" #'go-guru-implements ; Implements relations for package types
"p" #'go-guru-peers ; List peers for channel
"P" #'go-guru-pointsto ; What does this point to
"r" #'go-guru-referrers ; List references to object
"e" #'go-guru-whicherrs ; Which errors
"w" #'go-guru-what ; What query
"c" #'go-guru-callers ; Show callers of this function
"C" #'go-guru-callees) ; Show callees of this function
(:prefix ("ri" . "imports")
"a" #'go-import-add
"r" #'go-remove-unused-imports)
(:prefix ( "b" . "build")
:desc "go run ." "r" (λ! (compile "go run ."))
:desc "go build" "b" (λ! (compile "go build"))
:desc "go clean" "c" (λ! (compile "go clean")))
(:prefix ("t" . "test")
"t" #'+go/test-rerun
"a" #'+go/test-all
"s" #'+go/test-single
"n" #'+go/test-nested)))
(use-package! gorepl-mode
:commands gorepl-run-load-current-file)
(use-package! company-go
:when (featurep! :completion company)
:unless (featurep! +lsp)
:after go-mode
(set-company-backend! 'go-mode 'company-go)
(setq company-go-show-annotation t))