2020-01-04 18:11:10 -05:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/packages.el
;; core.el
(package! auto-minor-mode)
(package! async)
(package! gcmh)
;; core-ui.el
(package! all-the-icons)
(package! hide-mode-line)
(package! highlight-numbers)
(package! rainbow-delimiters)
(package! restart-emacs)
;; core-editor.el
(package! better-jumper)
(package! dtrt-indent)
(package! helpful)
(package! ns-auto-titlebar :ignore (not IS-MAC))
(package! pcre2el)
(package! smartparens)
(package! so-long
:built-in 'prefer ; included in Emacs 27+
;; REVIEW so-long is slated to be published to ELPA eventually, but until then
;; I've created my own mirror for it because runs on a
;; potato.
:recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/emacs-so-long"))
(package! undo-tree
;; Version 0.6.5 is on ELPA which lacks a fix we need, so we install 0.6.6
;; from emacsmirror/undo-tree instead.
:recipe (:host github :repo "emacsmirror/undo-tree"))
(package! ws-butler
;; Use my fork of ws-butler, which has a few choice improvements and
;; optimizations (the original has been abandoned).
:recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/ws-butler"))
(package! xclip)
;; core-projects.el
(package! projectile)
;; core-keybinds.el
(package! general)
(package! which-key)