Henrik Lissner e7a9a1a3ca
Improve support for moving popup windows (WIP)
Now, the +evil/window-move-* commands are consistent when used with
popups. Also added doom/popup-move-* as popup-alternatives to
evil-window-move-{very,far}-* commands.

Relevant to #141 #171
2017-09-25 13:02:27 +02:00

269 lines
9.4 KiB

;;; core/autoload/popups.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-popup-remember-history)
(defun doom-popup-p (&optional target)
"Return t if TARGET (a window or buffer) is a popup. Uses current window if
(when-let (target (or target (selected-window)))
(cond ((bufferp target)
(and (buffer-local-value 'doom-popup-mode target)
(not (plist-get (buffer-local-value 'doom-popup-rules target) :fixed))))
((windowp target)
(and (window-parameter target 'popup)
(not (doom-popup-property :fixed target)))))))
(defun doom-popup-buffer (buffer &optional plist extend-p)
"Display BUFFER in a shackle popup with PLIST rules. See `shackle-rules' for
possible rules. If EXTEND-P is non-nil, don't overwrite the original rules for
this popup, just the specified properties. Returns the new popup window."
(declare (indent defun))
(unless (bufferp buffer)
(error "%s is not a valid buffer" buffer))
nil (or (if extend-p
(append plist (shackle-match buffer))
(shackle-match buffer))))
(defun doom-popup-switch-to-buffer (buffer)
"Switch the current (or closest) pop-up window to BUFFER."
(unless (doom-popup-p)
(let ((popups (doom-popup-windows)))
(unless popups
(error "No popups to switch"))
(select-window (car popups))))
(set-window-dedicated-p nil nil)
(switch-to-buffer buffer nil t)
(prog1 (selected-window)
(set-window-dedicated-p nil t)))
(defun doom-popup-file (file &optional plist extend-p)
"Display FILE in a shackle popup, with PLIST rules. See `shackle-rules' for
possible rules."
(unless (file-exists-p file)
(user-error "Can't display file in popup, it doesn't exist: %s" file))
(doom-popup-buffer (find-file-noselect file t) plist extend-p))
(defun doom-popup-windows ()
"Get a list of open pop up windows."
(cl-remove-if-not #'doom-popup-p doom-popup-windows))
(defun doom/popup-restore ()
"Restore the last open popups. If the buffers have been killed, and
represented real files, they will be restored. Dead special buffers or buffers
with non-nil :autokill properties will not be.
Returns t if popups were restored, nil otherwise."
(unless doom-popup-history
(error "No popups to restore"))
(let (any-p)
(dolist (spec doom-popup-history)
(let ((buffer (get-buffer (car spec)))
(file (plist-get (cdr spec) :file))
(rules (plist-get (cdr spec) :rules))
(size (plist-get (cdr spec) :size)))
(when (and (not buffer) file)
(setq buffer
(if-let (buf (get-file-buffer file))
(clone-indirect-buffer (buffer-name buf) nil t)
(find-file-noselect file t))))
(when size
(setq rules (plist-put rules :size size)))
(when (and buffer (doom-popup-buffer buffer rules) (not any-p))
(setq any-p t))))
(when any-p
(setq doom-popup-history '()))
(defun doom/popup-toggle ()
"Toggle popups."
(when (doom-popup-p)
(if doom-popup-other-window
(select-window doom-popup-other-window)
(other-window 1)))
(if (doom-popup-windows)
(let ((doom-popup-inhibit-autokill t))
(doom/popup-close-all t))
(defun doom/popup-close (&optional window)
"Find and close WINDOW if it's a popup. If WINDOW is omitted, defaults to
`selected-window'. The contained buffer is buried, unless it has an :autokill
(when (doom-popup-p window)
(delete-window (or window (selected-window)))))
(defun doom/popup-close-all (&optional force-p)
"Closes all open popups. If FORCE-P is non-nil, or this function is called
interactively, it will close all popups without question. Otherwise, it will
only close popups that have an :autoclose property in their rule (see
(when-let (popups (doom-popup-windows))
(let (success doom-popup-remember-history)
(setq doom-popup-history (delq nil (mapcar #'doom--popup-data popups)))
(dolist (window popups)
(when (or force-p
(called-interactively-p 'interactive)
(doom-popup-property :autoclose window))
(delete-window window)
(setq success t)))
(defun doom/popup-close-maybe ()
"Close the current popup *if* its window doesn't have a noesc parameter."
(if (doom-popup-property :noesc)
(if (featurep 'evil)
(defun doom/popup-this-buffer ()
"Display currently selected buffer in a popup window."
(doom-popup-buffer (current-buffer) '(:align t :autokill t)))
(defun doom/popup-toggle-messages ()
"Toggle *Messages* buffer."
(if-let (win (get-buffer-window "*Messages*"))
(doom/popup-close win)
(doom-popup-buffer (get-buffer "*Messages*"))))
(defun doom-popup-properties (window-or-buffer)
"Returns a window's popup property list, if possible. The buffer-local
`doom-popup-rules' always takes priority, but this will fall back to the popup
window parameter."
(cond ((windowp window-or-buffer)
(or (doom-popup-properties (window-buffer window-or-buffer))
(window-parameter window-or-buffer 'popup)))
((bufferp window-or-buffer)
(buffer-local-value 'doom-popup-rules window-or-buffer))))
(defun doom-popup-property (prop &optional window)
"Returns a `doom-popup-rules' PROPerty from WINDOW."
(or (plist-get (doom-popup-properties (or window (selected-window)))
(pcase prop
(:size shackle-default-size)
(:align shackle-default-alignment))))
(defun doom-popup-side (&optional window)
"Return what side a popup WINDOW came from ('left 'right 'above or 'below)."
(let ((align (doom-popup-property :align window)))
(when (eq align t)
(setq align shackle-default-alignment))
(when (functionp align)
(setq align (funcall align)))
(defun doom-popup-size (&optional window)
"Return the size of a popup WINDOW."
(pcase (doom-popup-side window)
((or 'left 'right) (window-width window))
((or 'above 'below) (window-height window))))
(defmacro with-popup-rules! (rules &rest body)
(declare (indent defun))
`(let ((old-shackle-rules shackle-rules))
,@(cl-loop for rule in rules
collect `(set! :popup ,@rule))
(setq shackle-rules old-shackle-rules)))
(defmacro save-popups! (&rest body)
"Sets aside all popups before executing the original function, usually to
prevent the popup(s) from messing up the UI (or vice versa)."
`(let ((in-popup-p (doom-popup-p))
(popups (doom-popup-windows))
(doom-popup-remember-history t)
(doom-popup-inhibit-autokill t))
(when popups
(mapc #'doom/popup-close popups))
(progn ,@body)
(when popups
(let ((origin (selected-window)))
(unless in-popup-p
(select-window origin)))))))
(defun doom/other-popup (count)
"Cycle through popup windows. Like `other-window', but for popups."
(interactive "p")
(if-let (popups (if (doom-popup-p)
(cdr (memq (selected-window) doom-popup-windows))
(setq doom-popup-other-window (selected-window))
(select-window (nth (mod (1- count) (length popups)) popups))
(unless (eq (selected-window) doom-popup-other-window)
(when doom-popup-other-window
(select-window doom-popup-other-window t)
(cl-decf count))
(when (/= count 0)
(other-window count)))))
(defun doom/popup-raise (&optional window)
"Turn a popup window into a normal window."
(let ((window (or window (selected-window))))
(unless (doom-popup-p window)
(user-error "Not a valid popup to raise"))
(with-selected-window window
(doom-popup-mode -1))))
(defun doom-popup-move (direction)
"Move a popup window to another side of the frame, in DIRECTION, which can be
one of the following: 'left 'right 'above 'below"
(when (doom-popup-p)
(let ((buffer (current-buffer))
(doom-popup-inhibit-autokill t))
(doom-popup-buffer buffer `(:align ,direction) 'extend))))
(defun doom/popup-move-top () "See `doom-popup-move'." (interactive) (doom-popup-move 'above))
(defun doom/popup-move-bottom () "See `doom-popup-move'." (interactive) (doom-popup-move 'below))
(defun doom/popup-move-left () "See `doom-popup-move'." (interactive) (doom-popup-move 'left))
(defun doom/popup-move-right () "See `doom-popup-move'." (interactive) (doom-popup-move 'right))
(defun doom--popup-data (window)
(unless (doom-popup-property :fixed window)
(when-let (buffer (window-buffer window))
`(,(buffer-name buffer)
:file ,(buffer-file-name buffer)
:rules ,(window-parameter window 'popup)
:size ,(doom-popup-size window)))))