2019-03-08 02:37:33 -05:00

101 lines
3.7 KiB

;;; lang/org/+babel.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +org-babel-mode-alist
'((cpp . C)
(C++ . C)
(D . C)
(sh . shell)
(bash . shell)
(matlab . octave))
"An alist mapping languages to babel libraries. This is necessary for babel
libraries (ob-*.el) that don't match the name of the language.
For example, with (fish . shell) will cause #+BEGIN_SRC fish to load ob-shell.el
when executed.")
(defvar +org-babel-load-functions ()
"A list of functions executed to load the current executing src block. They
take one argument (the language specified in the src block, as a string). Stops
at the first function to return non-nil.")
;;; Bootstrap
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t ; make code pretty
org-src-preserve-indentation t ; use native major-mode indentation
org-src-tab-acts-natively t
org-src-window-setup 'current-window
org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) ; you don't need my permission
(defun +org*babel-lazy-load-library (info)
"Load babel libraries lazily when babel blocks are executed."
(let* ((lang (nth 0 info))
(lang (if (symbolp lang) lang (intern lang)))
(lang (or (cdr (assq lang +org-babel-mode-alist))
(when (and (not (cdr (assq lang org-babel-load-languages)))
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success '+org-babel-load-functions lang)
(require (intern (format "ob-%s" lang)) nil t)))
(when (assq :async (nth 2 info))
;; ob-async has its own agenda for lazy loading packages (in the
;; child process), so we only need to make sure it's loaded.
(require 'ob-async nil t))
(add-to-list 'org-babel-load-languages (cons lang t)))
(advice-add #'org-babel-confirm-evaluate :after-while #'+org*babel-lazy-load-library)
;; I prefer C-c C-c over C-c ' (more consistent)
(define-key org-src-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") #'org-edit-src-exit)
;; `org-babel-get-header' was removed from org in 9.0. Quite a few babel
;; plugins use it, so until those plugins update, this polyfill will do:
(defun org-babel-get-header (params key &optional others)
(cl-loop with fn = (if others #'not #'identity)
for p in params
if (funcall fn (eq (car p) key))
collect p))
;;; Packages
(def-package! ob-ipython
:when (featurep! +ipython)
:defer t
(defvar +ob-ipython-local-runtime-dir nil
(setq ob-ipython-resources-dir ".ob-ipython-resrc")
(defun +org|babel-load-ipython (lang)
(and (string-prefix-p "jupyter-" (symbol-name lang))
(require 'ob-ipython nil t)))
(add-hook '+org-babel-load-functions #'+org|babel-load-ipython)
:slot 2 :side right :size 100 :height 0.2
:select nil :quit nil :transient nil)
:slot 0 :side right :size 100
:select nil :quit nil :ttl nil)
:slot 0 :side right :size 100
:select nil :quit nil :transient nil)))
;; advices for remote kernel and org-src-edit
(advice-add 'org-babel-edit-prep:ipython :override #'+org*org-babel-edit-prep:ipython)
(advice-add 'org-babel-ipython-initiate-session :override #'+org*org-babel-ipython-initiate-session)
(advice-add 'ob-ipython--create-repl :override #'+org*ob-ipython--create-repl)
(advice-add 'org-babel-execute:ipython :override #'+org*org-babel-execute:ipython)
;; retina resolution image hack
(when (eq window-system 'ns)
(advice-add 'ob-ipython--write-base64-string :around #'+org*ob-ipython--write-base64-string))
;; ipython has its own async keyword, disable ipython in ob-async.
(after! ob-async
(add-to-list 'ob-async-no-async-languages-alist "ipython")))