Henrik Lissner 3a38fc633c
Change doom-{interactive,debug}-mode suffix to -p
Because these are not really modes.

Also makes `doom-debug-mode` an actual (global) minor mode.
2020-05-25 03:43:40 -04:00

198 lines
8.6 KiB

;;; core/cli/byte-compile.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (compile c)
((recompile-p ["-r" "--recompile"])
(core-p ["-c" "--core"])
(private-p ["-p" "--private"])
(verbose-p ["-v" "--verbose"]))
"Byte-compiles your config or selected modules.
compile [TARGETS...]
compile :core :private lang/python
compile feature lang
Accepts :core and :private as special arguments, which target Doom's core files
and your private config files, respectively. To recompile your packages, use
'doom build' instead."
(if (or core-p private-p)
(append (when core-p
(list (doom-glob doom-emacs-dir "init.el")
(when private-p
(list doom-private-dir)))
(append (list (doom-glob doom-emacs-dir "init.el")
;; Only compile Doom's modules
(lambda (path) (file-in-directory-p path doom-emacs-dir))
;; Omit `doom-private-dir', which is always first
(cdr (doom-module-load-path)))))
(defcli! clean ()
"Delete all *.elc files."
:bare t
;; Helpers
(defun doom--byte-compile-ignore-file-p (path)
(let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory path)))
(or (not (equal (file-name-extension path) "el"))
(member filename (list "packages.el" "doctor.el"))
(string-prefix-p "." filename)
(string-prefix-p "test-" filename)
(string-prefix-p "flycheck_" filename)
(string-suffix-p ".example.el" filename))))
(cl-defun doom-cli-byte-compile (&optional targets recompile-p verbose-p)
"Byte compiles your emacs configuration.
init.el is always byte-compiled by this.
If TARGETS is specified, as a list of direcotries
If MODULES is specified (a list of module strings, e.g. \"lang/php\"), those are
byte-compiled. Otherwise, all enabled modules are byte-compiled, including Doom
core. It always ignores unit tests and files with `no-byte-compile' enabled.
WARNING: byte-compilation yields marginal gains and makes debugging new issues
difficult. It is recommended you don't use it unless you understand the
Use `doom-clean-byte-compiled-files' or `make clean' to reverse
If RECOMPILE-P is non-nil, only recompile out-of-date files."
(let* ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(targets (nreverse (delete-dups targets)))
;; In case it is changed during compile-time
(auto-mode-alist auto-mode-alist)
kill-emacs-hook kill-buffer-query-functions)
(let ((after-load-functions
(if (null targets)
;; Assemble el files we want to compile, and preserve in the order
;; they are loaded in, so we don't run into any scary catch-22s
;; while byte-compiling, like missing macros.
(cons (let ((target-dirs (cl-remove-if-not #'file-directory-p targets)))
(lambda (path)
(and (not (doom--byte-compile-ignore-file-p path))
(cl-find-if (doom-partial #'file-in-directory-p path)
(cl-pushnew path targets))))
(doom-log "Reloading Doom in preparation for byte-compilation")
;; But first we must be sure that Doom and your private config have been
;; fully loaded. Which usually aren't so in an noninteractive session.
(let ((load-prefer-newer t)
(noninteractive t)
(doom-initialize 'force)
(quiet! (doom-initialize-packages))))
(if (null targets)
(print! (info "No targets to %scompile" (if recompile-p "re" "")))
(print! (start "%scompiling your config...")
(if recompile-p "Re" "Byte-"))
(dolist (dir
(cl-remove-if-not #'file-directory-p targets)
(setq targets (cl-remove-if #'file-directory-p targets)))
(prependq! targets
dir :match "\\.el" :filter #'doom--byte-compile-ignore-file-p)))
(require 'use-package)
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let* ((total-ok 0)
(total-fail 0)
(total-noop 0)
(byte-compile-verbose nil)
(byte-compile-warnings '(not free-vars unresolved noruntime lexical make-local))
(byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings t)
(use-package-compute-statistics nil)
(use-package-defaults use-package-defaults)
(use-package-expand-minimally t)
(targets (delete-dups targets))
(modules (seq-group-by #'doom-module-from-path targets))
(total-files (length targets))
(total-modules (length modules))
(i 0)
;; Prevent packages from being loaded at compile time if they
;; don't meet their own predicates.
(push (list :no-require t
(lambda (_name args)
(or (when-let (pred (or (plist-get args :if)
(plist-get args :when)))
(not (eval pred t)))
(when-let (pred (plist-get args :unless))
(eval pred t)))))
(dolist (module-files modules)
(cl-incf i)
(dolist (target (cdr module-files))
(let ((elc-file (byte-compile-dest-file target)))
(if (and recompile-p (not (file-newer-than-file-p target elc-file)))
(pcase (if (not (doom-file-cookie-p target "if" t))
(unless (equal last-module (car module-files))
(print! (success "(% 3d/%d) Compiling %s %s module...")
i total-modules (caar module-files) (cdar module-files))
(setq last-module (car module-files)))
(if verbose-p
(byte-compile-file target)
(quiet! (byte-compile-file target))))
(print! (debug "(% 3d/%d) Ignored %s")
i total-modules (relpath target))
(print! (error "(% 3d/%d) Failed to compile %s")
i total-modules (relpath target))
(_ total-ok)))))))
(print! (class (if (= total-fail 0) 'success 'warn)
"%s %d/%d file(s) (%d ignored)")
(if recompile-p "Recompiled" "Byte-compiled")
total-ok total-files
(= total-fail 0))
((debug error)
(print! (error "There were breaking errors.\n\n%s")
"Reverting changes...")
(signal 'doom-error (list 'byte-compile e))))))))
(defun doom-clean-byte-compiled-files ()
"Delete all the compiled elc files in your Emacs configuration and private
module. This does not include your byte-compiled, third party packages.'"
(require 'core-modules)
(print! (start "Cleaning .elc files"))
(cl-loop with default-directory = doom-emacs-dir
with success = 0
with esc = (if doom-debug-p "" "\033[1A")
for path
in (append (doom-glob doom-emacs-dir "*.elc")
(doom-files-in doom-private-dir :match "\\.elc$" :depth 1)
(doom-files-in doom-core-dir :match "\\.elc$")
(doom-files-in doom-modules-dirs :match "\\.elc$" :depth 4))
if (file-exists-p path)
do (delete-file path)
and do (print! (success "\033[KDeleted %s%s") (relpath path) esc)
and do (cl-incf success)
finally do
(print! (if (> success 0)
(success "\033[K%d elc files deleted" success)
(info "\033[KNo elc files to clean"))))