
115 lines
4.4 KiB

;;; config/default/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(if (featurep! +bindings) (load! +bindings))
;; Plugins
(def-package! emacs-snippets
:if (featurep! +snippets)
:after yasnippet
:config (delete yas--default-user-snippets-dir yas-snippet-dirs))
;; Config
(after! epa
(setq epa-file-encrypt-to (or epa-file-encrypt-to user-mail-address)
;; With GPG 2.1, this forces gpg-agent to use the Emacs minibuffer to
;; prompt for the key passphrase.
epa-pinentry-mode 'loopback))
;; disable :unless predicates with (sp-pair "'" nil :unless nil)
;; disable :post-handlers with (sp-pair "{" nil :post-handlers nil)
;; ...or specific :post-handlers with (sp-pair "{" nil :post-handlers '(:rem ("| " "SPC")))
(after! smartparens
;; Autopair quotes more conservatively; if I'm next to a word/before another
;; quote, I likely don't want another pair.
(let ((unless-list '(sp-point-before-word-p
(sp-pair "'" nil :unless unless-list)
(sp-pair "\"" nil :unless unless-list))
;; Expand {|} => { | }
;; Expand {|} => {
;; |
;; }
(dolist (brace '("(" "{" "["))
(sp-pair brace nil
:post-handlers '(("||\n[i]" "RET") ("| " "SPC"))
;; I likely don't want a new pair if adjacent to a word or opening brace
:unless '(sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-before-same-p)))
;; Don't do square-bracket space-expansion where it doesn't make sense to
(sp-local-pair '(emacs-lisp-mode org-mode markdown-mode gfm-mode)
"[" nil :post-handlers '(:rem ("| " "SPC")))
;; Highjacks backspace to:
;; a) balance spaces inside brackets/parentheses ( | ) -> (|)
;; b) delete space-indented `tab-width' steps at a time
;; c) close empty multiline brace blocks in one step:
;; {
;; |
;; }
;; becomes {|}
;; d) refresh smartparens' :post-handlers, so SPC and RET expansions work
;; even after a backspace.
;; e) properly delete smartparen pairs when they are encountered, without the
;; need for strict mode.
;; f) do none of this when inside a string
(advice-add #'delete-backward-char :override #'doom/delete-backward-char)
;; Makes `newline-and-indent' smarter when dealing with comments
(advice-add #'newline-and-indent :around #'doom*newline-and-indent))
(when (featurep 'evil)
(when (featurep! +evil-commands)
(load! +evil-commands))
(when (featurep! +bindings)
(defvar +default-repeat-forward-key ";")
(defvar +default-repeat-backward-key ",")
;; Makes ; and , the universal repeat-keys in evil-mode
(defmacro do-repeat! (command next-func prev-func)
"Repeat motions with ;/,"
(let ((fn-sym (intern (format "+evil*repeat-%s" command))))
(defun ,fn-sym (&rest _)
(define-key evil-motion-state-map +default-repeat-forward-key ',next-func)
(define-key evil-motion-state-map +default-repeat-backward-key ',prev-func))
(advice-add #',command :before #',fn-sym))))
;; n/N
(do-repeat! evil-ex-search-next evil-ex-search-next evil-ex-search-previous)
(do-repeat! evil-ex-search-previous evil-ex-search-next evil-ex-search-previous)
(do-repeat! evil-ex-search-forward evil-ex-search-next evil-ex-search-previous)
(do-repeat! evil-ex-search-backward evil-ex-search-next evil-ex-search-previous)
;; f/F/t/T/s/S
(setq evil-snipe-repeat-keys nil
evil-snipe-override-evil-repeat-keys nil) ; causes problems with remapped ;
(after! evil-snipe
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-f evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse)
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-F evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse)
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-t evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse)
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-T evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse)
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-s evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse)
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-S evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse)
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-x evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse)
(do-repeat! evil-snipe-X evil-snipe-repeat evil-snipe-repeat-reverse))
;; */#
(after! evil-visualstar
(do-repeat! evil-visualstar/begin-search-forward
evil-ex-search-next evil-ex-search-previous)
(do-repeat! evil-visualstar/begin-search-backward
evil-ex-search-previous evil-ex-search-next))))