Henrik Lissner d8b1e469bc
Introduce autodefs to replace some settings
+ :popup -> set-popup-rule!
+ :popups -> set-popup-rules!
+ :company-backend -> set-company-backend!
+ :evil-state -> set-evil-initial-state!

I am slowly phasing out the setting system (def-setting! and set!),
starting with these.

What are autodefs? These are functions that are always defined, whether
or not their respective modules are enabled. However, when their modules
are disabled, they are replaced with macros that no-op and don't
waste time evaluating their arguments.

The old set! function will still work, for a while.
2018-06-15 03:42:01 +02:00

:completion ivy

This module adds Ivy, a completion backend.

I prefer ivy over ido for its flexibility. I prefer ivy over helm because it's lighter.

  • Project-wide search & replace powered by rg or ag
  • Project jump-to navigation ala Command-T, Sublime Text's Jump-to-anywhere or Vim's CtrlP plugin.
  • Ivy integration for M-x, imenu, recentf and others.
  • A powerful, interactive in-buffer search using swiper.
  • Ivy-powered TODO/FIXME navigation


This module optionally depends on ripgrep and the_silver_searcher.

rg is faster, but its results aren't deterministic, neither does it support multiline search or full PCRE (at the time of writing), that's where ag is useful.


brew install ripgrep the_silver_searcher

Arch Linux

sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S ripgrep the_silver_searcher


Here is some insight into how I use this module.

Project search & replace

There are four Ex interfaces for the silver searcher and ripgrep. They are:

  • :ag[!]
  • :agcwd[!]
  • :rg[!]
  • :rgcwd[!]

The optional BANG tells ag/rg to include ignored files in the search. And the \*cwd variant of each command will only search in the current directory (non-recursively).


Now, how do we do text replacements? With the ivy popup open you can press S+Tab to create an wgrep buffer out of the results.


Make your modifications and press C-c C-c to commit them, or C-c C-k to abort.

Jump-to-file project navigation

Inspired by Sublime Text's jump-to-anywhere, Vim's CtrlP/Unite plugins, and Textmate's Command-T, a marriage of projectile and ivy makes this available in Emacs.

Invoke it with SPC f /, SPC SPC or M-x counsel-projectile-find-file.


In-buffer searching

I use evil-search (invoked by pressing / in normal mode) when jumping small/moderate (or predictable) distances. However, there are occasions where I need more feedback, so I turn to swiper (available directly with M-x swiper RET, or via :sw[iper]).


Task lookup

I sprinkle my projects with TODO's & FIXME's. You can navigate to and peruse them via M-x +ivy/tasks or :todo[!] (ex command).




Here is a list of my commonly used commands, their default keybinds (defined in private/default/+bindings.el), and their corresponding ex command (defined in private/default/+evil-commands.el).

command key / ex command description
counsel-M-x M-x Smarter, smex-powered M-x
counsel-bookmark SPC RET Find bookmark
counsel-find-file SPC f . or SPC . Browse from current directory
counsel-projectile-find-file SPC f / or SPC SPC Find file in project
counsel-projectile-switch-project SPC p p Open another project
counsel-recentf SPC f r Find recently opened file
ivy-switch-buffer SPC b b Jump to buffer in current workspace
+ivy/switch-workspace-buffer SPC b B Jump to buffer across workspaces
+ivy:ag :ag[!] [QUERY] Search project (BANG = ignore gitignore)
+ivy:ag-cwd :agcwd[!] [QUERY] Search this directory (BANG = don't recurse into subdirectories)
+ivy:rg :rg[!] [QUERY] Search project (if BANG, ignore gitignore)
+ivy:rg-cwd :rgcwd[!] [QUERY] Search this directory (BANG = don't recurse into subdirectories)
+ivy:swiper :sw[iper] [QUERY] Search current buffer
+ivy:todo :todo[!] List all TODO/FIXMEs in project (or current file if BANG)

While in a search (e.g. invoked from +ivy:ag or +ivy:rg), these new keybindings are available to you:

key description
<backtab> Perform search/replace on the search results (open occur buffer in wgrep mode)
C-SPC Preview the current candidate
M-RET Open the selected candidate in other-window


  • Functions with ivy/counsel equivalents have been globally remapped (like find-file => counsel-find-file). So a keybinding to find-file will invoke counsel-find-file instead.
  • counsel-[arp]g's 3-character limit was reduced to 1 (mainly for the ex command)