2020-08-18 11:49:45 +02:00

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This module provides barebones support for using Doom with evil-mode with non-qwerty layouts.


  • @gagbo (Author)

Module Flags

  • +bepo Enables modifications for the BÉPO layout (customized with version 1.1 in mind)




This module should only be active if evil is enabled. It uses a general.el utility function, and the hooks provided by evil-collection to make the necessary changes.



Support for the bépo layout includes:

  • Setting Avy keys to the correct home row keys
  • Changing navigation keys to ctsr

    • old t is mapped to j
    • old s is mapped to k (i.e. staging in the magit status buffer is done with k)
    • See Configuration to see where old c and r functions are remapped
  • Bind <> functions to «» keys when possible
  • Bind [] functions to () keys when possible
  • Bind é key to w functions when possible
  • Bind è key to useful functions when possible
  • Bind `~ functions to $# keys when possible

Leaving mnemonics alone when possible

Exchanging hjkl to ctsr has the effect of destroying a few mnemonics: the change operator becomes l for example, or the window split becomes SPC é k.

The module tries to limit those changes to the minimum, especially in special buffers. A concrete example is magit.

In the magit: project buffer (obtained with magit-status) does not need left-right navigation, so c, r, h, and l keep their "expected" bindings, while t, s, j, and k are flipped:

  • checking the log from a magit buffer is still on l
  • staging a file/region has been moved to k

Possible contributions

A nice addition in the future might be to have all the normal mode bindings that start with g start with , instead to avoid the curl on these common bindings. This is not implemented for the time being.



doom-bepo-cr-rotation-style controls whether:

  • qwerty-c functions are mapped on bépo-l key, and qwerty-r functions on bépo-h key ('ergodis), or
  • qwerty-c functions are mapped on bépo-h key, and qwerty-r functions on bépo-l key ('strict)

'strict would be the logical choice but the c functions are used more often than the r ones so Ergodis advises to actually put all the c functions on the key that does not need a curl.


How to deactivate the new bindings and go back to the old ones ?

If you are learning a new layout you might want to go back to tho old one to "get work done". Sadly the only way is to comment out the module, run doom sync and restart emacs.

Restoring the session SPC q l by default helps to lower the impact of the restart.