Henrik Lissner d80e79203a
Replace delete-trailing-whitespace with ws-butler
ws-butler only strips trailing spaces on lines that have been modified.

+ ws-butler is disabled if editorconfig enables
  trim_trailing_whitespace, which resorts to delete-trailing-whitespace
+ Updates doom|(enable|disable)-delete-trailing-whitespace hooks to use
2018-08-31 13:59:12 +02:00

49 lines
1023 B

;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/packages.el
;; core-os.el
(when IS-MAC
(package! exec-path-from-shell)
(package! osx-clipboard))
;; core-ui.el
(package! all-the-icons)
(package! hide-mode-line)
(package! highlight-indentation)
(package! highlight-numbers)
(package! highlight-escape-sequences
:recipe (:fetcher github :repo "hlissner/highlight-escape-sequences"))
(unless (locate-library "display-line-numbers")
(package! nlinum)
(package! nlinum-hl)
(package! nlinum-relative))
(package! rainbow-delimiters)
(package! visual-fill-column)
(package! restart-emacs)
;; core-editor.el
(package! ace-link)
(package! ace-window)
(package! avy)
(package! command-log-mode)
(package! dtrt-indent)
(package! expand-region)
(package! helpful)
(package! pcre2el)
(package! smartparens)
(package! undo-tree)
(package! ws-butler)
;; core-projects.el
(package! projectile)
;; core-keybinds.el
(package! which-key)
(package! hydra)
;; autoload/debug.el
(package! esup)
;; autoload/test.el
(package! buttercup)