2014-09-05 17:08:40 -04:00

65 lines
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;;; Emacs for the jaded vimmer
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <henrik@lissner>
;; URL:
;; These settings set up a vim-like experience, with some of emacs
;; goodness squeezed into the cracks.
;;; Code:
(cd "~") ; Default directory, instead of /
;; (setq use-package-verbose t)
(require 'cask)
(when window-system
(server-mode t)
(unless (server-running-p) (server-start)))
;; Global vars
(defconst *dir (file-name-directory load-file-name))
(defconst *init-dir (expand-file-name "init" *dir))
(defconst *themes-dir (expand-file-name "themes" *dir))
(defconst *elisp-dir (expand-file-name "elisp" *dir))
(defconst *snippets-dir (expand-file-name "snippets" *dir))
(defconst *ac-dicts-dir (expand-file-name "ac-dict" *dir))
(defconst *theme 'brin)
(defconst *font "Inconsolata-16")
;; (defconst my/font "Ubuntu-Mono-15")
(add-to-list 'load-path *init-dir)
(mapc 'require
'(core ; Just the... bear necessities...
;;; These are implicitly loaded from core.el, leave them commented!
;; core-editor ; Internal config for global editor behavior
;; core-ui ; User interface layout & behavior
;; core-osx ; Mac-specific config
;; my-keymaps ; My keybindings (loaded on after-init-hook)
my-defuns ; Personal functions
;; Modules to improve on emacs' heresy
init-ido ; Ido setup
init-project ; Project navigation tools & settings
init-ac ; Auto-complete engine & settings
init-snippets ; Snippet engine
init-git ; GIT tools/settings
init-fly ; Syntax and spell checker
init-text ; Plain text editing (markdown, text)
init-org ; Org-mode: personal gtd/notes
init-dev ; Generic environment for all programming
init-webdev ; Environment for webdev (SCSS, PHP, Rails, Jekyll)
init-love ; gamedev
init-cpp ; C++ gamedev
init-eclim ; Integration into eclipse (for Java)
init-csharp ; Emacs as a Csharp/Unity IDE
;; init-collab ; For collab programming