Henrik Lissner 59b57b7eae
Fix empty list on +file-templates/insert-license
In case yasnippet hasn't loaded text-mode snippets yet.
2020-02-24 19:44:21 -05:00

121 lines
4.7 KiB

;;; editor/file-templates/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun +file-templates--set (pred plist)
(if (null (car-safe plist))
(setq +file-templates-alist
(delq (assoc pred +file-templates-alist)
(push `(,pred ,@plist) +file-templates-alist)))
(defun set-file-template! (pred &rest plist)
"Register a file template.
PRED can either be a regexp string or a major mode symbol. PLIST may contain
these properties:
Provides a secondary predicate. This function takes no arguments and is
executed from within the target buffer. If it returns nil, this rule will be
skipped over.
If a string, this is the yasnippet trigger keyword used to trigger the
target snippet.
If a function, this function will be run in the context of the buffer to
insert a file template into. It is given no arguments and must insert text
into the current buffer manually.
If omitted, `+file-templates-default-trigger' is used.
:mode SYMBOL
What mode to get the yasnippet snippet from. If omitted, either PRED (if
it's a major-mode symbol) or the mode of the buffer is used.
:project BOOL
If non-nil, ignore this template if this buffer isn't in a project.
:ignore BOOL
If non-nil, don't expand any template for this file and don't test any other
file template rule against this buffer.
(declare (indent defun))
(defer-until! (boundp '+file-templates-alist)
(+file-templates--set pred plist)))
(defun set-file-templates! (&rest templates)
"Like `set-file-template!', but can register multiple file templates at once.
(defer-until! (boundp '+file-templates-alist)
(dolist (template templates)
(+file-templates--set (car template) (cdr template)))))
;;; Library
(cl-defun +file-templates--expand (pred &key project mode trigger ignore _when)
"Auto insert a yasnippet snippet into current file and enter insert mode (if
evil is loaded and enabled)."
(when (and pred (not ignore))
(when (if project (doom-project-p) t)
(unless mode
(setq mode (if (symbolp pred) pred major-mode)))
(unless mode
(user-error "Couldn't determine mode for %s file template" pred))
(unless trigger
(setq trigger +file-templates-default-trigger))
(if (functionp trigger)
(funcall trigger)
(require 'yasnippet)
(unless yas-minor-mode
(when (and yas-minor-mode
(template (cl-find trigger (yas--all-templates (yas--get-snippet-tables mode))
:key #'yas--template-key :test #'equal))
(yas-expand-snippet (yas--template-content template)))
(and (featurep 'evil) evil-local-mode)
(and yas--active-field-overlay
(overlay-buffer yas--active-field-overlay)
(overlay-get yas--active-field-overlay 'yas--field)))
(evil-initialize-state 'insert))))))
(defun +file-templates-get-short-path ()
"Fetches a short file path for the header in Doom module templates."
(let ((path (file-truename (or buffer-file-name default-directory))))
(cond ((string-match "/modules/\\(.+\\)$" path)
(match-string 1 path))
((file-in-directory-p path doom-emacs-dir)
(file-relative-name path doom-emacs-dir))
((abbreviate-file-name path))))))
;;; Commands
(defun +file-templates/insert-license ()
"Insert a license file template into the current file."
(require 'yasnippet)
(unless (gethash 'text-mode yas--tables)
(yas-reload-all t))
(let ((templates
(let (yas-choose-tables-first ; avoid prompts
(cl-loop for tpl in (yas--all-templates (yas--get-snippet-tables 'text-mode))
for uuid = (yas--template-uuid tpl)
if (string-prefix-p "__license-" uuid)
collect (cons (string-remove-prefix "__license-" uuid) tpl)))))
(when-let (uuid (yas-choose-value (mapcar #'car templates)))
(yas-expand-snippet (cdr (assoc uuid templates))))))
(defun +file-templates/debug ()
"Tests the current buffer and outputs the file template rule most appropriate
for it. This is used for testing."
(message "Found %s" (cl-find-if #'+file-template-p +file-templates-alist)))