2017-06-04 18:28:17 +02:00

33 lines
1.3 KiB
Org Mode

* :ui doom
This module modifies Emacs' user interface.
DOOM's look is loosely inspired by Atom's One Dark theme, and is largely contained in the [[][doom-themes]] plugin.
By default, this module uses:
+ [[][Fira Mono and Fira Sans]] (fonts)
+ [[][DejaVu Sans Mono]] (font, for displaying unicode characters)
+ ~hideshow~, modified to use a nicer folded-region indicator.
+ Custom fringe bitmaps for ~git-gutter-fringe~ (thin bars)
** Install
[[][Fira Mono]] is this module's only dependency (if you want to use it).
*** MacOS
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'macos) "yes")
brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install font-fira-{sans,mono} font-dejavu-sans
*** Arch Linux
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :dir /sudo:: :tangle (if (doom-system-os 'arch) "yes")
sudo pacman --noconfirm --needed -S ttf-fira-{sans,mono} ttf-dejavu
** Troubleshooting
*** Strange font symbols
If you're getting strange unicode symbols, that is likely ~all-the-icons~ doing (caused by other UI modules, specifically [[../doom-modeline][doom-modeline]] and [[../doom-dashboard][doom-dashboard]]).
You must install the fonts included with ~all-the-icons~ with: ~M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts~.