Henrik Lissner ab07e07352
Improve general error handling at startup
This will hopefully reveal more information as to the cause and origin
of errors at startup. It should also make doom-debug-mode more likely to
produce a backtrace in non-interactive sessions.
2018-06-18 14:47:36 +02:00

256 lines
10 KiB

;;; core/core-packages.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Emacs package management is opinionated, and so am I. I've bound together
;; `use-package', `quelpa' and package.el to create my own, rolling-release,
;; lazily-loaded package management system for Emacs.
;; The three key commands are:
;; + `bin/doom install`: Installs packages that are wanted, but not installed.
;; + `bin/doom update`: Updates packages that are out-of-date.
;; + `bin/doom autoremove`: Uninstalls packages that are no longer needed.
;; This system reads packages.el files located in each activated module (and one
;; in `doom-core-dir'). These contain `package!' blocks that tell DOOM what
;; plugins to install and where from.
;; Why all the trouble? Because:
;; 1. Scriptability: I live in the command line. I want a programmable
;; alternative to `list-packages' for updating and installing packages.
;; 2. Flexibility: I want packages from sources other than ELPA. Primarily
;; github, because certain plugins are out-of-date through official channels,
;; have changed hands, have a superior fork, or simply aren't in any ELPA
;; repo.
;; 3. Stability: I used Cask before this. It would error out with cyrptic errors
;; depending on the version of Emacs I used and the alignment of the planets.
;; No more.
;; 4. Performance: A minor point, but this system is lazy-loaded (more so if you
;; byte-compile). Not having to initialize package.el (or check that your
;; packages are installed) every time you start up Emacs affords us precious
;; seconds.
;; 5. Simplicity: No Cask, no external dependencies (unless you count make),
;; just Emacs. Arguably, my config is still over-complicated, but shhh, it's
;; fine. Everything is fine.
;; You should be able to use package.el commands without any conflicts.
;; See core/autoload/packages.el for more functions.
(defvar doom-packages ()
"A list of enabled packages. Each element is a sublist, whose CAR is the
package's name as a symbol, and whose CDR is the plist supplied to its
`package!' declaration. Set by `doom-initialize-packages'.")
(defvar doom-core-packages '(persistent-soft use-package quelpa async)
"A list of packages that must be installed (and will be auto-installed if
missing) and shouldn't be deleted.")
(defvar doom-disabled-packages ()
"A list of packages that should be ignored by `def-package!'.")
(setq package--init-file-ensured t
package-user-dir (expand-file-name "elpa" doom-packages-dir)
package-enable-at-startup nil
'(("gnu" . "")
("melpa" . "")
("org" . ""))
;; I omit Marmalade because its packages are manually submitted rather
;; than pulled, so packages are often out of date with upstream.
;; Don't track MELPA, we'll use package.el for that
quelpa-checkout-melpa-p nil
quelpa-update-melpa-p nil
quelpa-melpa-recipe-stores nil
quelpa-self-upgrade-p nil
quelpa-verbose doom-debug-mode
quelpa-dir (expand-file-name "quelpa" doom-packages-dir))
;; accommodate INSECURE setting
(unless gnutls-verify-error
(dolist (archive package-archives)
(setcdr archive (replace-regexp-in-string "^https://" "http://" (cdr archive) t nil))))
;; Bootstrapper
(defun doom-initialize-packages (&optional force-p)
"Ensures that Doom's package management system, package.el and quelpa are
initialized, and `doom-packages', `packages-alist' and `quelpa-cache' are
populated, if they aren't already.
If FORCE-P is non-nil, do it anyway.
If FORCE-P is 'internal, only (re)populate `doom-packages'.
Use this before any of package.el, quelpa or Doom's package management's API to
ensure all the necessary package metadata is initialized and available for
(with-temp-buffer ; prevent buffer-local settings from propagating
(let ((load-prefer-newer t)) ; reduce stale code issues
;; package.el and quelpa handle themselves if their state changes during
;; the current session, but if you change an packages.el file in a module,
;; there's no non-trivial way to detect that, so we give you a way to
;; reload only doom-packages (by passing 'internal as FORCE-P).
;; `doom-packages'
(unless (eq force-p 'internal)
;; `package-alist'
(when (or force-p (not (bound-and-true-p package-alist)))
(setq load-path (cons doom-core-dir doom-site-load-path))
(doom-ensure-packages-initialized 'force))
;; `quelpa-cache'
(when (or force-p (not (bound-and-true-p quelpa-cache)))
;; ensure un-byte-compiled version of quelpa is loaded
(unless (featurep 'quelpa)
(load (locate-library "quelpa.el") nil t t))
(setq quelpa-initialized-p nil)
(or (quelpa-setup-p)
(error "Could not initialize quelpa"))))
(when (or force-p (not doom-packages))
(let ((doom-modules (doom-modules))
(doom--stage 'packages)
(noninteractive t))
(setq doom-packages nil)
(load (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir) t t)
;; We load the private packages file twice to ensure disabled
;; packages are seen ASAP, and a second time to ensure privately
;; overridden packages are properly overwritten.
(let ((private-packages (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir)))
(load private-packages t t)
(cl-loop for key being the hash-keys of doom-modules
for path = (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")
do (let ((doom--current-module key)) (load path t t)))
(load private-packages t t)))))))
;; Package API
(defun doom-ensure-packages-initialized (&optional force-p)
"Make sure package.el is initialized."
(when (or force-p (not (bound-and-true-p package--initialized)))
(require 'package)
(setq package-activated-list nil
package--initialized nil)
(let (byte-compile-warnings)
(condition-case _
(quiet! (package-initialize))
('error (package-refresh-contents)
(setq doom--refreshed-p t)
(defun doom-ensure-core-packages ()
"Make sure `doom-core-packages' are installed."
(when-let* ((core-packages (cl-remove-if #'package-installed-p doom-core-packages)))
(message "Installing core packages")
(unless doom--refreshed-p
(dolist (package core-packages)
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(package-install package))
(if (package-installed-p package)
(message "✓ Installed %s" package)
(error "✕ Couldn't install %s" package)))
(message "Installing core packages...done")))
;; Module package macros
(defmacro package! (name &rest plist)
"Declares a package and how to install it (if applicable).
This macro is declarative and does not load nor install packages. It is used to
populate `doom-packages' with metadata about the packages Doom needs to keep
track of.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file.
Accepts the following properties:
:recipe RECIPE
Takes a MELPA-style recipe (see `quelpa-recipe' in `quelpa' for an example);
for packages to be installed from external sources.
Instructs ELPA to only look for this package in ARCHIVE-NAME. e.g. \"org\".
Ignored if RECIPE is present.
:disable BOOL
Do not install or update this package AND disable all of its `def-package!'
:ignore FORM
Do not install this package.
:freeze FORM
Do not update this package if FORM is non-nil.
Returns t if package is successfully registered, and nil if it was disabled
(declare (indent defun))
(doom--assert-stage-p 'packages #'package!)
(condition-case e
(let* ((old-plist (cdr (assq name doom-packages)))
(pkg-recipe (or (plist-get plist :recipe)
(and old-plist (plist-get old-plist :recipe))))
(pkg-pin (or (plist-get plist :pin)
(and old-plist (plist-get old-plist :pin))))
(pkg-disable (or (plist-get plist :disable)
(and old-plist (plist-get old-plist :disable)))))
(when pkg-disable
(add-to-list 'doom-disabled-packages name nil #'eq))
(when pkg-recipe
(when (= 0 (% (length pkg-recipe) 2))
(setq plist (plist-put plist :recipe (cons name pkg-recipe))))
(when pkg-pin
(setq plist (plist-put plist :pin nil))))
(dolist (prop '(:ignore :freeze))
(when-let* ((val (plist-get plist prop)))
(setq plist (plist-put plist prop (eval val)))))
(when (file-in-directory-p (or (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
(setq plist (plist-put plist :private t)))
,(if pkg-pin `(map-put package-pinned-packages ',name ,pkg-pin))
(map-put doom-packages ',name ',plist)
(not (memq ',name doom-disabled-packages))))
(signal 'doom-private-error
(list (list 'packages name) e)))))
(defmacro packages! (&rest packages)
"A convenience macro like `package!', but allows you to declare multiple
packages at once.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file."
(doom--assert-stage-p 'packages #'packages!)
`(progn ,@(cl-loop for desc in packages collect `(package! ,@(doom-enlist desc)))))
(defmacro disable-packages! (&rest packages)
"A convenience macro like `package!', but allows you to disable multiple
packages at once.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file."
(doom--assert-stage-p 'packages #'disable-packages!)
`(setq doom-disabled-packages (append ',packages doom-disabled-packages)))
(defmacro depends-on! (module submodule &optional flags)
"Declares that this module depends on another.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file.
MODULE is a keyword, and SUBMODULE is a symbol. Under the hood, this simply
loads MODULE SUBMODULE's packages.el file."
(doom--assert-stage-p 'packages #'depends-on!)
`(let ((doom-modules ,doom-modules)
(flags ,flags))
(when flags
(doom-module-put ,module ',submodule :flags flags))
(load! "packages" ,(doom-module-locate-path module submodule) t)))
(provide 'core-packages)
;;; core-packages.el ends here