Henrik Lissner 03022d09f9
Remove doom//x naming convention
This naming convention was meant to be for batch commands, but it grew
to include "commands that were helpful with managing Doom", but many of
these commands shouldn't be interactive in the first place!
2018-06-17 21:35:58 +02:00

68 lines
2.7 KiB

;;; core/core-tests.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom-run-tests (&optional modules)
"Run all loaded tests, specified by MODULES (a list of module cons cells) or
command line args following a double dash (each arg should be in the
'module/submodule' format).
If neither is available, run all tests in all enabled modules."
(let (noninteractive)
;; Core libraries aren't fully loaded in a noninteractive session, so we
;; reload it with `noninteractive' set to nil to force them to.
(quiet! (doom-reload-autoloads))
(doom-initialize t))
(let ((target-paths
;; Convert targets into a list of string paths, pointing to the root
;; directory of modules
(cond ((stringp (car modules)) ; command line
(cl-loop for arg in modules
if (string= arg ":core") collect doom-core-dir
else if (string-match-p "/" arg)
nconc (mapcar (apply-partially #'expand-file-name arg)
nconc (cl-loop for dir in doom-modules-dirs
for path = (expand-file-name arg dir)
if (file-directory-p path)
path :type 'dirs :depth 1 :full t))
finally do (setq argv nil))))
(modules ; cons-cells given to MODULES
(cl-loop for (module . submodule) in modules
if (doom-module-locate-path module submodule)
collect it))
((append (list doom-core-dir)
;; Load all the unit test files...
(require 'buttercup)
(mapc (lambda (file) (load file :noerror (not doom-debug-mode)))
(doom-files-in (mapcar (apply-partially #'expand-file-name "test/")
:match "\\.el$" :full t))
;; ... then run them
(when doom-debug-mode
(setq buttercup-stack-frame-style 'pretty))
(let ((split-width-threshold 0)
(split-height-threshold 0)
(window-min-width 0)
(window-min-height 0))
(defmacro def-test! (_name &rest _body))
(defmacro insert! (&rest text)
"Insert TEXT in buffer, then move cursor to last {0} marker."
(insert ,@text)
(when (search-backward "{0}" nil t)
(replace-match "" t t))))
(provide 'core-tests)
;;; core-tests.el ends here