
510 lines
18 KiB

;;; feature/workspaces/autoload/workspaces.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +workspace-data-file "_workspaces"
"The file basename in which to store single workspace perspectives.")
(defvar +workspace--last nil)
(defvar +workspace--index 0)
(defface +workspace-tab-selected-face '((t (:inherit 'highlight)))
"The face for selected tabs displayed by `+workspace/display'"
:group 'doom)
(defface +workspace-tab-face '((t (:inherit 'default)))
"The face for selected tabs displayed by `+workspace/display'"
:group 'doom)
;; Library
(defun +workspace--protected-p (name)
(equal name persp-nil-name))
(defun +workspace--generate-id ()
(or (cl-loop for name in (+workspace-list-names)
when (string-match-p "^#[0-9]+$" name)
maximize (string-to-number (substring name 1)) into max
finally return (if max (1+ max)))
;; --- Predicates -------------------------
(defalias #'+workspace-p #'persp-p "Return t if OBJ is a perspective hash table.")
(defun +workspace-exists-p (name)
"Returns t if NAME is the name of an existing workspace."
(cl-assert (stringp name) t)
(member name (+workspace-list-names)))
(defun +workspace-contains-buffer-p (buffer &optional workspace)
"Return non-nil if buffer is in workspace (defaults to current workspace)."
(persp-contain-buffer-p buffer (or workspace (+workspace-current)) nil))
;; --- Getters ----------------------------
(defun +workspace-get (name &optional noerror)
"Returns a workspace (perspective hash table) named NAME."
(when-let (persp (persp-get-by-name name))
(cond ((+workspace-p persp) persp)
((not noerror) (error "'%s' is an invalid workspace" name)))))
(defalias '+workspace-current #'get-current-persp)
(defun +workspace-current-name ()
"Get the name of the current workspace."
(safe-persp-name (get-current-persp)))
(defun +workspace-list ()
"Return a list of workspace structs."
(mapcar #'persp-get-by-name (+workspace-list-names)))
(defun +workspace-list-names ()
"Return a list of workspace names (strings)."
(delete persp-nil-name (persp-names-current-frame-fast-ordered)))
(defun +workspace-buffer-list (&optional persp)
"Return a list of buffers in PERSP (defaults to the current perspective).
The buffer list is ordered by recency (same as `buffer-list').
PERSP can be a string (name of a workspace) or a perspective hash (satisfies
If PERSP is t, then return a list of orphaned buffers associated with no
(let ((persp (or persp (+workspace-current))))
(if (eq persp t)
(cl-remove-if #'persp--buffer-in-persps (buffer-list))
(cl-assert (+workspace-p persp) t)
(cl-loop for buf in (buffer-list)
if (+workspace-contains-buffer-p buf persp)
collect buf))))
;; --- Actions ----------------------------
(defun +workspace-load (name)
"Loads a single workspace (named NAME) into the current session. Can only
retrieve perspectives that were explicitly saved with `+workspace-save'.
Returns t if successful, nil otherwise."
(when (+workspace-exists-p name)
(error "A workspace named '%s' already exists." name))
(expand-file-name +workspace-data-file persp-save-dir)
*persp-hash* (list name))
(+workspace-exists-p name))
(defun +workspace-load-session (&optional name)
"Replace current session with the entire session named NAME. If NAME is nil,
use `persp-auto-save-fname'."
(expand-file-name (or name persp-auto-save-fname) persp-save-dir)))
(defun +workspace-save (name)
"Saves a single workspace (NAME) from the current session. Can be loaded again
with `+workspace-load'. NAME can be the string name of a workspace or its
perspective hash table.
Returns t on success, nil otherwise."
(unless (+workspace-exists-p name)
(error "'%s' is an invalid workspace" name))
(let ((fname (expand-file-name +workspace-data-file persp-save-dir)))
(persp-save-to-file-by-names fname *persp-hash* (list name))
(and (member name (persp-list-persp-names-in-file fname))
(defun +workspace-save-session (&optional name)
"Save a whole session as NAME. If NAME is nil, use `persp-auto-save-fname'.
Return t on success, nil otherwise."
(let ((fname (expand-file-name (or name persp-auto-save-fname)
(if (or (not name)
(equal name persp-auto-save-fname))
(and (persp-save-state-to-file fname) t)))
(defun +workspace-new (name)
"Create a new workspace named NAME. If one already exists, return nil.
Otherwise return t on success, nil otherwise."
(when (+workspace--protected-p name)
(error "Can't create a new '%s' workspace" name))
(when (+workspace-exists-p name)
(error "A workspace named '%s' already exists" name))
(and (persp-add-new name) t))
(defun +workspace-rename (name new-name)
"Rename the current workspace named NAME to NEW-NAME. Returns old name on
success, nil otherwise."
(when (+workspace--protected-p name)
(error "Can't rename '%s' workspace" name))
(persp-rename new-name (+workspace-get name)))
(defun +workspace-delete (name &optional inhibit-kill-p)
"Delete the workspace denoted by NAME, which can be the name of a perspective
or its hash table. If INHIBIT-KILL-P is non-nil, don't kill this workspace's
(when (+workspace--protected-p name)
(error "Can't delete '%s' workspace" name))
(+workspace-get name) ; error checking
(persp-kill name inhibit-kill-p)
(not (+workspace-exists-p name)))
(defun +workspace-switch (name &optional auto-create-p)
"Switch to another workspace."
(unless (+workspace-exists-p name)
(if auto-create-p
(+workspace-new name)
(error "%s is not an available workspace" name)))
(let ((old-name (+workspace-current-name)))
(setq +workspace--last
(or (and (not (string= old-name persp-nil-name))
(persp-frame-switch name))
;; Interactive commands
(defun +workspace/load (name)
"Load a workspace and switch to it. If called with C-u, try to reload the
current workspace (by name) from session files."
(if current-prefix-arg
"Workspace to load: "
(expand-file-name +workspace-data-file persp-save-dir))))))
(if (not (+workspace-load name))
(+workspace-error (format "Couldn't load workspace %s" name))
(+workspace/switch-to name)
(defun +workspace/load-session (&optional name)
"Load a session and switch to it. If called with C-u, try to load the last
(unless current-prefix-arg
"Session to load: "
(directory-files persp-save-dir nil "^[^_.]")
nil t))))
(condition-case ex
(let ((name (or name persp-auto-save-fname)))
(+workspace-load-session name)
(+workspace-message (format "'%s' workspace loaded" name) 'success))
'(error (+workspace-error (cadr ex) t))))
(defun +workspace/save (name)
"Save the current workspace. If called with C-u, autosave the current
(if current-prefix-arg
(completing-read "Workspace to save: " (+workspace-list-names)))))
(if (+workspace-save name)
(+workspace-message (format "'%s' workspace saved" name) 'success)
(+workspace-error (format "Couldn't save workspace %s" name))))
(defun +workspace/save-session (&optional name)
"Save the current session. If called with C-u, prompt you for the name to save
the session as."
(when current-prefix-arg
"Save session as: "
(directory-files persp-save-dir nil "^[^_.]")))))
(condition-case ex
(let ((name (or name persp-auto-save-fname)))
(if (+workspace-save-session name)
(+workspace-message (format "Saved session as '%s'" name) 'success)
(error "Couldn't save session as '%s'" name)))
'(error (+workspace-error (cadr ex) t))))
(defun +workspace/rename (new-name)
"Rename the current workspace."
(interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer "New workspace name: ")))
(condition-case ex
(let* ((current-name (+workspace-current-name))
(old-name (+workspace-rename current-name new-name)))
(unless old-name
(error "Failed to rename %s" current-name))
(+workspace-message (format "Renamed '%s'->'%s'" old-name new-name) 'success))
('error (+workspace-error (cadr ex) t))))
(defun +workspace/delete (name)
"Delete this workspace. If called with C-u, prompts you for the name of the
workspace to delete."
(let ((current-name (+workspace-current-name)))
(if current-prefix-arg
(completing-read (format "Delete workspace (default: %s): " current-name)
nil nil current-name)
(condition-case ex
(let ((workspaces (length (+workspace-list-names))))
(cond ((> workspaces 1)
(+workspace-delete name)
(if (+workspace-exists-p +workspace--last)
(car (+workspace-list-names))))
(format "Deleted '%s' workspace" name))
((= workspaces 1)
(format "Can't delete the last workspace!"))
(+workspace-delete name)
(+workspace-switch +workspaces-main t)
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(format "No workspaces detected! Auto-creating '%s' workspace" +workspaces-main))))
('error (+workspace-error (cadr ex) t))))
(defun +workspace/kill-session ()
"Delete the current session, clears all workspaces, windows and buffers."
(unless (cl-every #'+workspace-delete (+workspace-list-names))
(+workspace-error "Could not clear session"))
(+workspace-switch +workspaces-main t)
(let ((fallback-buf (doom-fallback-buffer)))
(switch-to-buffer fallback-buf)
(defun +workspace/kill-session-and-quit ()
"Forgets current session and quits."
(defun +workspace/new (&optional name clone-p)
"Create a new workspace named NAME. If OVERWRITE-P is non-nil, clear any
pre-existing workspace."
(interactive "iP")
(unless name
(setq name (format "#%s" (+workspace--generate-id))))
(condition-case ex
(let ((exists-p (+workspace-exists-p name)))
(if exists-p
(error "%s already exists" name)
(+workspace-switch name t)
(if clone-p
(dolist (window (window-list))
(persp-add-buffer (window-buffer window) persp nil))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer)))
('error (+workspace-error (cadr ex) t))))
(defun +workspace/switch-to (index)
"Switch to a workspace at a given INDEX. A negative number will start from the
end of the workspace list."
(list (or current-prefix-arg
(completing-read "Switch to workspace: " (+workspace-list-names)))))
(when (and (stringp index)
(string-match-p "^[0-9]+$" index))
(setq index (string-to-number index)))
(condition-case ex
(let ((names (+workspace-list-names))
(old-name (+workspace-current-name)))
(cond ((numberp index)
(let ((dest (nth index names)))
(unless dest
(error "No workspace at #%s" (1+ index)))
(+workspace-switch dest)))
((stringp index)
(unless (member index names)
(error "No workspace named %s" index))
(+workspace-switch index))
(error "Not a valid index: %s" index)))
(unless (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(if (equal (+workspace-current-name) old-name)
(+workspace-message (format "Already in %s" old-name) 'warn)
('error (+workspace-error (cadr ex) t))))
(defun +workspace/switch-to-last ()
"Switch to the last workspace."
(+workspace/switch-to (car (last (+workspace-list-names)))))
(defun +workspace/cycle (n)
"Cycle n workspaces to the right (default) or left."
(interactive (list 1))
(let ((current-name (+workspace-current-name)))
(if (equal current-name persp-nil-name)
(+workspace-switch +workspaces-main t)
(condition-case ex
(let* ((persps (+workspace-list-names))
(perspc (length persps))
(index (cl-position current-name persps)))
(when (= perspc 1)
(user-error "No other workspaces"))
(+workspace/switch-to (% (+ index n) perspc))
(unless (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
('user-error (+workspace-error (cadr ex) t))
('error (+workspace-error ex t))))))
(defun +workspace/switch-left () (interactive) (+workspace/cycle -1))
(defun +workspace/switch-right () (interactive) (+workspace/cycle +1))
(defun +workspace/close-window-or-workspace ()
"Close the selected window. If it's the last window in the workspace, close
the workspace and move to the next."
(if (doom-popup-p)
(let ((current-persp-name (+workspace-current-name)))
(cond ((or (+workspace--protected-p current-persp-name)
(> (length (doom-visible-windows)) 1))
(if (bound-and-true-p evil-mode)
((> (length (+workspace-list-names)) 1)
(+workspace/delete current-persp-name))))))
(defun +workspace/close-workspace-or-frame ()
"Close the current workspace. If it's the last, delete the frame instead."
(let ((frames (length (frame-list)))
(workspaces (length (+workspace-list-names))))
(cond ((> workspaces 1)
(call-interactively #'+workspace/delete))
((> frames 1)
(call-interactively #'delete-frame))
(error "Can't delete last frame.")))))
;; Tabs display in minibuffer
(defun +workspace--tabline (&optional names)
(let ((names (or names (+workspace-list-names)))
(current-name (+workspace-current-name)))
(cl-loop for name in names
for i to (length names)
(propertize (format " [%d] %s " i name)
'face (if (equal current-name name)
" ")))
(defun +workspace--message-body (message &optional type)
(concat (+workspace--tabline)
(propertize " | " 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(propertize (format "%s" message)
'face (pcase type
('error 'error)
('warn 'warning)
('success 'success)
('info 'font-lock-comment-face)))))
(defun +workspace-message (message &optional type)
"Show an 'elegant' message in the echo area next to a listing of workspaces."
(message "%s" (+workspace--message-body message type)))
(defun +workspace-error (message &optional noerror)
"Show an 'elegant' error in the echo area next to a listing of workspaces."
(funcall (if noerror #'message #'error) "%s" (+workspace--message-body message 'error)))
(defun +workspace/display ()
"Display a list of workspaces (like tabs) in the echo area."
(message "%s" (+workspace--tabline)))
(defun +workspace-on-new-frame (frame &optional _new-frame-p)
"Spawn a perspective for each new frame."
(select-frame frame)
(set-frame-parameter frame 'assoc-persp (+workspace-current-name)))
(defun +workspaces|delete-associated-workspace-maybe (frame)
"Delete workspace associated with current frame IF it has no real buffers."
(when persp-mode
(let ((frame-persp (frame-parameter frame 'assoc-persp)))
(when (and (equal frame-persp (+workspace-current-name))
(not (equal frame-persp +workspaces-main)))
(+workspace/delete frame-persp)))))
(defun +workspaces*autosave-real-buffers (orig-fn &rest args)
"Don't autosave if no real buffers are open."
(when (doom-real-buffer-list)
(apply orig-fn args))
(defun +workspaces*switch-project-by-name (orig-fn &rest args)
"Switch to a project and prompt for a file to open.
Ensures the scratch (or dashboard) buffers are CDed into the project's root."
(when persp-mode
(+workspace-switch (car args) t)
(with-current-buffer (switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(setq default-directory (car args))))
(apply orig-fn args))