2022-08-14 20:43:35 +02:00

115 lines
4.7 KiB

;;; lisp/lib/system.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom-system-distro ()
"Return a symbol representing the installed distro."
;; REVIEW Use `with-memoization' when 27.x support is dropped
(or (get 'doom-system-distro 'cached-value)
(put 'doom-system-distro 'cached-value
(cond ((featurep :os 'windows) 'windows)
((featurep :os 'macos) 'macos)
((and (file-exists-p "/etc/os-release")
(insert-file-contents "/etc/os-release")
(when (re-search-forward "^ID=\"?\\([^\"\n]+\\)\"?" nil t)
(intern (downcase (match-string 1)))))))
;; A few redundancies in case os-release fails us
((file-exists-p "/etc/debian_version")
((executable-find "nixos-version")
((and (or (file-exists-p "/etc/config.scm")
(file-directory-p "/run/current-system"))
(executable-find "guix"))
(defun doom-system-distro-version ()
"Return a distro name and version string."
(letf! (defun sh (&rest args) (cdr (apply #'doom-call-process args)))
(let ((distro (doom-system-distro)))
((eq distro 'windows)
(format "Windows %s" "Unknown")) ; TODO
((eq distro 'macos)
(format "MacOS %s" (sh "sw_vers" "-productVersion")))
((executable-find "lsb_release")
(sh "lsb_release" "-s" "-d"))
((executable-find "nixos-version")
(format "NixOS %s" (sh "nixos-version")))
((and (file-exists-p "/etc/os-release")
(insert-file-contents "/etc/os-release")
(when (re-search-forward "^PRETTY_NAME=\"?\\([^\"\n]+\\)\"?" nil t)
(match-string 1)))))
((when-let (files (doom-glob "/etc/*-release"))
(replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " (cat (car files) 73) nil t)
64 nil nil "...")))
((concat "Unknown " (sh "uname" "-v")))))))
(defun doom-system-distro-icon ()
"Display icon for the installed distro."
;; REVIEW Use `with-memoization' when 27.x support is dropped
(or (get 'doom-system-distro-icon 'cached-value)
(put 'doom-system-distro-icon 'cached-value
(pcase (doom-system-distro)
(`windows (all-the-icons-faicon "windows"))
(`macos (all-the-icons-faicon "apple"))
(`arch "\uF303")
(`debian "\uF306")
(`raspbian "\uF315")
(`ubuntu "\uF31b")
(`elementary "\uF309")
(`fedora "\uF30a")
(`coreos "\uF305")
(`gentoo "\uF30d")
(`mageia "\uF310")
(`centos "\uF304")
((or `opensuse `tumbleweed) "\uF314")
(`sabayon "\uF317")
(`slackware "\uF319")
(`linuxmint "\uF30e")
(`alpine "\uF300")
(`aosc "\uF301")
(`nixos "\uF313")
(`devuan "\uF307")
(`manjaro "\uF312")
((or `void `artix) "\uF17c")
(_ (all-the-icons-faicon "linux")))
'face '(:height 1)
'display '(raise 0)))))
(defun doom-system-cpus ()
"Return the max number of processing units on this system.
Tries to be portable. Returns 1 if cannot be determined."
(or (get 'doom-system-cpus 'cached-value)
(put 'doom-system-cpus 'cached-value
(let ((cpus
(cond ((fboundp 'w32-get-nproc)
((executable-find "nproc")
(doom-call-process "nproc"))
((executable-find "sysctl")
(doom-call-process "sysctl" "-n" "hw.ncpu")))))
1 (or (cl-typecase cpus
(integer cpus)
(condition-case _
(string-to-number cpus)
(user-error "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS contains an invalid value: %S"
(if (zerop (car cpus))
(string-to-number (cdr cpus))
(user-error "Failed to look up number of processors, because:\n\n%s"
(cdr cpus)))))