2018-04-04 01:05:20 -04:00
autoload.el app/calendar: fix typo causing void-variable error 2018-04-04 01:05:20 -04:00
config.el Replace doom-hide-modeline-mode w/ hide-mode-line-mode #423 2018-03-02 19:14:44 -05:00
packages.el app/calendar: fix path in comment header 2018-02-18 03:10:09 -05:00

`=Calendar App`

Setup sync between google calendar and org file

  • Checkout, put the following content in a file secret.el and set the variable `+calendar-org-gcal-secret-file` to the path of that file.

    (setq org-gcal-client-id ""
        org-gcal-client-secret "your-secret"
        org-gcal-file-alist '(("" .  "~/")
                              ("" .  "~/")))

Doom faces

I'm using the following setting:

;; calfw
(cfw:face-title              :foreground blue                     :bold bold :height 2.0 :inherit 'variable-pitch)
(cfw:face-header             :foreground (doom-blend blue bg 0.8) :bold bold)
(cfw:face-sunday             :foreground (doom-blend red bg 0.8)  :bold bold)
(cfw:face-saturday           :foreground (doom-blend red bg 0.8)  :bold bold)
(cfw:face-holiday            :foreground nil :background bg-alt   :bold bold)
(cfw:face-grid               :foreground vertical-bar)
(cfw:face-periods            :foreground yellow)
(cfw:face-toolbar            :foreground nil :background nil)
(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off :foreground base6                    :bold bold             :inherit 'variable-pitch)
(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on  :foreground blue                     :bold bold             :inherit 'variable-pitch)

(cfw:face-default-content    :foreground fg)
(cfw:face-day-title          :foreground fg                       :bold bold)
(cfw:face-today-title        :foreground bg  :background blue     :bold bold)
(cfw:face-default-day                                             :bold bold)
(cfw:face-today              :foreground nil :background nil      :bold bold)
(cfw:face-annotation         :foreground violet)
(cfw:face-disable            :foreground grey)
(cfw:face-select                             :background region)

Adjust calendar to be included

Checkout example from

(defun my-open-calendar ()
    (cfw:org-create-source "Green")  ; orgmode source
    (cfw:howm-create-source "Blue")  ; howm source
    (cfw:cal-create-source "Orange") ; diary source
    (cfw:ical-create-source "Moon" "~/moon.ics" "Gray")  ; ICS source1
    (cfw:ical-create-source "gcal" "https://..../basic.ics" "IndianRed") ; google calendar ICS

Specifically, if you want to adjust the org files to be included, use a let binding to set the org-agenda-files like below:

(defun cfw:open-org-calendar-with-cal1 ()
  (let ((org-agenda-files '("/path/to/org/" "/path/to/")))
    (call-interactively '+calendar/open-calendar)))

(defun cfw:open-org-calendar-with-cal2 ()
  (let ((org-agenda-files '("/path/to/org/" "/path/to/")))
    (call-interactively '+calendar/open-calendar)))