Henrik Lissner a558f9b3f1
cli/quickstart: fix font path for all-the-icons-install-fonts
all-the-icons-install-fonts guesses the font path based on
`window-system', which is nil in tty Emacs.
2019-05-12 00:56:17 -04:00

106 lines
4.5 KiB

;;; core/cli/quickstart.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(dispatcher! (quickstart qs) (apply #'doom-quickstart args)
"Guides you through setting up Doom for first time use.
This command does the following:
1. Creates DOOMDIR at ~/.doom.d,
2. Copies ~/.emacs.d/init.example.el to DOOMDIR/init.el (if it doesn't exist),
3. Creates dummy files for DOOMDIR/{config,packages}.el,
4. Prompts you to generate an envvar file (via 'doom env refresh'),
5. Installs any dependencies of enabled modules (specified by DOOMDIR/init.el),
6. And prompts to install all-the-icons' fonts
This command is idempotent and safe to reuse.
The location of DOOMDIR can be changed with the -p option, or by setting the
DOOMDIR environment variable. e.g.
doom -p ~/.config/doom quickstart
DOOMDIR=~/.config/doom doom quickstart
Quickstart understands the following switches:
--no-config Don't create DOOMDIR or dummy files therein
--no-install Don't auto-install packages
--no-env Don't generate an envvars file (see `doom help env`)
--no-fonts Don't install (or prompt to install) all-the-icons fonts")
;; Library
(defun doom-quickstart (&rest args)
"Quickly deploy a private module and setup Doom.
This deploys a barebones config to `doom-private-dir', installs all missing
packages, prompts to install all-the-icons fonts, generates an env file and
regenerates the autoloads file."
;; Create `doom-private-dir'
(let ((short-private-dir (abbreviate-file-name doom-private-dir)))
(if (member "--no-config" args)
(print! (yellow "Not copying private config template, as requested"))
(print! "Creating %s" short-private-dir)
(make-directory doom-private-dir t)
(print! (green "Done!"))
;; Create init.el, config.el & packages.el
(dolist (file (list (cons "init.el"
(lambda ()
(insert-file-contents (expand-file-name "init.example.el" doom-emacs-dir))))
(cons "config.el"
(lambda ()
(insert (format ";;; %sconfig.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-\n\n"
";; Place your private configuration here\n")))
(cons "packages.el"
(lambda ()
(insert (format ";; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-\n;;; %spackages.el\n\n"
";;; Examples:\n"
";; (package! some-package)\n"
";; (package! another-package :recipe (:fetcher github :repo \"username/repo\"))\n"
";; (package! builtin-package :disable t)\n")))))
(cl-destructuring-bind (path . fn) file
(if (file-exists-p! path doom-private-dir)
(print! "%s already exists, skipping" path)
(print! "Creating %s%s" short-private-dir path)
(with-temp-file (expand-file-name path doom-private-dir)
(funcall fn))
(print! (green "Done!")))))))
;; In case no init.el was present the first time `doom-initialize-modules' was
;; called in core.el (e.g. on first install)
(doom-initialize-packages 'force-p)
;; Ask if should be patched
(if (member "--no-env" args)
(print! (yellow "Not generating envvars file, as requested"))
(when (or doom-auto-accept
(y-or-n-p "Generate an env file? (see `doom help env` for details)"))
(doom-reload-env-file 'force-p)))
;; Install Doom packages
(if (member "--no-install" args)
(print! (yellow "Not installing plugins, as requested"))
(print! "Installing plugins")
(doom-packages-install doom-auto-accept))
(print! "Regenerating autoloads files")
(doom-reload-autoloads nil 'force-p)
(if (member "--no-fonts" args)
(print! (yellow "Not installing fonts, as requested"))
(when (or doom-auto-accept
(y-or-n-p "Download and install all-the-icon's fonts?"))
(require 'all-the-icons)
(let ((window-system (cond (IS-MAC 'ns)
(IS-LINUX 'x))))
(all-the-icons-install-fonts 'yes))))
(print! (bold (green "\nFinished! Doom is ready to go!\n")))
(doom-template-insert "QUICKSTART_INTRO")
(print! (buffer-string))))