Henrik Lissner 77e4cc4d58
💥 Remove :feature category
:feature was a "catch-all" category. Many of its modules fit better in
other categories, so they've been moved:

- feature/debugger -> tools/debugger
- feature/evil -> editor/evil
- feature/eval -> tools/eval
- feature/lookup -> tools/lookup
- feature/snippets -> editor/snippets
- feature/file-templates -> editor/file-templates
- feature/workspaces -> ui/workspaces

More potential changes in the future:

- A new :term category for terminal emulation modules (eshell, term and
- A new :os category for modules dedicated to os-specific functionality.
  The :tools macos module would fit here, but so would modules for nixos
  and arch.
- A new :services category for web-service integration, like wakatime,
  twitter, elfeed, gist and pastebin services.
2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
autoload Half-revert ba23b63 #1349 2019-04-21 13:25:33 -04:00
config.el 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00 ui/popup: update README 2019-03-21 17:00:52 -04:00

:ui popup


This module provides a customizable popup window management system.

Not all windows are created equally. Some are less important. Some I want gone once they have served their purpose, like code output or a help buffer. Others I want to stick around, like a scratch buffer or org-capture popup.

More than that, popups ought to be be the second class citizens of my editor; spawned off to the side, discarded with the push of a button (e.g. ESC or C-g), and easily restored if I want to see them again. Of course, this system should clean up after itself and kill off buffers I mark as transient.

Module Flags

  • +all Enables fallback rules to ensure all temporary/special buffers (whose name begins with a space or asterix) are treated as popups.
  • +defaults Enables reasonable default popup rules for a variety of buffers.


This module has no external prerequisites.


set-popup-rule! and set-popup-rules!

This module has two functions for defining your own rules for popups:

(set-popup-rules! &rest RULESETS)

PREDICATE is a predicate function or regexp string to match against the buffer's name. To see what the other keywords do, check out the documentation for set-popup-rule! (SPC h f set-popup-rule!).

Rules are added to display-buffer-alist, which instructs display-buffer calls on how to set up windows for buffers that meet certain conditions.

The switch-to-buffer command (and its switch-to-buffer-* variants) are not affected by display-buffer-alist.


 '(("^ \\*" :slot -1) ; fallback rule for special buffers
   ("^\\*" :select t)
   ("^\\*Completions" :slot -1 :transient 0)
   ("^\\*\\(?:scratch\\|Messages\\)" :transient t)
   ("^\\*Help" :slot -1 :size 0.2 :select t)
    :size . 0.35 :select t :modeline t :quit t :transient t)))

Omitted parameters in a set-popup-rules! will use the defaults set in +popup-defaults.

Disabling aggressive mode-line hiding in popups

There are two ways to go about this.

  1. Turn on modelines by changing the :modeline property in +popup-defaults:

    ;; put in private/$USER/config.el
    (map-put +popup-defaults :modeline t)

    This will ensure all popups have a modeline by default, but allows you to override this on a per-popup basis.

  2. Disable modeline-hiding entirely:

    ;; in ~/.doom.d/config.el
    (remove-hook '+popup-buffer-mode-hook #'+popup|set-modeline-on-enable)



  • +popup/other (aliased to other-popup, bound to C-x p)
  • +popup/toggle
  • +popup/close
  • +popup/close-all
  • +popup/toggle
  • +popup/restore
  • +popup/raise


  • Functions

    • +popup-window-p WINDOW
    • +popup-buffer-p BUFFER
    • +popup-buffer BUFFER &optional ALIST
    • +popup-parameter PARAMETER &optional WINDOW
    • +popup-parameter-fn PARAMETER &optional WINDOW
    • +popup-windows
  • Macros

    • without-popups!
    • save-popups!
  • Hooks

    • +popup|adjust-fringes
    • +popup|set-modeline
    • +popup|close-on-escape
    • +popup|cleanup-rules
  • Minor modes

    • +popup-mode
    • +popup-buffer-mode


  • help-mode has been advised to follow file links in the buffer you were in before entering the popup, rather than in a new window.
  • wgrep buffers are advised to close themselves when aborting or committing changes.
  • persp-mode is advised to restore popup windows when loading a session from file.
  • Interactive calls to windmove-* commands (used by evil-window-* commands) will ignore the no-other-window window parameter, allowing you to switch to popup windows as if they're ordinary windows.
  • balance-windows has been advised to close popups while it does its business, then restores them afterwards.
  • neotree advises balance-windows, which causes major slow-downs when paired with our balance-window advice, so we removes neotree's advice.
  • org-mode is an ongoing (and huge) effort. It has a scorched-earth window management system I'm not fond of. ie. it kills all windows and monopolizes the frame. On top of that, it really likes to use switch-to-buffer for most of its buffer management, which completely bypasses display-buffer-alist.