Henrik Lissner 8a7763337d
doom refresh -> doom sync
refresh isn't going anywhere, but sync will be the canonical command
here on out, because it is more appropriate for kind of work it will be
doing in the future.
2020-02-19 23:34:16 -05:00

117 lines
5.2 KiB

;;; core/cli/upgrade.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (upgrade up)
((force-p ["-f" "--force"] "Discard local changes to Doom and packages, and upgrade anyway")
(packages-only-p ["-p" "--packages"] "Only upgrade packages, not Doom"))
"Updates Doom and packages.
This requires that ~/.emacs.d is a git repo, and is the equivalent of the
following shell commands:
cd ~/.emacs.d
git pull --rebase
bin/doom clean
bin/doom sync
bin/doom update"
:bare t
(let ((doom-auto-discard force-p))
(if (delq
nil (list
(unless packages-only-p
(doom-cli-upgrade doom-auto-accept doom-auto-discard))
(doom-cli-execute "refresh")
(when (doom-cli-packages-update)
(print! (success "Done! Restart Emacs for changes to take effect."))
(print! "Nothing to do. Doom is up-to-date!"))))
;;; library
(defvar doom-repo-url ""
"The git repo url for Doom Emacs.")
(defvar doom-repo-remote "_upgrade"
"The name to use as our staging remote.")
(defun doom--working-tree-dirty-p (dir)
(cl-destructuring-bind (success . stdout)
(doom-call-process "git" "status" "--porcelain" "-uno")
(if (= 0 success)
(split-string stdout "\n" t)
(error "Failed to check working tree in %s" dir))))
(defun doom-cli-upgrade (&optional auto-accept-p force-p)
"Upgrade Doom to the latest version non-destructively."
(require 'vc-git)
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(print! (start "Preparing to upgrade Doom Emacs and its packages..."))
(let* ((branch (vc-git--symbolic-ref doom-emacs-dir))
(target-remote (format "%s/%s" doom-repo-remote branch)))
(unless branch
(error! (if (file-exists-p! ".git" doom-emacs-dir)
"Couldn't find Doom's .git directory. Was Doom cloned properly?"
"Couldn't detect what branch you're on. Is Doom detached?")))
;; We assume that a dirty .emacs.d is intentional and abort
(when-let (dirty (doom--working-tree-dirty-p default-directory))
(if (not force-p)
(user-error! "%s\n\n%s\n\n %s"
(format "Refusing to upgrade because %S has been modified." (path doom-emacs-dir))
"Either stash/undo your changes or run 'doom upgrade -f' to discard local changes."
(string-join dirty "\n"))
(print! (info "You have local modifications in Doom's source. Discarding them..."))
(doom-call-process "git" "reset" "--hard" (format "origin/%s" branch))
(doom-call-process "git" "clean" "-ffd")))
(doom-call-process "git" "remote" "remove" doom-repo-remote)
(let (result)
(or (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "remote" "add" doom-repo-remote doom-repo-url)))
(error "Failed to add %s to remotes" doom-repo-remote))
(or (zerop (car (setq result (doom-call-process "git" "fetch" "--tags" doom-repo-remote branch))))
(error "Failed to fetch from upstream"))
(let ((this-rev (vc-git--rev-parse "HEAD"))
(new-rev (vc-git--rev-parse target-remote)))
((and (null this-rev)
(null new-rev))
(error "Failed to get revisions for %s" target-remote))
((equal this-rev new-rev)
(print! (success "Doom is already up-to-date!"))
((print! (info "A new version of Doom Emacs is available!\n\n Old revision: %s (%s)\n New revision: %s (%s)\n"
(substring this-rev 0 10)
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%cr" "HEAD"))
(substring new-rev 0 10)
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%cr" target-remote))))
(when (and (not auto-accept-p)
(y-or-n-p "View the comparison diff in your browser?"))
(print! (info "Opened github in your browser."))
(browse-url (format ""
(if (not (or auto-accept-p
(y-or-n-p "Proceed with upgrade?")))
(ignore (print! (error "Aborted")))
(print! (start "Upgrading Doom Emacs..."))
(if (and (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "reset" "--hard" target-remote)))
(equal (vc-git--rev-parse "HEAD") new-rev))
(print! (info "%s") (cdr result))
(error "Failed to check out %s" (substring new-rev 0 10)))
(print! (success "Finished upgrading Doom Emacs")))
(doom-call-process "git" "remote" "remove" doom-repo-remote))))))