Henrik Lissner 3ed54e191b
Fix #1322: replace load-env-vars w/ custom loader
I've replaced load-env-var with our own custom parser. load-env-var
expects a well-formatted env file, which neither env nor set produces,
which is what doom env uses to dump the shell environment.

This should fix issues that arise when envvars (like PATH) contain
arbitrary whitespace.
2019-05-17 20:19:35 -04:00

122 lines
4.9 KiB

;;; core/cli/env.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(dispatcher! env
(let ((env-file (abbreviate-file-name doom-env-file)))
(pcase (car args)
((or "refresh" "re")
(doom-reload-env-file 'force))
((or "enable" "auto")
(setenv "DOOMENV" "1")
(print! (green "Enabling auto-reload of %S") env-file)
(doom-reload-env-file 'force)
(print! (green "Done! `doom reload' will now refresh your envvar file.")))
(setenv "DOOMENV" nil)
(unless (file-exists-p env-file)
(user-error "%S does not exist to be cleared" env-file))
(delete-file env-file)
(print! (green "Disabled envvar file by deleting %S") env-file))
(print! "%s\n\n%s"
(bold (red "No valid subcommand provided."))
"See `doom help env` to see available commands."))))
"Manages your envvars file.
Available subcommands:
refresh Create or regenerate your envvar file
auto enable auto-reloading of your envvars file (on `doom refresh`)
clear deletes your envvar file (if it exists) and disables auto-reloading
An envvars file (its location is controlled by the `doom-env-file' variable)
will contain a list of environment variables scraped from your shell environment
and loaded when Doom starts (if it exists). This is necessary when Emacs can't
be launched from your shell environment (e.g. on MacOS or certain app launchers
on Linux).
To generate a file, run `doom env refresh`. If you'd like this file to be
auto-reloaded when running `doom refresh`, run `doom env enable` instead (only
needs to be run once).")
;; Helpers
(defvar doom-env-ignored-vars
;; Doom envvars
"Environment variables to not save in `doom-env-file'.")
(defvar doom-env-executable
(executable-find "env"))
"The program to use to scrape your shell environment with.
It is rare that you'll need to change this.")
(defvar doom-env-switches
;; Execute twice, once in a non-interactive login shell and once in an
;; interactive shell in order to capture all the init files possible.
"The `shell-command-switch'es to use on `doom-env-executable'.
This is a list of strings. Each entry is run separately and in sequence with
`doom-env-executable' to scrape envvars from your shell environment.")
;; Borrows heavily from Spacemacs' `spacemacs//init-spacemacs-env'.
(defun doom-reload-env-file (&optional force-p)
"Generates `doom-env-file', if it doesn't exist (or FORCE-P is non-nil).
Runs `doom-env-executable' X times, where X = length of `doom-env-switches', to
scrape the variables from your shell environment. Duplicates are removed. The
order of `doom-env-switches' determines priority."
(when (or force-p (not (file-exists-p doom-env-file)))
(with-temp-file doom-env-file
(message "%s envvars file at %S"
(if (file-exists-p doom-env-file)
(abbreviate-file-name doom-env-file))
(let ((process-environment doom-site-process-environment))
"# -*- mode: dotenv -*-\n"
"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"# This file was auto-generated by Doom by running:\n"
(cl-loop for switch in doom-env-switches
concat (format "# %s %s %s\n"
"# It contains all environment variables scraped from your default shell\n"
"# (excluding variables blacklisted in doom-env-ignored-vars).\n"
"# It is NOT safe to edit this file. Changes will be overwritten next time\n"
"# that `doom env refresh` is executed. Alternatively, create your own env file\n"
"# in your DOOMDIR and load that with `(load-env-vars FILE)`.\n"
"# To auto-regenerate this file when `doom reload` is run, use `doom env auto'\n"
"# or set DOOMENV=1 in your shell environment/config.\n"
"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"))
(let ((env-point (point)))
;; temporarily unset ignored environment variables
(dolist (var doom-env-ignored-vars)
(setenv var nil))
(dolist (shell-command-switch doom-env-switches)
(message "Scraping env from '%s %s %s'"
(insert (shell-command-to-string doom-env-executable))))))))