2016-05-20 22:37:30 -04:00

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This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

;;; defuns-web.el
(defun doom/web-html-email2mailto (beg end)
(interactive "r")
(replace-regexp "\\b\\([a-zA-Z0-9._+-%]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+\\)\\b"
"<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>"
nil beg end))
(defun doom/web-html-url2anchor (beg end)
(interactive "r")
(replace-regexp "\\bhttps?://.+?\\b"
"<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>"
nil beg end))
(defun doom/web-refresh-browser ()
(call-process-shell-command "osascript -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\" to tell the active tab of its first window to reload' &" nil 0))
;;;###autoload (autoload 'doom/html-entities "defuns-web" nil t)
(evil-define-operator doom/html-entities (bang beg end)
"HTML encode/decode the selected region. Based on Xah's replace HTML named entities
function @"
(interactive "<!><r>")
(let ((reps [["&nbsp;" " "] ["&ensp;" ""] ["&emsp;" ""] ["&thinsp;" ""]
["&rlm;" ""] ["&lrm;" ""] ["&zwj;" ""] ["&zwnj;" ""]
["&iexcl;" "¡"] ["&cent;" "¢"] ["&pound;" "£"] ["&curren;" "¤"] ["&yen;" "¥"] ["&brvbar;" "¦"] ["&sect;" "§"] ["&uml;" "¨"] ["&copy;" "©"] ["&ordf;" "ª"] ["&laquo;" "«"] ["&not;" "¬"] ["&shy;" "­"] ["&reg;" "®"] ["&macr;" "¯"] ["&deg;" "°"] ["&plusmn;" "±"] ["&sup2;" "²"] ["&sup3;" "³"] ["&acute;" "´"] ["&micro;" "µ"] ["&para;" ""] ["&middot;" "·"] ["&cedil;" "¸"] ["&sup1;" "¹"] ["&ordm;" "º"] ["&raquo;" "»"] ["&frac14;" "¼"] ["&frac12;" "½"] ["&frac34;" "¾"] ["&iquest;" "¿"]
["&Agrave;" "À"] ["&Aacute;" "Á"] ["&Acirc;" "Â"] ["&Atilde;" "Ã"] ["&Auml;" "Ä"] ["&Aring;" "Å"] ["&AElig;" "Æ"] ["&Ccedil;" "Ç"] ["&Egrave;" "È"] ["&Eacute;" "É"] ["&Ecirc;" "Ê"] ["&Euml;" "Ë"] ["&Igrave;" "Ì"] ["&Iacute;" "Í"] ["&Icirc;" "Î"] ["&Iuml;" "Ï"] ["&ETH;" "Ð"] ["&Ntilde;" "Ñ"] ["&Ograve;" "Ò"] ["&Oacute;" "Ó"] ["&Ocirc;" "Ô"] ["&Otilde;" "Õ"] ["&Ouml;" "Ö"] ["&times;" "×"] ["&Oslash;" "Ø"] ["&Ugrave;" "Ù"] ["&Uacute;" "Ú"] ["&Ucirc;" "Û"] ["&Uuml;" "Ü"] ["&Yacute;" "Ý"] ["&THORN;" "Þ"] ["&szlig;" "ß"] ["&agrave;" "à"] ["&aacute;" "á"] ["&acirc;" "â"] ["&atilde;" "ã"] ["&auml;" "ä"] ["&aring;" "å"] ["&aelig;" "æ"] ["&ccedil;" "ç"] ["&egrave;" "è"] ["&eacute;" "é"] ["&ecirc;" "ê"] ["&euml;" "ë"] ["&igrave;" "ì"] ["&iacute;" "í"] ["&icirc;" "î"] ["&iuml;" "ï"] ["&eth;" "ð"] ["&ntilde;" "ñ"] ["&ograve;" "ò"] ["&oacute;" "ó"] ["&ocirc;" "ô"] ["&otilde;" "õ"] ["&ouml;" "ö"]
["&divide;" "÷"] ["&oslash;" "ø"] ["&ugrave;" "ù"] ["&uacute;" "ú"] ["&ucirc;" "û"] ["&uuml;" "ü"] ["&yacute;" "ý"] ["&thorn;" "þ"] ["&yuml;" "ÿ"] ["&fnof;" "ƒ"]
["&Alpha;" "Α"] ["&Beta;" "Β"] ["&Gamma;" "Γ"] ["&Delta;" "Δ"] ["&Epsilon;" "Ε"] ["&Zeta;" "Ζ"] ["&Eta;" "Η"] ["&Theta;" "Θ"] ["&Iota;" "Ι"] ["&Kappa;" "Κ"] ["&Lambda;" "Λ"] ["&Mu;" "Μ"] ["&Nu;" "Ν"] ["&Xi;" "Ξ"] ["&Omicron;" "Ο"] ["&Pi;" "Π"] ["&Rho;" "Ρ"] ["&Sigma;" "Σ"] ["&Tau;" "Τ"] ["&Upsilon;" "Υ"] ["&Phi;" "Φ"] ["&Chi;" "Χ"] ["&Psi;" "Ψ"] ["&Omega;" "Ω"] ["&alpha;" "α"] ["&beta;" "β"] ["&gamma;" "γ"] ["&delta;" "δ"] ["&epsilon;" "ε"] ["&zeta;" "ζ"] ["&eta;" "η"] ["&theta;" "θ"] ["&iota;" "ι"] ["&kappa;" "κ"] ["&lambda;" "λ"] ["&mu;" "μ"] ["&nu;" "ν"] ["&xi;" "ξ"] ["&omicron;" "ο"] ["&pi;" "π"] ["&rho;" "ρ"] ["&sigmaf;" "ς"] ["&sigma;" "σ"] ["&tau;" "τ"] ["&upsilon;" "υ"] ["&phi;" "φ"] ["&chi;" "χ"] ["&psi;" "ψ"] ["&omega;" "ω"] ["&thetasym;" "ϑ"] ["&upsih;" "ϒ"] ["&piv;" "ϖ"]
["&bull;" ""] ["&hellip;" ""] ["&prime;" ""] ["&Prime;" ""] ["&oline;" ""] ["&frasl;" ""] ["&weierp;" ""] ["&image;" ""] ["&real;" ""] ["&trade;" ""] ["&alefsym;" ""] ["&larr;" ""] ["&uarr;" ""] ["&rarr;" ""] ["&darr;" ""] ["&harr;" ""] ["&crarr;" ""] ["&lArr;" ""] ["&uArr;" ""] ["&rArr;" ""] ["&dArr;" ""] ["&hArr;" ""] ["&forall;" ""] ["&part;" ""] ["&exist;" ""] ["&empty;" ""] ["&nabla;" ""] ["&isin;" ""] ["&notin;" ""] ["&ni;" ""] ["&prod;" ""] ["&sum;" ""] ["&minus;" ""] ["&lowast;" ""] ["&radic;" ""] ["&prop;" ""] ["&infin;" ""] ["&ang;" ""] ["&and;" ""] ["&or;" ""] ["&cap;" ""] ["&cup;" ""] ["&int;" ""] ["&there4;" ""] ["&sim;" ""] ["&cong;" ""] ["&asymp;" ""] ["&ne;" ""] ["&equiv;" ""] ["&le;" ""] ["&ge;" ""] ["&sub;" ""] ["&sup;" ""] ["&nsub;" ""] ["&sube;" ""] ["&supe;" ""] ["&oplus;" ""] ["&otimes;" ""] ["&perp;" ""] ["&sdot;" ""] ["&lceil;" ""] ["&rceil;" ""] ["&lfloor;" ""] ["&rfloor;" ""] ["&lang;" ""] ["&rang;" ""] ["&loz;" ""] ["&spades;" ""] ["&clubs;" ""] ["&hearts;" ""] ["&diams;" ""] ["&quot;" "\""] ["&OElig;" "Œ"] ["&oelig;" "œ"] ["&Scaron;" "Š"] ["&scaron;" "š"] ["&Yuml;" "Ÿ"] ["&circ;" "ˆ"] ["&tilde;" "˜"] ["&ndash;" ""] ["&mdash;" ""] ["&lsquo;" ""] ["&rsquo;" ""] ["&sbquo;" ""] ["&ldquo;" ""] ["&rdquo;" ""] ["&bdquo;" ""] ["&dagger;" ""] ["&Dagger;" ""] ["&permil;" ""] ["&lsaquo;" ""] ["&rsaquo;" ""] ["&euro;" ""]
(narrow-to-region beg end)
(let (case-fold-search)
(mapc (lambda (rep)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward (elt rep (if bang 0 1)) nil t)
(replace-match (elt rep (if bang 1 0)) 'FIXEDCASE 'LITERAL)))
(provide 'defuns-web)
;;; defuns-web.el ends here