George Xanthakis 4d24d7548a
Print diff url in terminal in case emacs is in a remote server (#4105)
* Print diff url in terminal in case emacs is in a remote server

Closes #2936

* Correct print! call

Co-authored-by: Henrik Lissner <>
2020-10-18 19:17:39 -04:00

125 lines
5.8 KiB

;;; core/cli/upgrade.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (upgrade up)
((force-p ["-f" "--force"] "Discard local changes to Doom and packages, and upgrade anyway")
(packages-only-p ["-p" "--packages"] "Only upgrade packages, not Doom"))
"Updates Doom and packages.
This requires that ~/.emacs.d is a git repo, and is the equivalent of the
following shell commands:
cd ~/.emacs.d
git pull --rebase
bin/doom clean
bin/doom sync -u"
:bare t
(let ((doom-auto-discard force-p))
(doom-cli-execute "sync" "-u")
(print! (success "Finished upgrading Doom Emacs")))
((doom-cli-upgrade doom-auto-accept doom-auto-discard)
;; Reload Doom's CLI & libraries, in case there were any upstream changes.
;; Major changes will still break, however
(print! (info "Reloading Doom Emacs"))
(throw 'exit (list "doom" "upgrade" "-p" (if force-p "-f"))))
((print! "Doom is up-to-date!")
(doom-cli-execute "sync" "-u")))))
;;; library
(defvar doom-repo-url ""
"The git repo url for Doom Emacs.")
(defvar doom-repo-remote "_upgrade"
"The name to use as our staging remote.")
(defun doom--working-tree-dirty-p (dir)
(cl-destructuring-bind (success . stdout)
(doom-call-process "git" "status" "--porcelain" "-uno")
(if (= 0 success)
(split-string stdout "\n" t)
(error "Failed to check working tree in %s" dir))))
(defun doom-cli-upgrade (&optional auto-accept-p force-p)
"Upgrade Doom to the latest version non-destructively."
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(print! (start "Preparing to upgrade Doom Emacs and its packages..."))
(let* (;; git name-rev may return BRANCH~X for detached HEADs and fully
;; qualified refs in some other cases, so an effort to strip out all
;; but the branch name is necessary. git symbolic-ref (or
;; `vc-git--symbolic-ref') won't work; it can't deal with submodules.
(branch (replace-regexp-in-string
"^\\(?:[^/]+/[^/]+/\\)?\\(.+\\)\\(?:~[0-9]+\\)?$" "\\1"
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "name-rev" "--name-only" "HEAD"))))
(target-remote (format "%s/%s" doom-repo-remote branch)))
(unless branch
(error! (if (file-exists-p! ".git" doom-emacs-dir)
"Couldn't find Doom's .git directory. Was Doom cloned properly?"
"Couldn't detect what branch you're on. Is Doom detached?")))
;; We assume that a dirty .emacs.d is intentional and abort
(when-let (dirty (doom--working-tree-dirty-p default-directory))
(if (not force-p)
(user-error! "%s\n\n%s\n\n %s"
(format "Refusing to upgrade because %S has been modified." (path doom-emacs-dir))
"Either stash/undo your changes or run 'doom upgrade -f' to discard local changes."
(string-join dirty "\n"))
(print! (info "You have local modifications in Doom's source. Discarding them..."))
(doom-call-process "git" "reset" "--hard" (format "origin/%s" branch))
(doom-call-process "git" "clean" "-ffd")))
(doom-call-process "git" "remote" "remove" doom-repo-remote)
(let (result)
(or (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "remote" "add" doom-repo-remote doom-repo-url)))
(error "Failed to add %s to remotes" doom-repo-remote))
(or (zerop (car (setq result (doom-call-process "git" "fetch" "--tags" doom-repo-remote branch))))
(error "Failed to fetch from upstream"))
(let ((this-rev (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD")))
(new-rev (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "rev-parse" target-remote))))
((and (null this-rev)
(null new-rev))
(error "Failed to get revisions for %s" target-remote))
((equal this-rev new-rev)
(print! (success "Doom is already up-to-date!"))
((print! (info "A new version of Doom Emacs is available!\n\n Old revision: %s (%s)\n New revision: %s (%s)\n"
(substring this-rev 0 10)
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%cr" "HEAD"))
(substring new-rev 0 10)
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%cr" target-remote))))
(let ((diff-url
(format ""
(print! "Link to diff: %s" diff-url)
(when (and (not auto-accept-p)
(y-or-n-p "View the comparison diff in your browser?"))
(print! (info "Opened github in your browser."))
(browse-url diff-url)))
(if (not (or auto-accept-p
(y-or-n-p "Proceed with upgrade?")))
(ignore (print! (error "Aborted")))
(print! (start "Upgrading Doom Emacs..."))
(or (and (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "reset" "--hard" target-remote)))
(equal (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD")) new-rev))
(error "Failed to check out %s" (substring new-rev 0 10)))
(print! (info "%s") (cdr result))
(doom-call-process "git" "remote" "remove" doom-repo-remote))))))