Henrik Lissner e632871a11
core-cli: backport more refactors from rewrite
Still a long way to go, but this introduces a few niceties for
debugging CLI failures:

+ The (extended) output of the last bin/doom command is now logged to
+ If an error occurs, short backtraces are displayed whether or not you
  have debug mode on. The full backtrace is written to
+ bin/doom now aborts with a warning if:
  - The script itself or its parent directory is a symlink. It's fine if
    ~/.emacs.d is symlinked though.
  - Running bin/doom as root when your DOOMDIR isn't in /root/.
  - If you're sporting Emacs 26.1 (now handled in the elisp side rather
    than the /bin/sh shebang preamble).
+ If a 'doom sync' was aborted prematurely, you'll be warned that Doom
  was left in an inconsistent state and that you must run `doom sync`

May address #3746
2020-08-24 23:00:32 -04:00

128 lines
4.8 KiB

;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core.el
(describe "core"
:var (doom-interactive-p)
(setq doom-interactive-p nil))
(describe "initialization"
(describe "doom-initialize"
:var (doom-init-p)
(setq doom-init-p nil))
(it "initializes once"
(expect (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect (not (doom-initialize nil 'noerror)))
(expect (not (doom-initialize nil 'noerror)))
(expect doom-init-p))
(it "initializes multiple times, if forced"
(expect (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect (not (doom-initialize nil 'noerror)))
(expect (doom-initialize 'force 'noerror)))
(describe "package initialization"
(spy-on 'doom-initialize-packages :and-return-value t))
(it "initializes packages if core autoload file doesn't exist"
(let ((doom-autoloads-file "doesnotexist"))
(expect (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect 'doom-initialize-packages :to-have-been-called))
(it "doesn't initialize packages if core autoload file was loaded"
(let ((doom-interactive-p t))
(spy-on 'doom-load-autoloads-file :and-return-value t)
(doom-initialize nil 'noerror)
(expect 'doom-load-autoloads-file :to-have-been-called-with doom-package-autoload-file)
(expect 'doom-initialize-packages :to-have-been-called)))
(it "initializes packages when forced"
(doom-initialize 'force 'noerror)
(expect 'doom-initialize-packages :to-have-been-called)))
(describe "autoloads files"
(spy-on 'doom-load-autoloads-file)
(spy-on 'warn :and-return-value t))
(it "loads autoloads files"
(ignore-errors (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect 'doom-load-autoloads-file
:to-have-been-called-with doom-autoloads-file)
(expect 'doom-load-autoloads-file
:to-have-been-called-with doom-package-autoload-file))
(it "throws doom-autoload-error when autoload files don't exist"
(let ((doom-autoloads-file "doesnotexist")
(doom-package-autoload-file "doesnotexist"))
(expect (doom-initialize) :to-throw 'doom-autoload-error)))))
(describe "doom-initialize-core"
(spy-on 'require))
(it "loads all doom core libraries"
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-keybinds)
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-ui)
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-projects)
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-editor))))
(describe "doom-load-autoloads-file"
:var (doom-autoloads-file doom-alt-autoload-file result)
(setq doom-autoloads-file (make-temp-file "doom-autoload" nil ".el"))
(with-temp-file doom-autoloads-file)
(byte-compile-file doom-autoloads-file))
(delete-file doom-autoloads-file)
(delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file doom-autoloads-file)))
(it "loads the byte-compiled autoloads file if available"
(doom-load-autoloads-file doom-autoloads-file)
(expect (caar load-history) :to-equal-file
(byte-compile-dest-file doom-autoloads-file))
(delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file doom-autoloads-file))
(doom-load-autoloads-file doom-autoloads-file)
(expect (caar load-history) :to-equal-file doom-autoloads-file))
(it "returns non-nil if successful"
(expect (doom-load-autoloads-file doom-autoloads-file)))
(it "returns nil on failure or error, non-fatally"
(expect (doom-load-autoloads-file "/does/not/exist") :to-be nil)))
(describe "doom-load-envvars-file"
:var (doom-env-file process-environment)
(setq process-environment nil
doom-env-file (make-temp-file "doom-env"))
(with-temp-file doom-env-file
(insert "A=1\nB=2\nC=3\n")))
(delete-file doom-env-file))
(it "throws a file-error if file doesn't exist"
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file "/tmp/envvardoesnotexist")
:to-throw 'file-error))
(it "to fail silently if NOERROR is non-nil"
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file "/tmp/envvardoesnotexist" 'noerror)
:not :to-throw))
(it "returns the new value for `process-environment'"
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file doom-env-file)
:to-have-same-items-as '("A" "B" "C")))
(it "alters environment variables"
(dolist (key '("A" "B" "C"))
(expect (getenv key) :not :to-be-truthy))
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file doom-env-file))
(expect (getenv "A") :to-equal "1")
(expect (getenv "B") :to-equal "2")
(expect (getenv "C") :to-equal "3"))))