2018-05-25 00:53:46 +02:00

139 lines
4.9 KiB

;;; tools/tmux/autoload/tmux.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This library offers:
;; + A way of communicating with a tmux instance
;; + TODO A way to manage tmuxifier from emacs
(defvar +tmux-last-command nil
"The last command ran by `+tmux'. Used by `+tmux/rerun'")
(defvar +tmux-last-retcode nil
"The last tmux return code.")
;; Commands
(defun +tmux (command &rest args)
"Execute COMMAND in tmux"
(let ((bin (executable-find "tmux")))
(unless bin
(error "Could not find tmux executable"))
(let* ((args (mapcar #'shell-quote-argument (delq nil args)))
(cmdstr (format "%s %s" bin (if args (apply #'format command args) command)))
(output (get-buffer-create " *tmux stdout*"))
(errors (get-buffer-create " *tmux stderr*"))
(if (= 0 (setq code (quiet! (shell-command cmdstr output errors))))
(with-current-buffer output
(setq +tmux-last-command `(,cmdstr ,@args))
(error "[%d] tmux $ %s (%s)"
(with-current-buffer errors
(and (kill-buffer output)
(kill-buffer errors))))))
(defun +tmux/run (command &optional noreturn)
"Run COMMAND in tmux. If NORETURN is non-nil, send the commands as keypresses
but do not execute them."
(list (read-string "tmux $ ")
(+tmux (concat "send-keys C-u "
(shell-quote-argument command)
(unless noreturn " Enter"))))
(defun +tmux/send-region (beg end &optional noreturn)
"Send region to tmux."
(interactive "rP")
(+tmux/run (string-trim (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
(defun +tmux/rerun ()
"Rerun the last command executed by `+tmux' and `+tmux/run'."
(interactive "P")
(unless +tmux-last-command
(user-error "No last command to run"))
(apply #'+tmux +tmux-last-command))
(defun +tmux/cd (&optional arg directory)
"Change the pwd of the currently active tmux pane to DIRECTORY (defaults to
`default-directory', or to `doom-project-root' with the universal argument)."
(interactive "PD")
(+tmux/run (format "cd %s" (or directory default-directory)) arg))
(defun +tmux/cd-to-here ()
"cd into `default-directory' in tmux."
(+tmux/cd default-directory))
(defun +tmux/cd-to-project ()
"cd into `doom-project-root' in tmux."
(+tmux/cd (doom-project-root)))
;; Data functions
(defun +tmux-list-sessions ()
(let ((lines (+tmux "list-sessions -F '#{session_id};#{session_name};#{session_attached}'")))
(if lines
(cl-loop for line in (split-string lines "\n" t)
(let ((sess (split-string line ";")))
(list (nth 0 sess)
:name (nth 1 sess)
:attached (equal (nth 2 sess) "1"))))
(error "There are no sessions"))))
(defun +tmux-list-windows (&optional session)
(if-let* ((lines
(+tmux (format "list-windows %s -F '#{window_id};#{session_id};#{window_active};#{window_name};#{window_activity_flag}'"
(if session
(concat "-t " (car session))
(cl-loop for line in (string-split lines "\n" t)
collect (let ((window (string-split line ";")))
(list (nth 0 window)
:session-id (nth 1 window)
:name (nth 3 window)
:active (equal (nth 2 window) "1")
:activity (equal (nth 4 window) "1"))))
(error "There are no windows")))
(defun +tmux-list-panes (&optional sess-or-win)
(if-let* ((lines
(+tmux (format "list-panes %s -F '#{pane_id};#{window_id};#{session_id};#{pane_active};#{pane_title};#{pane_current_path}'"
(if sess-or-win
(concat (if (string-prefix-p "$" (car sess-or-win)) "-s ")
"-t "
(car sess-or-win))
(cl-loop for line in (string-split lines "\n" t)
collect (let ((pane (split-string line ";")))
(list (nth 0 pane)
:window-id (nth 1 pane)
:session-id (nth 2 pane)
:name (nth 4 pane)
:active (equal (nth 3 pane) "1")
:pwd (nth 5 pane))))
(error "There are no panes")))