2020-08-20 03:31:40 -04:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

;;; ui/ligatures/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +ligatures-extra-symbols
'(;; org
:name "»"
:src_block "»"
:src_block_end "«"
:quote ""
:quote_end ""
;; Functional
:lambda "λ"
:def "ƒ"
:composition ""
:map ""
;; Types
:null ""
:true "𝕋"
:false "𝔽"
:int ""
:float ""
:str "𝕊"
:bool "𝔹"
:list "𝕃"
;; Flow
:not ""
:in ""
:not-in ""
:and ""
:or ""
:for ""
:some ""
:return ""
:yield ""
;; Other
:union ""
:intersect ""
:diff ""
:tuple ""
:pipe "" ;; FIXME: find a non-private char
:dot "")
"Maps identifiers to symbols, recognized by `set-ligatures'.
This should not contain any symbols from the Unicode Private Area! There is no
universal way of getting the correct symbol as that area varies from font to
(defvar +ligatures-extra-alist '((t))
"A map of major modes to symbol lists (for `prettify-symbols-alist').")
(defvar +ligatures-composition-alist
'((?! . "\\(?:!\\(?:==\\|[!=]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("!!" "!=" "!=="))
(?# . "\\(?:#\\(?:###?\\|_(\\|[#(:=?[_{]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("##" "###" "####" "#(" "#:" "#=" "#?" "#[" "#_" "#_(" "#{"))
(?$ . "\\(?:\\$>>?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("$>" "$>>"))
(?% . "\\(?:%%%?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("%%" "%%%"))
(?& . "\\(?:&&&?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("&&" "&&&"))
(?* . "\\(?:\\*\\(?:\\*[*/]\\|[)*/>]\\)?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("*" "**" "***" "**/" "*/" "*>" "*)"))
(?+ . "\\(?:\\+\\(?:\\+\\+\\|[+:>]\\)?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("+" "++" "+++" "+>" "+:"))
(?- . "\\(?:-\\(?:-\\(?:->\\|[>-]\\)\\|<[<-]\\|>[>-]\\|[:<>|}~-]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("--" "---" "-->" "--->" "->-" "-<" "-<-" "-<<" "->" "->>" "-}" "-~" "-:" "-|"))
(?. . "\\(?:\\.\\(?:\\.[.<]\\|[.=>-]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '(".-" ".." "..." "..<" ".=" ".>"))
(?/ . "\\(?:/\\(?:\\*\\*\\|//\\|==\\|[*/=>]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("/*" "/**" "//" "///" "/=" "/==" "/>"))
(?: . "\\(?::\\(?:::\\|[+:<=>]\\)?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '(":" "::" ":::" ":=" ":<" ":=" ":>" ":+"))
(?\; . ";;") ; (regexp-opt '(";;"))
(?0 . "0\\(?:\\(x[a-fA-F0-9]\\).?\\)") ; Tries to match the x in 0xDEADBEEF
;; (?x . "x") ; Also tries to match the x in 0xDEADBEEF
;; (regexp-opt '("<!--" "<$" "<$>" "<*" "<*>" "<**>" "<+" "<+>" "<-" "<--" "<---" "<->" "<-->" "<--->" "</" "</>" "<<" "<<-" "<<<" "<<=" "<=" "<=<" "<==" "<=>" "<===>" "<>" "<|" "<|>" "<~" "<~~" "<." "<.>" "<..>"))
(?< . "\\(?:<\\(?:!--\\|\\$>\\|\\*\\(?:\\*?>\\)\\|\\+>\\|-\\(?:-\\(?:->\\|[>-]\\)\\|[>-]\\)\\|\\.\\(?:\\.?>\\)\\|/>\\|<[<=-]\\|=\\(?:==>\\|[<=>]\\)\\||>\\|~~\\|[$*+./<=>|~-]\\)\\)")
(?= . "\\(?:=\\(?:/=\\|:=\\|<<\\|=[=>]\\|>>\\|[=>]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("=/=" "=:=" "=<<" "==" "===" "==>" "=>" "=>>"))
(?> . "\\(?:>\\(?:->\\|=>\\|>[=>-]\\|[:=>-]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '(">-" ">->" ">:" ">=" ">=>" ">>" ">>-" ">>=" ">>>"))
(?? . "\\(?:\\?[.:=?]\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("??" "?." "?:" "?="))
(?\[ . "\\(?:\\[\\(?:|]\\|[]|]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("[]" "[|]" "[|"))
(?\\ . "\\(?:\\\\\\\\[\\n]?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("\\\\" "\\\\\\" "\\\\n"))
(?^ . "\\(?:\\^==?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("^=" "^=="))
(?w . "\\(?:wwww?\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("www" "wwww"))
(?{ . "\\(?:{\\(?:|\\(?:|}\\|[|}]\\)\\|[|-]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("{-" "{|" "{||" "{|}" "{||}"))
(?| . "\\(?:|\\(?:->\\|=>\\||=\\|[]=>|}-]\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("|=" "|>" "||" "||=" "|->" "|=>" "|]" "|}" "|-"))
(?_ . "\\(?:_\\(?:|?_\\)\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("_|_" "__"))
(?\( . "\\(?:(\\*\\)") ; (regexp-opt '("(*"))
(?~ . "\\(?:~\\(?:~>\\|[=>@~-]\\)\\)")) ; (regexp-opt '("~-" "~=" "~>" "~@" "~~" "~~>"))
"An alist of all ligatures used by `+ligatures-extras-in-modes'.
The car is the character ASCII number, cdr is a regex which will call
`font-shape-gstring' when matched.
Because of the underlying code in :ui ligatures module, the regex should match a
string starting with the character contained in car.
This variable is used only if you built Emacs with Harfbuzz on a version >= 28")
(defvar +ligatures-in-modes
'(not special-mode comint-mode eshell-mode term-mode vterm-mode)
"List of major modes where ligatures should be enabled.
If t, enable it everywhere (except `fundamental-mode').
If the first element is 'not, enable it in any mode besides what is listed.
If nil, don't enable ligatures anywhere.")
(defvar +ligatures-extras-in-modes t
"List of major modes where extra ligatures should be enabled.
Extra ligatures are mode-specific substituions, defined in
`+ligatures-extra-symbols' and assigned with `set-ligatures!'. This variable
controls where these are enabled.
If t, enable it everywhere (except `fundamental-mode').
If the first element is 'not, enable it in any mode besides what is listed.
If nil, don't enable these extra ligatures anywhere (though it's more
efficient to remove the `+extra' flag from the :ui ligatures module instead).")
(defvar +ligatures--init-font-hook nil)
(defun +ligatures--correct-symbol-bounds (ligature-alist)
"Prepend non-breaking spaces to a ligature.
This way `compose-region' (called by `prettify-symbols-mode') will use the
correct width of the symbols instead of the width measured by `char-width'."
(let ((len (length (car ligature-alist)))
(acc (list (cdr ligature-alist))))
(while (> len 1)
(setq acc (cons #X00a0 (cons '(Br . Bl) acc))
len (1- len)))
(cons (car ligature-alist) acc)))
(defun +ligatures--enable-p (modes)
"Return t if ligatures should be enabled in this buffer depending on MODES."
(unless (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
(or (eq modes t)
(if (eq (car modes) 'not)
(not (apply #'derived-mode-p (cdr modes)))
(apply #'derived-mode-p modes)))))
(defun +ligatures-init-buffer-h ()
"Set up ligatures for the current buffer.
Extra ligatures are mode-specific substituions, defined in
`+ligatures-extra-symbols', assigned with `set-ligatures!', and made possible
with `prettify-symbols-mode'. This variable controls where these are enabled.
See `+ligatures-extras-in-modes' to control what major modes this function can
and cannot run in."
(when after-init-time
(when (+ligatures--enable-p +ligatures-in-modes)
(if (boundp '+ligature--composition-table)
(setq-local composition-function-table +ligature--composition-table)
(run-hooks '+ligatures--init-font-hook)
(setq +ligatures--init-font-hook nil)))
(when (and (featurep! +extra)
(+ligatures--enable-p +ligatures-extras-in-modes))
(prependq! prettify-symbols-alist (alist-get major-mode +ligatures-extra-alist)))
(when prettify-symbols-alist
(if prettify-symbols-mode (prettify-symbols-mode -1))
(prettify-symbols-mode +1))))
;;; Bootstrap
;;;###package prettify-symbols
;; When you get to the right edge, it goes back to how it normally prints
(setq prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point 'right-edge)
(add-hook! 'doom-init-ui-hook :append
(defun +ligatures-init-h ()
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'+ligatures-init-buffer-h)))
;; The emacs-mac build of Emacs appears to have built-in support for ligatures,
;; using the same composition-function-table method
;; so use that instead if this module is enabled.
((and IS-MAC (fboundp 'mac-auto-operator-composition-mode))
(add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'mac-auto-operator-composition-mode 'append))
;; Harfbuzz and Mac builds do not need font-specific ligature support
;; if they are above emacs-27.
((and EMACS28+
(or (featurep 'ns)
(string-match-p "HARFBUZZ" system-configuration-features))
(featurep 'composite)) ; Emacs loads `composite' at startup
(defvar +ligature--composition-table (make-char-table nil))
(add-hook! 'doom-init-ui-hook :append
(defun +ligature-init-composition-table-h ()
(dolist (char-regexp +ligatures-composition-alist)
(car char-regexp) `([,(cdr char-regexp) 0 font-shape-gstring])))
(set-char-table-parent +ligature--composition-table composition-function-table))))
;; Fallback ligature support for certain, patched fonts. Install them with
;; `+ligatures/install-patched-font'
((defmacro +ligatures--def-font (id font-plist &rest alist)
(declare (indent 2))
(let ((alist-var (intern (format "+ligatures-%s-font-alist" id)))
(setup-fn (intern (format "+ligatures-init-%s-font-h" id))))
(setf (alist-get ',id +ligatures--font-alist) (list ,@font-plist))
(defvar ,alist-var ',alist ,(format "Name of the %s ligature font." id))
(defun ,setup-fn (&rest _)
(cl-destructuring-bind (name &key _url files range)
(or (alist-get ',id +ligatures--font-alist)
(error "No ligature font called %s" ',id))
(when range
(set-fontset-font t range name nil 'prepend))
(setq-default prettify-symbols-alist
(append (default-value 'prettify-symbols-alist)
(mapcar #'+ligatures--correct-symbol-bounds ,alist-var)))))
(add-hook '+ligatures--init-font-hook #',setup-fn))))
(defvar +ligatures--font-alist ())
(cond ((featurep! +fira) (load! "+fira"))
((featurep! +iosevka) (load! "+iosevka"))
((featurep! +hasklig) (load! "+hasklig"))
((featurep! +pragmata-pro) (load! "+pragmata-pro")))))