2019-07-10 16:05:40 +02:00

385 lines
18 KiB

;;; core/cli/autoloads.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(dispatcher! (autoloads a)
(doom-reload-autoloads nil 'force)
"Regenerates Doom's autoloads files.
It scans and reads autoload cookies (;;;###autoload) in core/autoload/*.el,
modules/*/*/autoload.el and modules/*/*/autoload/*.el, and generates and
byte-compiles `doom-autoload-file', as well as `doom-package-autoload-file'
(created from the concatenated autoloads files of all installed packages).
It also caches `load-path', `Info-directory-list', `doom-disabled-packages',
`package-activated-list' and `auto-mode-alist'.")
;; external variables
(defvar autoload-timestamps)
(defvar generated-autoload-load-name)
(defvar generated-autoload-file)
;;; Helpers
(defvar doom-autoload-excluded-packages '(marshal gh)
"Packages that have silly or destructive autoload files that try to load
everyone in the universe and their dog, causing errors that make babies cry. No
one wants that.")
(defun doom-delete-autoloads-file (file)
"Delete FILE (an autoloads file) and accompanying *.elc file, if any."
(cl-check-type file string)
(when (file-exists-p file)
(when-let (buf (find-buffer-visiting doom-autoload-file))
(with-current-buffer buf
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(kill-buffer buf))
(delete-file file)
(ignore-errors (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)))
(message "Deleted old %s" (file-name-nondirectory file))))
(defun doom--warn-refresh-session ()
(print! (bold (green "\nFinished!")))
(message "If you have a running Emacs Session, you will need to restart it or")
(message "reload Doom for changes to take effect:\n")
(message " M-x doom/restart-and-restore")
(message " M-x doom/restart")
(message " M-x doom/reload"))
(defun doom--reload-files (&rest files)
(if (not noninteractive)
(dolist (file files)
(load-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom--warn-refresh-session)))
(defun doom--byte-compile-file (file)
(let ((short-name (file-name-nondirectory file))
(byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings t))
(condition-case e
(when (byte-compile-file file)
;; Give autoloads file a chance to report error
(load (if doom-debug-mode
(byte-compile-dest-file file))
nil t)
(unless noninteractive
(message "Finished compiling %s" short-name)))
((debug error)
(let ((backup-file (concat file ".bk")))
(message "Copied backup to %s" backup-file)
(copy-file file backup-file 'overwrite))
(doom-delete-autoloads-file file)
(signal 'doom-autoload-error (list short-name e))))))
(defun doom-reload-autoloads (&optional file force-p)
"Reloads FILE (an autoload file), if it needs reloading.
FILE should be one of `doom-autoload-file' or `doom-package-autoload-file'. If
it is nil, it will try to reload both. If FORCE-P (universal argument) do it
even if it doesn't need reloading!"
(or (null file)
(stringp file)
(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'stringp file)))
(if (stringp file)
(cond ((file-equal-p file doom-autoload-file)
(doom-reload-doom-autoloads force-p))
((file-equal-p file doom-package-autoload-file)
(doom-reload-package-autoloads force-p))
((error "Invalid autoloads file: %s" file)))
(doom-reload-doom-autoloads force-p)
(doom-reload-package-autoloads force-p)))
;;; Doom autoloads
(defun doom--file-cookie-p (file)
"Returns the return value of the ;;;###if predicate form in FILE."
(insert-file-contents-literally file nil 0 256)
(if (and (re-search-forward "^;;;###if " nil t)
(<= (line-number-at-pos) 3))
(let ((load-file-name file))
(eval (sexp-at-point)))
(defun doom--generate-header (func)
(goto-char (point-min))
(insert ";; -*- lexical-binding:t -*-\n"
";; This file is autogenerated by `" (symbol-name func) "', DO NOT EDIT !!\n\n"))
(defun doom--generate-autoloads (targets)
(require 'autoload)
(dolist (file targets)
(let* ((file (file-truename file))
(generated-autoload-file doom-autoload-file)
(generated-autoload-load-name (file-name-sans-extension file))
(noninteractive (not doom-debug-mode))
(cond ((not (doom--file-cookie-p file))
"⚠ Ignoring %s")
((autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer))
(yellow "✕ Nothing in %s"))
((green "✓ Scanned %s")))
(if (file-in-directory-p file default-directory)
(file-relative-name file)
(abbreviate-file-name file))))))
(defun doom--expand-autoloads ()
(let ((load-path
;; NOTE With `doom-private-dir' in `load-path', Doom autoloads files
;; will be unable to declare autoloads for the built-in autoload.el
;; Emacs package, should $DOOMDIR/autoload.el exist. Not sure why
;; they'd want to though, so it's an acceptable compromise.
(append (list doom-private-dir doom-emacs-dir)
(while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*(autoload\\s-+'[^ ]+\\s-+\"\\([^\"]*\\)\"" nil t)
(let ((path (match-string 1)))
(or (cdr (assoc path cache))
(when-let* ((libpath (locate-library path))
(libpath (file-name-sans-extension libpath)))
(push (cons path (abbreviate-file-name libpath)) cache)
t t nil 1)))))
(defun doom--generate-autodefs (targets enabled-targets)
(goto-char (point-max))
(search-backward ";;;***" nil t)
(save-excursion (insert "\n"))
(dolist (path targets)
(insert-file-contents path)
(let ((member-p (or (member path enabled-targets)
(file-in-directory-p path doom-core-dir)))
(while (re-search-forward "^;;;###autodef *\\([^\n]+\\)?\n" nil t)
(let* ((sexp (sexp-at-point))
(alt-sexp (match-string 1))
(type (car sexp))
(name (doom-unquote (cadr sexp)))
(origin (cond ((doom-module-from-path path))
((file-in-directory-p path doom-private-dir)
`(:private . ,(intern (file-name-base path))))
((file-in-directory-p path doom-emacs-dir)
`(:core . ,(intern (file-name-base path))))))
`(put ',name 'doom-file ,(abbreviate-file-name path))))
(cond ((and (not member-p) alt-sexp)
(push (read alt-sexp) forms))
((memq type '(defun defmacro cl-defun cl-defmacro))
(cl-destructuring-bind (_ name arglist &rest body) sexp
(let ((docstring (if (stringp (car body))
(pop body)
"No documentation.")))
(push (if member-p
(make-autoload sexp (abbreviate-file-name (file-name-sans-extension path)))
(push doom-file-form forms)
(setq docstring (format "THIS FUNCTION DOES NOTHING BECAUSE %s IS DISABLED\n\n%s"
origin docstring))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(if alt-sexp
(read alt-sexp)
(append (list (pcase type
(`defun 'defmacro)
(`cl-defun `cl-defmacro)
(_ type))
name arglist docstring)
(cl-loop for arg in arglist
if (and (symbolp arg)
(not (keywordp arg))
(not (memq arg cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
collect arg into syms
else if (listp arg)
collect (car arg) into syms
finally return (if syms `((ignore ,@syms))))))
(message "Ignoring autodef %s (%s)"
name e)
(push `(put ',name 'doom-module ',origin) forms))))
((eq type 'defalias)
(cl-destructuring-bind (_type name target &optional docstring) sexp
(let ((name (doom-unquote name))
(target (doom-unquote target)))
(unless member-p
(setq docstring (format "THIS FUNCTION DOES NOTHING BECAUSE %s IS DISABLED\n\n%s"
origin docstring))
(setq target #'ignore))
(push doom-file-form forms)
(push `(put ',name 'doom-module ',origin) forms)
(push `(defalias ',name #',target ,docstring)
(push sexp forms)))))
(if forms
(concat (mapconcat #'prin1-to-string (nreverse forms) "\n")
(defun doom--cleanup-autoloads ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward "^;;\\(;[^\n]*\\| no-byte-compile: t\\)\n" nil t)
(replace-match "" t t)))
(defun doom-reload-doom-autoloads (&optional force-p)
"Refreshes `doom-autoload-file', if necessary (or if FORCE-P is non-nil).
It scans and reads autoload cookies (;;;###autoload) in core/autoload/*.el,
modules/*/*/autoload.el and modules/*/*/autoload/*.el, and generates
Run this whenever your `doom!' block, or a module autoload file, is modified."
(let* ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(doom-modules (doom-modules))
(abbreviated-home-dir (if IS-WINDOWS "\\`'" abbreviated-home-dir))
(expand-file-name "autoload/*.el" doom-core-dir)))
(enabled-targets (copy-sequence targets))
(dolist (path (doom-module-load-path t))
(let* ((auto-dir (expand-file-name "autoload" path))
(auto-file (expand-file-name "autoload.el" path))
(module (doom-module-from-path auto-file))
(module-p (or (doom-module-p (car module) (cdr module))
(file-equal-p path doom-private-dir))))
(when (file-exists-p auto-file)
(push auto-file targets)
(if module-p (push auto-file enabled-targets)))
(dolist (file (doom-files-in auto-dir :match "\\.el$" :full t :sort nil))
(push file targets)
(if module-p (push file enabled-targets)))))
(if (and (not force-p)
(not doom-emacs-changed-p)
(file-exists-p doom-autoload-file)
(not (file-newer-than-file-p (expand-file-name "init.el" doom-private-dir)
(not (cl-loop for file in targets
if (file-newer-than-file-p file doom-autoload-file)
return t)))
(progn (print! (green "Doom core autoloads is up-to-date"))
(doom-initialize-autoloads doom-autoload-file)
(doom-delete-autoloads-file doom-autoload-file)
(message "Generating new autoloads.el")
(make-directory (file-name-directory doom-autoload-file) t)
(with-temp-file doom-autoload-file
(doom--generate-header 'doom-reload-doom-autoloads)
(prin1 `(setq doom--modules-cache ',doom-modules) (current-buffer))
(doom--generate-autoloads (reverse enabled-targets)))
;; Replace autoload paths (only for module autoloads) with absolute
;; paths for faster resolution during load and simpler `load-path'
(print! (green "✓ Expanded module autoload paths")))
;; Generates stub definitions for functions/macros defined in disabled
;; modules, so that you will never get a void-function when you use
;; them.
(doom--generate-autodefs (reverse targets) enabled-targets)
(print! (green "✓ Generated autodefs")))
;; Remove byte-compile-inhibiting file variables so we can byte-compile
;; the file, and autoload comments.
(print! (green "✓ Clean up autoloads")))
;; Byte compile it to give the file a chance to reveal errors.
(doom--byte-compile-file doom-autoload-file)
(doom--reload-files doom-autoload-file)
;;; Package autoloads
(defun doom--generate-package-autoloads ()
"Concatenates package autoload files, let-binds `load-file-name' around
them,and remove unnecessary `provide' statements or blank links.
Skips over packages in `doom-autoload-excluded-packages'."
(dolist (spec (doom-get-package-alist))
(if-let* ((pkg (car spec))
(desc (cdr spec)))
(unless (memq pkg doom-autoload-excluded-packages)
(let ((file (concat (package--autoloads-file-name desc) ".el")))
(when (file-exists-p file)
(insert "(let ((load-file-name " (prin1-to-string (abbreviate-file-name file)) "))\n")
(insert-file-contents file)
(while (re-search-forward "^\\(?:;;\\(.*\n\\)\\|\n\\|(provide '[^\n]+\\)" nil t)
(unless (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))
(replace-match "" t t)))
(unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
(insert ")\n"))))
(message "Couldn't find package desc for %s" (car spec)))))
(defun doom--generate-var-cache ()
"Print a `setq' form for expensive-to-initialize variables, so we can cache
them in Doom's autoloads file."
(prin1 `(setq load-path ',load-path
auto-mode-alist ',auto-mode-alist
Info-directory-list ',Info-directory-list
doom-disabled-packages ',(mapcar #'car (doom-find-packages :disabled t))
package-activated-list ',package-activated-list)
(defun doom--cleanup-package-autoloads ()
"Remove (some) forms that modify `load-path' or `auto-mode-alist'.
These variables are cached all at once and at later, so these removed statements
served no purpose but to waste cycles."
(while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\((\\(?:add-to-list\\|\\(?:when\\|if\\) (boundp\\)\\s-+'\\(?:load-path\\|auto-mode-alist\\)\\)" nil t)
(goto-char (match-beginning 1))
(defun doom-reload-package-autoloads (&optional force-p)
"Compiles `doom-package-autoload-file' from the autoloads files of all
installed packages. It also caches `load-path', `Info-directory-list',
`doom-disabled-packages', `package-activated-list' and `auto-mode-alist'.
Will do nothing if none of your installed packages have been modified. If
FORCE-P (universal argument) is non-nil, regenerate it anyway.
This should be run whenever your `doom!' block or update your packages."
(let ((abbreviated-home-dir (if IS-WINDOWS "\\`'" abbreviated-home-dir)))
(if (and (not force-p)
(not doom-emacs-changed-p)
(file-exists-p doom-package-autoload-file)
(not (file-newer-than-file-p doom-packages-dir doom-package-autoload-file))
(not (ignore-errors
(cl-loop for key being the hash-keys of (doom-modules)
for path = (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")
if (file-newer-than-file-p path doom-package-autoload-file)
return t))))
(ignore (print! (green "Doom package autoloads is up-to-date"))
(doom-initialize-autoloads doom-package-autoload-file))
(let (case-fold-search)
(doom-delete-autoloads-file doom-package-autoload-file)
(with-temp-file doom-package-autoload-file
(doom--generate-header 'doom-reload-package-autoloads)
;; Cache important and expensive-to-initialize state here.
(print! (green "✓ Cached package state"))
;; Concatenate the autoloads of all installed packages.
(print! (green "✓ Package autoloads included")))
;; Remove `load-path' and `auto-mode-alist' modifications (most of them,
;; at least); they are cached later, so all those membership checks are
;; unnecessary overhead.
(print! (green "✓ Removed load-path/auto-mode-alist entries"))))
(doom--byte-compile-file doom-package-autoload-file)
(doom--reload-files doom-package-autoload-file)