
143 lines
5.8 KiB

;;; defuns-cc.el --- for module-cc.el
(defun doom--c-lineup-inclass (langelem)
(let ((inclass (assoc 'inclass c-syntactic-context)))
(goto-char (c-langelem-pos inclass))
(if (or (looking-at "struct")
(looking-at "typedef struct"))
(defun doom/c-lineup-arglist (orig-fun &rest args)
"Improve indentation of continued C++11 lambda function opened as argument."
(if (and (eq major-mode 'c++-mode)
(goto-char (c-langelem-pos langelem))
;; Detect "[...](" or "[...]{". preceded by "," or "(",
;; and with unclosed brace.
(looking-at ".*[(,][ \t]*\\[[^]]*\\][ \t]*[({][^}]*$"))))
0 ; no additional indent
(apply orig-fun args)))
(defun doom|init-c/c++-settings ()
(when (memq major-mode '(c-mode c++-mode objc-mode))
(c-toggle-electric-state -1)
(c-toggle-auto-newline -1)
(c-set-offset 'substatement-open '0) ; brackets should be at same indentation level as the statements they open
(c-set-offset 'inline-open '+)
(c-set-offset 'block-open '+)
(c-set-offset 'brace-list-open '+) ; all "opens" should be indented by the c-indent-level
(c-set-offset 'case-label '+) ; indent case labels by c-indent-level, too
(c-set-offset 'access-label '-)
(c-set-offset 'inclass 'doom--c-lineup-inclass)
(c-set-offset 'arglist-intro '+)
(c-set-offset 'arglist-close '0)
;; Certain mappings interfere with smartparens and custom bindings
(define-key c-mode-map (kbd "DEL") nil)
(define-key c-mode-base-map "#" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map "{" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map "}" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map "/" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map "*" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map ";" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map "," 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map ":" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map "(" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c-mode-base-map ")" 'self-insert-command)
(define-key c++-mode-map "}" nil)
;; FIXME: fix smartparens
;; (define-key c++-mode-map ">" nil)
(map! :map (c-mode-base-map c++-mode-map) :i ">" 'doom/autoclose->-maybe)
(define-key c++-mode-map "<" nil)))
(defun doom/autoclose->-maybe ()
"For some reason smartparens won't autoskip >'s, this hack does."
(if (save-excursion
(looking-at-p "[^ \t]>"))
(call-interactively 'self-insert-command)))
(defun doom--copy-face (new-face face)
"Define NEW-FACE from existing FACE."
(copy-face face new-face)
(eval `(defvar ,new-face nil))
(set new-face new-face))
(defun doom|extra-fontify-c++ ()
;; We could place some regexes into `c-mode-common-hook', but
;; note that their evaluation order matters.
;; NOTE modern-cpp-font-lock will eventually supercede some of these rules
nil '(;; c++11 string literals
;; L"wide string"
;; L"wide string with UNICODE codepoint: \u2018"
;; u8"UTF-8 string", u"UTF-16 string", U"UTF-32 string"
("\\<\\([LuU8]+\\)\".*?\"" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)
;; R"(user-defined literal)"
;; R"( a "quot'd" string )"
;; R"delimiter(The String Data" )delimiter"
;; R"delimiter((a-z))delimiter" is equivalent to "(a-z)"
("\\(\\<[uU8]*R\"[^\\s-\\\\()]\\{0,16\\}(\\)" 1 font-lock-keyword-face t) ; start delimiter
( "\\<[uU8]*R\"[^\\s-\\\\()]\\{0,16\\}(\\(.*?\\))[^\\s-\\\\()]\\{0,16\\}\"" 1 font-lock-string-face t) ; actual string
( "\\<[uU8]*R\"[^\\s-\\\\()]\\{0,16\\}(.*?\\()[^\\s-\\\\()]\\{0,16\\}\"\\)" 1 font-lock-keyword-face t) ; end delimiter
) t))
(defun doom|extra-fontify-c/c++ ()
("\\<[A-Z]*_[A-Z_]+\\>" . font-lock-constant-face)
("\\<[A-Z]\\{3,\\}\\>" . font-lock-constant-face)
;; integer/float/scientific numbers
("\\<\\([\\-+]*[0-9\\.]+\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-constant-face t)
(1 font-lock-constant-face t)
(2 font-lock-keyword-face t))
(1 font-lock-constant-face t)
(2 font-lock-keyword-face t)
(3 font-lock-constant-face t))
) t))
(defun doom/append-semicolon ()
"Append a semicolon to the end of this (or each selected) non-empty line."
(let ((beg (if (evil-visual-state-p) evil-visual-beginning (line-beginning-position)))
(end (if (evil-visual-state-p) evil-visual-end (line-end-position))))
(goto-char beg)
(while (< (point) end)
(let ((lend (save-excursion (evil-last-non-blank) (point))))
(goto-char (1+ lend))
(unless (or (eq (char-before) ?\;)
(= lend (line-beginning-position)))
(insert ";")))
(when (evil-visual-state-p)
(defun doom/sp-point-is-template-p (id action context)
(and (sp-in-code-p id action context)
(sp-point-after-word-p id action context)))
(defun doom/sp-point-after-include-p (id action context)
(and (sp-in-code-p id action context)
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(looking-at-p "[ ]*#include[^<]+"))))
(provide 'defuns-cc)
;;; defuns-cc.el ends here