2017-02-20 00:23:06 -05:00

130 lines
5.9 KiB

;;; init.el
;; Author: Henrik Lissner <>
;; URL:
;; Version: 2.0.0
;; ================= =============== =============== ======== ========
;; \\ . . . . . . .\\ //. . . . . . .\\ //. . . . . . .\\ \\. . .\\// . . //
;; ||. . ._____. . .|| ||. . ._____. . .|| ||. . ._____. . .|| || . . .\/ . . .||
;; || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || ||. . . . . . . ||
;; ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. . || || . .|| || . | . . . . .||
;; || . .|| ||. _-|| ||-_ .|| ||. . || || . .|| ||. _-|| ||-_.|\ . . . . ||
;; ||. . || ||-' || || `-|| || . .|| ||. . || ||-' || || `|\_ . .|. .||
;; || . _|| || || || || ||_ . || || . _|| || || || |\ `-_/| . ||
;; ||_-' || .|/ || || \|. || `-_|| ||_-' || .|/ || || | \ / |-_.||
;; || ||_-' || || `-_|| || || ||_-' || || | \ / | `||
;; || `' || || `' || || `' || || | \ / | ||
;; || .===' `===. .==='.`===. .===' /==. | \/ | ||
;; || .==' \_|-_ `===. .===' _|_ `===. .===' _-|/ `== \/ | ||
;; || .==' _-' `-_ `=' _-' `-_ `=' _-' `-_ /| \/ | ||
;; || .==' _-' '-__\._-' '-_./__-' `' |. /| | ||
;; ||.==' _-' `' | /==.||
;; ==' _-' \/ `==
;; \ _-' `-_ /
;; `'' ``'
;; These demons are not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: MIT
(setq user-emacs-directory "~/work/conf/doom-emacs-old")
(require 'core (concat user-emacs-directory "core/core"))
(doom! :feature
evil ; come to the dark side, we have cookies
completion ; company-mode & auto-complete; for lazy typists
dev ; tools for tweaking DOOM Emacs
ivy ; a search engine for love and life
snippets ; my elves. They type so I don't have to
syntax-checking ; tasing you for every missing semicolon
spell-checking ; tasing you for mispellings and grammar derps
version-control ; remember, remember that commit in November
file-templates ; auto-snippets for empty files, for lazier typists
repl ; run code, run
jump ; navigating your code
workspaces ; tab emulation, persistence and separate workspaces
doom ; doom-one; a look inspired by Atom's Dark One
doom-dashboard ; a nifty splash screen for Emacs
doom-modeline ; a snazzy Atom-inspired mode-line
git-gutter ; diffs in the fringe
doom-quit ; DOOM quit-message prompts when you quit Emacs
autoinsert ; file templates, for the laziest typists
dired ;
eshell ; a consistent, cross-platform shell
ido ;
org ; for organized fearless leader
dash ;
google ;
tmux ;
rest ;
;; Applications are large, toggle-able states that transform Emacs to
;; fulfill a specific purpose. See `doom/toggle'.
crm ; org-mode for client relations management
db ; Emacs as a database browser
email ; Emacs as an email client
finance ; keeping track of my shekels
present ; showing off presentations in emacs
rss ; emacs as an RSS reader
stream ; for streaming code (
twitter ; twitter client
write ; emacs as a word processor (latex + org + markdown)
asm ; assembly for fun or debugging
cc ; C/C++/Obj-C madness
crystal ; ruby at the speed of c
csharp ; unity, .NET, and mono shenanigans
css ; #big-bang::before { content: ""; }
data ; config/data formats
emacs-lisp ; drown in parentheses
git ; various git files
go ; the hipster dialect
haskell ; a language that's lazier than I am
html ; The end is always near </html>
java ; the poster child for carpal tunnel syndrome
javascript ; all(hope(abandon(ye(who(enter(here))))))
julia ; a better, faster MATLAB
latex ; writing papers in Emacs has never been so fun
lua ; one-based indices? one-based indices
octave ; math isn't a choice, it's a way of life
php ; make php less awful to work with
processing ; for prototyping
python ; beautiful is better than ugly
rest ; emacs as a REST client
ruby ; 1.step do {|i| p "Ruby is #{i&1==0?'love':'life'}"}
rust ; Fe2O3.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap().unwrap()
scala ; java, but good
sh ; she sells (ba|z)sh shells on the C xor
swift ; who asked for emoji variables?
text ; writing docs for people to ignore
typescript ; javascript, but better
;; Private modules are aren't tracked in the repo. Only one module is
;; included with DOOM emacs here. Mine! Feel free to copy it to your own
;; module and have fun.
:private hlissner)