2017-06-09 19:44:41 +02:00
autoload Remove unused/redundant ivy bindings 2017-06-09 19:44:41 +02:00
config.el ivy: remap apropos; load ivy-mode sooner; refactor 2017-06-09 13:38:54 +02:00
packages.el Revert macros to ...! name convention (elisp doesn't like @...) 2017-02-23 00:06:12 -05:00 completion/ivy: revise documentation + slight refactor 2017-05-28 02:48:20 +02:00

:completion ivy

This module adds the Ivy completion backend.

I prefer ivy over ido and helm, for its speed and simplicity. With ivy's help and some hackery, I get the following features:

  • Project-wide search & replace powered by rg and ag
  • Project jump-to navigation ala Command-T, Sublime Text's Jump-to-anywhere or Vim's CtrlP plugin.
  • Ivy integration for M-x, imenu, recentf and others.
  • A powerful, interactive in-buffer search using swiper.
  • Ivy-powered TODO/FIXME navigation


This module optionally depends on ripgrep and the_silver_searcher.

rg is faster, but its results aren't deterministic and it doesn't support multiline search or full PCRE, that's where ag is useful.


brew install ripgrep the_silver_searcher

Arch Linux

sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S ripgrep the_silver_searcher


Search & Replace

A project-wide search can be performed with Ag (the silver searcher) or Rg (ripgrep) via their ex commands: :ag[!] and :rg[!] (or their current-directory counterparts :agcwd[!] and :rgcwd[!])


From this session, you can press Shift + Tab to create an writeable occur buffer in wgrep mode.


Make your modifications and press C-c C-c to commit them, or C-c C-k to abort.

Jump-to-file project navigation

Inspired by Sublime Text's jump-to-anywhere, Vim's CtrlP or Unite plugins, and Textmate's Command-T, a marriage of projectile and ivy makes this available to you in Emacs. Invoke it with <leader> / or counsel-projectile-find-file.


In-buffer searching

I prefer to use evil-search (invoked by pressing / in normal mode) when jumping small/moderate (or predictable) distances. On occasion I need more feedback, so I turn to swiper (available directly with M-x swiper RET, or via :sw[iper]).


TODO-Task lookup

I sprinkle my projects with TODO's & FIXME's. Using ivy and ripgrep, I wrote +ivy/tasks to help me navigate to them. It can be invoked via :todo[!] as well.



Commands & Keybindings

Here is a list of my commonly used commands, their default keybinds (defined in private/hlissner/+bindings.el), and their corresponding ex command (defined in private/hlissner/+commands.el).

command key / ex command description
counsel-M-x M-x Smarter, smex-powered M-x
counsel-bookmark <leader> b Find bookmark
counsel-find-file <leader> . Browse from current directory
counsel-projectile-find-file <leader> / Find file in project
counsel-projectile-switch-project <leader> p Open another project
counsel-recentf <leader> r Find recently opened file
+ivy/switch-buffer <leader> , Jump to buffer in current workspace
+ivy/switch-workspace-buffer <leader> < Jump to buffer across workspaces
+ivy:ag :ag[!] [QUERY] Search project (BANG = ignore gitignore)
+ivy:ag-cwd :agcwd[!] [QUERY] Search this directory (BANG = don't recurse into subdirectories)
+ivy:rg :rg[!] [QUERY] Search project (if BANG, ignore gitignore)
+ivy:rg-cwd :rgcwd[!] [QUERY] Search this directory (BANG = don't recurse into subdirectories)
+ivy:swiper :sw[iper] [QUERY] Search current buffer
+ivy:todo :todo[!] List all TODO/FIXMEs in project (or current file if BANG)

While in a search (e.g. invoked from +ivy:ag or +ivy:rg), these new keybindings are available to you:

key description
<backtab> Perform search/replace on the search results (open occur buffer in wgrep mode)
C-SPC Preview the current candidate
M-RET Open the selected candidate in other-window


  • Where possible, functions with ivy/counsel equivalents have been remapped (like find-file => counsel-find-file). So a keybinding to find-file will invoke counsel-find-file instead.
  • counsel-[arp]g's 3-character limit was reduced to 1 (mainly for the ex command)
  • counsel-[arp]g's parentheses quoting behavior was reversed. Now, if you want literal parentheses, you must escape them: e.g. \(match\) is literal, (match) is a regexp group.