2015-10-13 00:46:17 -04:00

281 lines
11 KiB

;;; core-ui.el --- interface settings
;; see lib/ui-defuns.el
(when window-system
(fringe-mode '(2 . 3))
(set-frame-font narf-default-font)
(setq frame-title-format '(buffer-file-name "%f" ("%b"))))
;; Highlight matching parens
(setq show-paren-delay 0.075)
(show-paren-mode 1)
(global-hl-line-mode 1) ; do highlight line
(blink-cursor-mode 1) ; do blink cursor
(tooltip-mode -1) ; don't show tooltips
(size-indication-mode -1)
;; Let spaceline handle these
(line-number-mode -1)
(column-number-mode -1)
blink-matching-paren nil
line-spacing 1
;; Multiple cursors across buffers cause a strange redraw delay for
;; some things, like auto-complete or evil-mode's cursor color
;; switching.
cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil
uniquify-buffer-name-style nil
visible-bell nil ; silence of the bells
use-dialog-box nil ; avoid GUI
redisplay-dont-pause t
indicate-buffer-boundaries nil
indicate-empty-lines nil
fringes-outside-margins t) ; fringes on the other side of line numbers
(use-package popwin
(mapc (lambda (rule) (push rule popwin:special-display-config))
'(("*quickrun*" :position bottom :height 15)
("*scratch*" :position bottom :height 20 :stick t :dedicated t)
("*helm-ag-edit*" :position bottom :height 20 :stick t)
("^\\*[Hh]elm.*?\\*\\'" :regexp t :position bottom :height 15)
("*eshell*" :position left :width 80 :stick t :dedicated t)
("*Apropos*" :position bottom :height 40 :stick t :dedicated t)
("*Backtrace*" :position bottom :height 15 :stick t)))
(popwin-mode 1))
(use-package yascroll
(add-hook! evil-insert-state-exit 'yascroll:update-scroll-bar)
(defun yascroll:show-scroll-bar ()
"Show scroll bar in BUFFER."
(let ((window-lines (window-height))
(buffer-lines (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))
(when (< window-lines buffer-lines)
(let* ((scroll-top (count-lines (point-min) (window-start)))
(thumb-window-line (yascroll:compute-thumb-window-line window-lines buffer-lines scroll-top))
(thumb-buffer-line (+ scroll-top thumb-window-line))
(thumb-size (yascroll:compute-thumb-size window-lines buffer-lines))
(make-thumb-overlay 'yascroll:make-thumb-overlay-right-fringe))
(when (<= thumb-buffer-line buffer-lines)
(yascroll:make-thumb-overlays make-thumb-overlay
(defun yascroll:compute-thumb-size (window-lines buffer-lines)
"Return the proper size (height) of scroll bar thumb."
(let ((window-lines (* window-lines 0.93)))
(if (zerop buffer-lines)
(max 1 (floor (* (/ window-lines buffer-lines) window-lines))))))
(setq yascroll:scroll-bar 'right-fringe
yascroll:delay-to-hide nil)
(add-to-list 'yascroll:enabled-window-systems 'mac)
(defun yascroll:before-change (beg end))
(global-yascroll-bar-mode 1))
(use-package fill-column-indicator
:commands fci-mode
(setq-default fill-column 80)
(add-hook! (markdown-mode org-mode) 'fci-mode)
(setq fci-rule-color "#2b303f"))
(use-package nlinum ; line numbers
(defvar narf--hl-nlinum-overlay nil)
(defvar narf--hl-nlinum-line nil)
(defvar nlinum-format " %3d ")
(defface linum-highlight-face '((t (:inherit linum))) "Face for line highlights")
(defun narf|nlinum-enable ()
(nlinum-mode +1)
(add-hook! post-command 'narf|nlinum-hl-line))
(defun narf|nlinum-disable ()
(nlinum-mode -1)
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'narf|nlinum-hl-line)
;; Preset width nlinum
(add-hook! (text-mode prog-mode scss-mode web-mode) 'narf|nlinum-enable)
(add-hook! org-mode 'narf|nlinum-disable)
(defun narf|nlinum-unhl-line ()
"Highlight line number"
(when narf--hl-nlinum-overlay
(let* ((ov narf--hl-nlinum-overlay)
(disp (get-text-property 0 'display (overlay-get ov 'before-string)))
(str (nth 1 disp)))
(put-text-property 0 (length str) 'face 'linum str)
(setq narf--hl-nlinum-overlay nil
narf--hl-nlinum-line nil))))
(defun narf|nlinum-hl-line (&optional line)
"Unhighlight line number"
(let ((line-no (or line (line-number-at-pos (point)))))
(when (and nlinum-mode (not (eq line-no narf--hl-nlinum-line)))
(let* ((pbol (if line (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line line-no)
(peol (1+ pbol)))
;; Handle EOF case
(when (>= peol (point-max))
(setq peol (point-max)))
(jit-lock-fontify-now pbol peol)
(let* ((overlays (overlays-in pbol peol))
(ov (-first (lambda (item) (overlay-get item 'nlinum)) overlays)))
(when ov
(let* ((disp (get-text-property 0 'display (overlay-get ov 'before-string)))
(str (nth 1 disp)))
(put-text-property 0 (length str) 'face 'linum-highlight-face str)
(put-text-property 0 (length str) 'face 'linum-highlight-face str)
(setq narf--hl-nlinum-overlay ov
narf--hl-nlinum-line line-no))))))))
(add-hook! nlinum-mode
(setq nlinum--width (length (number-to-string (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))))))
;; Mode-line ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(use-package spaceline-segments
powerline-default-separator 'wave
powerline-height 18)
;; Modeline cache
(defvar narf--spaceline-file-path nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'narf--spaceline-file-path)
(add-hook! focus-in (setq narf--spaceline-file-path nil))
(defface mode-line-is-modified nil "Face for mode-line modified symbol")
(defface mode-line-buffer-file nil "Face for mode-line buffer file path")
(defface mode-line-buffer-dir nil "Face for mode-line buffer dirname")
;; Custom modeline segments
(spaceline-define-segment narf-buffer-path
"Buffer file path."
(let ((buffer (propertize "%b" 'face
(if (powerline-selected-window-active)
(concat (if buffer-file-name
(concat (propertize
(let* ((max-length (/ (window-width) 2))
(project-path (let ((p (narf/project-root)))
(if (string-match "/+\\'" p)
(replace-match "" t t p)
(path (f-dirname (f-relative buffer-file-truename (f-dirname project-path))))
(path-len (length path)))
(if (> path-len max-length)
(concat "" (replace-regexp-in-string
"^.*?/" "/"
(substring path (- path-len max-length) path-len)))
'face (if (powerline-selected-window-active)
(if (and buffer-file-name (buffer-modified-p))
(propertize "%+" 'face 'mode-line-is-modified)))
" "))
;; Causes right side of this segment to be square
:face line-face
:tight-right t)
(spaceline-define-segment narf-buffer-project-name
"The project name."
(file-name-nondirectory (f-expand (narf/project-root)))
:when (and (not (derived-mode-p 'special-mode))
(string-match-p "^ ?\\*" (buffer-name))))
(spaceline-define-segment narf-buffer-encoding-abbrev
"The line ending convention used in the buffer."
(let ((buf-coding (symbol-name buffer-file-coding-system)))
(if (string-match "\\(dos\\|unix\\|mac\\)" buf-coding)
(match-string 1 buf-coding)
:when (not (string-match-p "unix" (symbol-name buffer-file-coding-system))))
(spaceline-define-segment narf-buffer-position
"A more vim-like buffer position."
(let ((perc (/ (window-end) 0.01 (point-max))))
(cond ((eq (window-start) 1) ":Top")
((>= perc 100) ":Bot")
(t (format ":%d%%%%" perc)))))
(spaceline-define-segment narf-vc
"Version control info"
(let ((vc (vc-working-revision buffer-file-name)))
(when vc
(format " %s %s%s " (char-to-string #xe0a0) vc
(case (vc-state buffer-file-name) ('edited "+") ('conflict "!!!") (t "")))))
:when (and active vc-mode)
:face other-face
:tight t)
;; Display version string
(defvar narf--env-version nil)
(defvar narf--env-command nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'narf--env-version)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'narf--env-command)
(spaceline-define-segment narf-env-version
"A HUD that shows which part of the buffer is currently visible."
(when (and narf--env-command (not narf--env-version))
:when (and narf--env-version (memq major-mode '(ruby-mode enh-ruby-mode python-mode))))
(spaceline-define-segment narf-hud
"A HUD that shows which part of the buffer is currently visible."
(powerline-hud highlight-face default-face 1)
:tight t)
(spaceline-define-segment narf-line-column
"The current line and column numbers."
(spaceline-define-segment narf-evil-state
"The current evil state. Requires `evil-mode' to be enabled."
(concat (substring (evil-state-property evil-state :tag t) 2 3) " ")
:when (and active (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode))
:tight-right t)
;; Initialize modeline
;; Left side
'((narf-buffer-path remote-host)
((flycheck-error flycheck-warning flycheck-info) :when active))
;; Right side
((" " :tight t)
major-mode (minor-modes :separator " ")
process :when active)
(global :when active)
(narf-line-column narf-buffer-position)
(provide 'core-ui)
;;; core-ui.el ends here