
138 lines
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;;; core-projects.el --- tools for getting around your project
;; I want Emacs to be aware of the projects. `projectile' provides tools for
;; digging through project files and exposing an API I can use to make other
;; plugins/features project-aware.
(defvar doom-project-hook nil
"Hook run when a project is enabled. The name of the project's mode and its
state are passed in.")
(def-package! projectile :demand t
(setq projectile-cache-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.cache")
projectile-enable-caching (not noninteractive)
projectile-file-exists-remote-cache-expire nil
projectile-globally-ignored-directories `(,doom-local-dir ".sync")
projectile-globally-ignored-file-suffixes '(".elc" ".pyc" ".o")
projectile-globally-ignored-files '(".DS_Store" "Icon
projectile-indexing-method 'alien
projectile-known-projects-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.projects")
projectile-project-root-files '(".git" ".hg" ".svn" ".project")
projectile-require-project-root nil)
(projectile-mode +1)
(setq projectile-other-file-alist
(append '(("less" "css")
("styl" "css")
("sass" "css")
("scss" "css")
("css" "scss" "sass" "less" "styl")
("jade" "html")
("pug" "html")
("html" "jade" "pug" "jsx" "tsx"))
(defun doom*projectile-cache-current-file (orig-fun &rest args)
"Don't cache ignored files."
(unless (cl-some (lambda (path)
(string-prefix-p buffer-file-name
(expand-file-name path)))
(apply orig-fun args)))
(advice-add 'projectile-cache-current-file :around 'doom*projectile-cache-current-file))
;; Library
(defun doom-project-p (&optional strict-p)
"Whether or not this buffer is currently in a project or not."
(let ((projectile-require-project-root strict-p))
(defun doom-project-root (&optional strict-p)
"Get the path to the root of your project."
(let ((projectile-require-project-root strict-p))
(ignore-errors (projectile-project-root))))
(defmacro doom-project-has! (files)
"Checks if the project has the specified FILES, relative to the project root,
unless the path begins with ./ or ../, in which case it's relative to
`default-directory'. Recognizes (and ...) and/or (or ...) forms."
(doom--resolve-paths files (doom-project-root)))
;; Projects
(defvar-local doom-project nil
"A list of project mode symbols to enable. Used for .dir-locals.el.")
(defun doom|autoload-project-mode ()
"Auto-enable projects listed in `doom-project', which is meant to be set from
.dir-locals.el files."
(dolist (mode doom-project)
(funcall mode)))
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'doom|autoload-project-mode)
(defmacro def-project-mode! (name &rest plist)
"Define a project minor-mode named NAME, and declare where and how it is
activated. Project modes allow for project-specific settings, keymaps, hooks &
custom configuration without having to litter the project with .dir-locals.el
This creates NAME-hook and NAME-map as well.
A project can be enabled through .dir-locals.el however, if `doom-project' is set
to the name of the project mode(s) to enable.
PLIST should contain any or all of these properties, which each are checked to
see if NAME should be activated.
:modes MODES -- if buffers are derived from MODES (one or a list of symbols).
:files FILES -- if project contains FILES; takes a solitary string or a form
comprised of (and ...) and/or (or ...) forms. Each path is relative to the
project root, however, if prefixed with a '.' or '..', it is relative to the
current buffer.
:match REGEXP -- if file name matches REGEXP
:when PREDICATE -- if PREDICATE returns true (can be a form or the symbol of a
:init FORM -- FORM will be run the first time this project mode is enabled."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((modes (plist-get plist :modes))
(files (plist-get plist :files))
(when (plist-get plist :when))
(match (plist-get plist :match))
(init-form (plist-get plist :init))
(keymap-sym (intern (format "%s-map" name))))
(defvar ,keymap-sym (make-sparse-keymap)
,(concat "Keymap for `" (symbol-name name) "'"))
(define-minor-mode ,name
"A project minor mode."
:init-value nil
:keymap ,keymap-sym)
,(when (or modes match files when)
`(associate! ,name
:modes ,modes
:match ,match
:files ,files
:when ,when))
(add-hook! ,name
(run-hook-with-args doom-project-hook ',name))
,(when init-form
`(add-transient-hook! ',(intern-soft (format "%s-hook" name))
(provide 'core-projects)
;;; core-projects.el ends here