2020-10-22 16:11:31 -04:00

565 lines
25 KiB

;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/cli/packages.el
(defcli! (update u) (&rest _)
"This command was removed."
:hidden t
(print! (error "This command has been removed.\n"))
(print! "To update Doom run 'doom upgrade'. To only update packages run 'doom sync -u'."))
(defcli! (build b)
((rebuild-p ["-r"] "Only rebuild packages that need rebuilding"))
"Byte-compiles & symlinks installed packages.
This ensures that all needed files are symlinked from their package repo and
their elisp files are byte-compiled. This is especially necessary if you upgrade
Emacs (as byte-code is generally not forward-compatible)."
(when (doom-cli-packages-build (not rebuild-p))
(defcli! (purge p)
((nobuilds-p ["-b" "--no-builds"] "Don't purge unneeded (built) packages")
(noelpa-p ["-p" "--no-elpa"] "Don't purge ELPA packages")
(norepos-p ["-r" "--no-repos"] "Don't purge unused straight repos")
(regraft-p ["-g" "--regraft"] "Regraft git repos (ie. compact them)"))
"Deletes orphaned packages & repos, and compacts them.
Purges all installed ELPA packages (as they are considered temporary). Purges
all orphaned package repos and builds. If -g/--regraft is supplied, the git
repos among them will be regrafted and compacted to ensure they are as small as
It is a good idea to occasionally run this doom purge -g to ensure your package
list remains lean."
(when (doom-cli-packages-purge
(not noelpa-p)
(not norepos-p)
(not nobuilds-p)
;; (defcli! rollback () ; TODO doom rollback
;; "<Not implemented yet>"
;; (user-error "Not implemented yet, sorry!"))
;;; Library
(defun doom--same-commit-p (abbrev-ref ref)
(and (stringp abbrev-ref)
(stringp ref)
(string-match-p (concat "^" (regexp-quote abbrev-ref))
(defun doom--abbrev-commit (commit &optional full)
(if full commit (substring commit 0 7)))
(defun doom--commit-log-between (start-ref end-ref)
((status (straight--call
"git" "log" "--oneline" "--no-merges"
"-n" "26" end-ref (concat "^" (regexp-quote start-ref))))
(output (string-trim-right (straight--process-get-output)))
(lines (split-string output "\n")))
(if (> (length lines) 25)
(concat (string-join (butlast lines 1) "\n") "\n[...]")
(defun doom--barf-if-incomplete-packages ()
(let ((straight-safe-mode t))
(condition-case _ (straight-check-all)
(error (user-error "Package state is incomplete. Run 'doom sync' first")))))
(defmacro doom--with-package-recipes (recipes binds &rest body)
(declare (indent 2))
(let ((recipe-var (make-symbol "recipe"))
(recipes-var (make-symbol "recipes")))
`(let* ((,recipes-var ,recipes)
(built ())
(cons (lambda (pkg &rest _) (cl-pushnew pkg built :test #'equal))
(dolist (,recipe-var ,recipes-var (nreverse built))
(cl-block nil
(straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe ,recipe-var) ,recipe-var)
,(doom-enlist binds)
(defvar doom--cli-updated-recipes nil)
(defun doom--cli-recipes-update ()
"Updates straight and recipe repos."
(unless doom--cli-updated-recipes
(print! (start "Updating recipe repos..."))
nil (mapcar (doom-rpartial #'gethash straight--repo-cache)
(mapcar #'symbol-name straight-recipe-repositories)))
(recipe package type local-repo)
(let ((esc (unless doom-debug-p "\033[1A"))
(ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
newref output)
(print! (start "\033[KUpdating recipes for %s...%s") package esc)
(when (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(setq output (straight--process-get-output))
(straight-merge-package package)
(unless (equal ref (setq newref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo)))
(print! (success "\033[K%s updated (%s -> %s)")
(doom--abbrev-commit ref)
(doom--abbrev-commit newref))
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! (info "%s" output)))))))))
(setq straight--recipe-lookup-cache (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
doom--cli-updated-recipes t)))
(defvar doom--eln-output-expected nil)
(defvar doom--eln-output-path (car (bound-and-true-p comp-eln-load-path)))
(defun doom--eln-file-name (file)
"Return the short .eln file name corresponding to `file'."
(concat comp-native-version-dir "/"
(comp-el-to-eln-filename file))))
(defun doom--eln-output-file (eln-name)
"Return the expected .eln file corresponding to `eln-name'."
(concat doom--eln-output-path eln-name))
(defun doom--eln-error-file (eln-name)
"Return the expected .error file corresponding to `eln-name'."
(concat doom--eln-output-path eln-name ".error"))
(defun doom--find-eln-file (eln-name)
"Find `eln-name' on the `comp-eln-load-path'."
(cl-some (lambda (eln-path)
(let ((file (concat eln-path eln-name)))
(when (file-exists-p file)
(defun doom--elc-file-outdated-p (file)
"Check whether the corresponding .elc for `file' is outdated."
(let ((elc-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)))
;; NOTE Ignore missing elc files, they could be missing due to
;; `no-byte-compile'. Rebuilding unnecessarily is expensive.
(when (and (file-exists-p elc-file)
(file-newer-than-file-p file elc-file))
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file elc-file)
(defun doom--eln-file-outdated-p (file)
"Check whether the corresponding .eln for `file' is outdated."
(let* ((eln-name (doom--eln-file-name file))
(eln-file (doom--find-eln-file eln-name))
(error-file (doom--eln-error-file eln-name)))
(cond (eln-file
(when (file-newer-than-file-p file eln-file)
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file eln-file)
((file-exists-p error-file)
(when (file-newer-than-file-p file error-file)
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file error-file)
(doom-log "%s doesn't exist" eln-name)
(defun doom--native-compile-done-h (file)
"Callback fired when an item has finished async compilation."
(when file
(let* ((eln-name (doom--eln-file-name file))
(eln-file (doom--eln-output-file eln-name))
(error-file (doom--eln-error-file eln-name)))
(if (file-exists-p eln-file)
(doom-log "Compiled %s" eln-file)
(make-directory (file-name-directory error-file) 'parents)
(write-region "" nil error-file)
(doom-log "Wrote %s" error-file)))))
(defun doom--native-compile-jobs ()
"How many async native compilation jobs are queued or in-progress."
(if (and (boundp 'comp-files-queue)
(fboundp 'comp-async-runnings))
(+ (length comp-files-queue)
(defun doom--wait-for-compile-jobs ()
"Wait for all pending async native compilation jobs."
(cl-loop for pending = (doom--native-compile-jobs)
with previous = 0
while (not (zerop pending))
if (/= previous pending) do
(print! (info "\033[KWaiting for %d async jobs...\033[1A" pending))
(setq previous pending)
else do
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(sleep-for 0.1))))
(defun doom--write-missing-eln-errors ()
"Write .error files for any expected .eln files that are missing."
(cl-loop for file in doom--eln-output-expected
for eln-name = (doom--eln-file-name file)
for eln-file = (doom--eln-output-file eln-name)
for error-file = (doom--eln-error-file eln-name)
unless (or (file-exists-p eln-file)
(file-newer-than-file-p error-file file))
do (make-directory (file-name-directory error-file) 'parents)
(write-region "" nil error-file)
(doom-log "Wrote %s" error-file))
(setq doom--eln-output-expected nil))
(defun doom--compile-site-packages ()
"Queue async compilation for all non-doom Elisp files."
(when (fboundp 'native-compile-async)
(cl-loop with paths = (cl-loop for path in load-path
unless (string-prefix-p doom-local-dir path)
collect path)
for file in (doom-files-in paths :match "\\.el\\(?:\\.gz\\)?$")
if (and (file-exists-p (byte-compile-dest-file file))
(not (doom--find-eln-file (doom--eln-file-name file)))) do
(doom-log "Compiling %s" file)
(native-compile-async file nil 'late))))
(defun doom-cli-packages-install ()
"Installs missing packages.
This function will install any primary package (i.e. a package with a `package!'
declaration) or dependency thereof that hasn't already been."
(print! (start "Installing packages..."))
(let ((pinned (doom-package-pinned-list)))
(add-hook 'comp-async-cu-done-hook #'doom--native-compile-done-h)
(if-let (built
(doom--with-package-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)
(recipe package type local-repo)
(unless (file-directory-p (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((straight-use-package-pre-build-functions
(cons (lambda (pkg &rest _)
(when-let (commit (cdr (assoc pkg pinned)))
(print! (info "Checked out %s: %s") pkg commit)))
(straight-use-package (intern package))
;; HACK Line encoding issues can plague repos with dirty
;; worktree prompts when updating packages or "Local
;; variables entry is missing the suffix" errors when
;; installing them (see hlissner/doom-emacs#2637), so
;; have git handle conversion by force.
(when (and IS-WINDOWS (stringp local-repo))
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(when (file-in-directory-p default-directory straight-base-dir)
(straight--call "git" "config" "core.autocrlf" "true")))))
(signal 'doom-package-error (list package e))))))
(print! (success "Installed %d packages") (length built)))
(print! (info "No packages need to be installed"))
(defun doom-cli-packages-build (&optional force-p)
"(Re)build all packages."
(print! (start "(Re)building %spackages...") (if force-p "all " ""))
(let ((straight-check-for-modifications
(when (file-directory-p (straight--modified-dir))
(and straight-check-for-modifications
(executable-find straight-find-executable)
(or straight--packages-not-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(or (if force-p :all straight--packages-to-rebuild)
(make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)))
(add-hook 'comp-async-cu-done-hook #'doom--native-compile-done-h)
(unless force-p
(if-let (built
(doom--with-package-recipes recipes (package local-repo recipe)
(unless force-p
;; Ensure packages with outdated files/bytecode are rebuilt
(let ((build-dir (straight--build-dir package))
(repo-dir (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(and (not (plist-get recipe :no-build))
(or (file-newer-than-file-p repo-dir build-dir)
(file-exists-p (straight--modified-dir (or local-repo package)))
(cl-loop with want-byte = (straight--byte-compile-package-p recipe)
with want-native = (if (require 'comp nil t) (straight--native-compile-package-p recipe))
with outdated = nil
for file in (doom-files-in build-dir :match "\\.el$" :full t)
if (or (if want-byte (doom--elc-file-outdated-p file))
(if want-native (doom--eln-file-outdated-p file)))
do (setq outdated t)
(when want-native
(push file doom--eln-output-expected))
finally return outdated))
(puthash package t straight--packages-to-rebuild))))
(straight-use-package (intern package))))
(print! (success "\033[KRebuilt %d package(s)") (length built)))
(print! (success "No packages need rebuilding"))
(defun doom-cli-packages-update ()
"Updates packages."
(let* ((repo-dir (straight--repos-dir))
(pinned (doom-package-pinned-list))
(recipes (doom-package-recipe-list))
(packages-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(repos-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(total (length recipes))
(esc (unless doom-debug-p "\033[1A"))
(i 0)
(when recipes
(print! (start "Updating packages (this may take a while)..."))
(doom--with-package-recipes recipes (recipe package type local-repo)
(cl-incf i)
(unless (straight--repository-is-available-p recipe)
(print! (error "(%d/%d) Couldn't find local repo for %s") i total package)
(when (gethash local-repo repos-to-rebuild)
(puthash package t packages-to-rebuild)
(print! (success "(%d/%d) %s was updated indirectly (with %s)") i total package local-repo)
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(unless (file-in-directory-p default-directory repo-dir)
(print! (warn "(%d/%d) Skipping %s because it is local") i total package)
(when (eq type 'git)
(unless (file-exists-p ".git")
(error "%S is not a valid repository" package)))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
(cdr (or (assoc local-repo pinned)
(assoc package pinned))))
(or (cond
((not (stringp target-ref))
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Fetching %s...%s") i total package esc)
(when (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(setq output (straight--process-get-output))
(straight-merge-package package)
(setq target-ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
(or (not (doom--same-commit-p target-ref ref))
((doom--same-commit-p target-ref ref)
(print! (info "\033[K(%d/%d) %s is up-to-date...%s") i total package esc)
((if (straight-vc-commit-present-p recipe target-ref)
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Checking out %s (%s)...%s")
i total package (doom--abbrev-commit target-ref) esc)
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Fetching %s...%s") i total package esc)
(and (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(straight-vc-commit-present-p recipe target-ref)))
(straight-vc-check-out-commit recipe target-ref)
(or (not (eq type 'git))
(setq output (doom--commit-log-between ref target-ref)))
(doom--same-commit-p target-ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo)))
((print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Re-cloning %s...") i total local-repo esc)
(let ((repo (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 'full))
(delete-directory repo 'recursive)
(straight-use-package (intern package) nil 'no-build))
(prog1 (file-directory-p repo)
(or (not (eq type 'git))
(setq output (doom--commit-log-between ref target-ref)))))))
(print! (warn "\033[K(%d/%d) Failed to fetch %s")
i total local-repo)
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! (info "%s" output))))
(puthash local-repo t repos-to-rebuild)
(puthash package t packages-to-rebuild)
(print! (success "\033[K(%d/%d) %s updated (%s -> %s)")
i total local-repo
(doom--abbrev-commit ref)
(doom--abbrev-commit target-ref))
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! "%s" (indent 2 output)))))
(signal 'user-error (error-message-string e)))
(signal 'doom-package-error (list package e)))))))
(princ "\033[K")
(if (hash-table-empty-p packages-to-rebuild)
(ignore (print! (success "All %d packages are up-to-date") total))
(let ((default-directory (straight--build-dir)))
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'delete-directory 'recursive)
(hash-table-keys packages-to-rebuild)))
(print! (success "Updated %d package(s)")
(hash-table-count packages-to-rebuild))
;;; PURGE (for the emperor)
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-build (build)
(let ((build-dir (straight--build-dir build)))
(delete-directory build-dir 'recursive)
(if (file-directory-p build-dir)
(ignore (print! (error "Failed to purg build/%s" build)))
(print! (success "Purged build/%s" build))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-builds (builds)
(if (not builds)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No builds to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging straight builds..." (length builds)))
(delq nil (mapcar #'doom--cli-packages-purge-build builds))))))
(cl-defun doom--cli-packages-regraft-repo (repo)
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir repo)))
(unless (file-directory-p ".git")
(print! (warn "\033[Krepos/%s is not a git repo, skipping" repo))
(unless (file-in-directory-p default-directory straight-base-dir)
(print! (warn "\033[KSkipping repos/%s because it is local" repo))
(let ((before-size (doom-directory-size default-directory)))
(straight--call "git" "reset" "--hard")
(straight--call "git" "clean" "-ffd")
(if (not (car (straight--call "git" "replace" "--graft" "HEAD")))
(print! (info "\033[Krepos/%s is already compact\033[1A" repo))
(straight--call "git" "reflog" "expire" "--expire=all" "--all")
(straight--call "git" "gc" "--prune=now")
(print! (success "\033[KRegrafted repos/%s (from %0.1fKB to %0.1fKB)")
repo before-size (doom-directory-size default-directory))
(print-group! (print! "%s" (straight--process-get-output))))
(defun doom--cli-packages-regraft-repos (repos)
(if (not repos)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No repos to regraft")))
(print! (start "Regrafting %d repos..." (length repos)))
(let ((before-size (doom-directory-size (straight--repos-dir))))
(prog1 (delq nil (mapcar #'doom--cli-packages-regraft-repo repos))
(princ "\033[K")
(let ((after-size (doom-directory-size (straight--repos-dir))))
(print! (success "Finished regrafting. Size before: %0.1fKB and after: %0.1fKB (%0.1fKB)")
before-size after-size
(- after-size before-size))))))))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-repo (repo)
(let ((repo-dir (straight--repos-dir repo)))
(delete-directory repo-dir 'recursive)
(delete-file (straight--modified-file repo))
(if (file-directory-p repo-dir)
(ignore (print! (error "Failed to purge repos/%s" repo)))
(print! (success "Purged repos/%s" repo))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-repos (repos)
(if (not repos)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No repos to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging straight repositories..."))
(delq nil (mapcar #'doom--cli-packages-purge-repo repos))))))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-elpa ()
(require 'core-packages)
(let ((dirs (doom-files-in package-user-dir :type t :depth 0)))
(if (not dirs)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No ELPA packages to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging ELPA packages..."))
(dolist (path dirs (length dirs))
(condition-case e
(if (file-directory-p path)
(delete-directory path 'recursive)
(delete-file path))
(print! (success "Deleted %s") (filename path)))
(print! (error "Failed to delete %s because: %s")
(filename path)
(defun doom-cli-packages-purge (&optional elpa-p builds-p repos-p regraft-repos-p)
"Auto-removes orphaned packages and repos.
An orphaned package is a package that isn't a primary package (i.e. doesn't have
a `package!' declaration) or isn't depended on by another primary package.
If BUILDS-P, include straight package builds.
If REPOS-P, include straight repos.
If ELPA-P, include packages installed with package.el (M-x package-install)."
(print! (start "Purging orphaned packages (for the emperor)..."))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&optional builds-to-purge repos-to-purge repos-to-regraft)
(let ((rdirs
(and (or repos-p regraft-repos-p)
(straight--directory-files (straight--repos-dir) nil nil 'sort))))
(list (when builds-p
(let ((default-directory (straight--build-dir)))
(seq-filter #'file-directory-p
(seq-remove (doom-rpartial #'gethash straight--profile-cache)
(straight--directory-files default-directory nil nil 'sort)))))
(when repos-p
(seq-remove (doom-rpartial #'straight--checkhash straight--repo-cache)
(when regraft-repos-p
(seq-filter (doom-rpartial #'straight--checkhash straight--repo-cache)
nil (list
(if (not builds-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping builds")))
(and (/= 0 (doom--cli-packages-purge-builds builds-to-purge))
(if (not elpa-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping elpa packages")))
(/= 0 (doom--cli-packages-purge-elpa)))
(if (not repos-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping repos")))
(/= 0 (doom--cli-packages-purge-repos repos-to-purge)))
(if (not regraft-repos-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping regrafting")))
(doom--cli-packages-regraft-repos repos-to-regraft)))))))