Henrik Lissner b374baa045 Clean up
2016-01-02 15:08:49 -05:00

87 lines
3.2 KiB

;;; my-commands.el
;; Emacs utilities
(exmap "acomp[ile]" 'narf:compile-autoloads)
(exmap "bcomp[ile]" 'narf:compile-el)
(exmap "echo" 'narf:echo)
(exmap "minor" 'what-minor-modes)
;; Editing
(exmap "@" 'narf/evil-macro-on-all-lines)
(exmap "al[ign]" 'narf:align)
(exmap "en[ew]" 'narf:file-create)
(exmap "na[rrow]" 'narf:narrow) ; Narrow buffer to selection
(exmap "ref[actor]" 'emr-show-refactor-menu)
(exmap "retab" 'narf:whitespace-retab)
(exmap "settr[im]" 'narf:toggle-delete-trailing-whitespace)
(exmap "snip[pets]" 'narf:yas-snippets) ; snip[!]
(exmap "tsnip[pets]" 'narf:yas-file-templates) ; tsnip[!]
(exmap "wal[ign]" 'narf:whitespace-align)
(exmap "rec[ent]" 'narf:helm-recentf)
;; External resources
(exmap "dash" 'dash-at-point)
(exmap "http" 'httpd-start)
(exmap "re[gex]" 'narf:regex)
(exmap "repl" 'narf:repl)
(exmap "t[mux]" 'narf:tmux)
(exmap "t[mux]w" 'narf/tmux-new-window)
(exmap "tcd" 'narf:tmux-cd)
(exmap "x" 'narf:send-to-scratch-or-org)
;; GIT
(exmap "br[owse]" 'narf:git-remote-browse)
;; Dealing with buffers
(exmap "k[ill]" 'narf/kill-real-buffer) ; Kill current buffer
(exmap "k[ill]all" 'narf:kill-all-buffers) ; Kill all buffers (bang = in project)
(exmap "k[ill]buried" 'narf:kill-buried-buffers) ; Kill all buried buffers (bang = in project)
(exmap "k[ill]o" 'narf:kill-unreal-buffers)
(exmap "k[ill]match" 'narf:kill-matching-buffers)
(exmap "l[ast]" 'narf/popup-last-buffer)
(exmap "m[sg]" 'narf/popup-messages)
;; Project navigation
(exmap "a" 'helm-projectile-find-other-file)
(exmap "ag" 'narf:helm-ag-search)
(exmap "ag[cw]d" 'narf:helm-ag-search-cwd)
(exmap "agr" 'narf:helm-ag-regex-search)
(exmap "agr[cw]d" 'narf:helm-ag-regex-search-cwd)
(exmap "cd" 'narf:cd)
(exmap "fi[nd]" 'narf:helm-swoop)
;; Project tools
(exmap "ma[ke]" 'narf:build)
;; File operations
(exmap "mv" 'narf:file-move)
(exmap "rm" 'narf:file-delete) ; rm[!]
;; Presentation/demo
(exmap "big" 'narf:toggle-big-mode)
(exmap "full[scr]" 'narf:toggle-fullscreen)
(exmap "fullw[rite]" 'narf:toggle-write-mode)
;; Org-mode
(exmap "cap[ture]" 'helm-org-capture-templates)
(exmap "org" 'narf/helm-org)
(exmap "cont[act]" 'narf:org-crm-contact)
(exmap "proj[ect]" 'narf:org-crm-project)
(exmap "invo[ice]" 'narf:org-crm-invoice)
;; Sessions/tabs
(exmap "sl[oad]" 'narf:load-session)
(exmap "ss[ave]" 'narf:save-session)
(exmap "tabs" 'narf/tab-display)
(exmap "tabn[ew]" 'narf:tab-create)
(exmap "tabr[ename]" 'narf:tab-rename)
(exmap "tabc[lose]" 'narf:kill-tab)
(exmap "tabc[lose]o" 'narf:kill-other-tabs)
(exmap "tabn[ext]" 'narf:switch-to-tab-right)
(exmap "tabp[rev]" 'narf:switch-to-tab-left)
(exmap "tabl[ast]" 'narf:switch-to-tab-last)
;; Plugins
(after! flycheck
(exmap "er[rors]" (λ! (flycheck-buffer) (flycheck-list-errors))))
(provide 'my-commands)
;;; my-commands.el ends here