Henrik Lissner 9eee22e3fc
completion/helm: redesign keybindings
A more vim-friendly (and spacemacs-friendly) keybinding scheme.

May address #829
2018-08-24 01:47:44 +02:00

211 lines
7.6 KiB
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;;; completion/helm/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +helm-global-prompt " "
"The helm text prompt prefix string is globally replaced with this string.")
(defvar +helm-project-search-engines '(rg ag pt)
"What search tools for `+helm/project-search' (and `+helm-file-search' when no
ENGINE is specified) to try, and in what order.
To disable a particular tool, remove it from this list. To prioritize a tool
over others, move it to the front of the list. Later duplicates in this list are
silently ignored.
This falls back to git-grep (then grep) if none of these available.")
;; Posframe (requires +childframe)
(defvar +helm-posframe-handler
"The function that determines the location of the childframe. It should return
a cons cell representing the X and Y coordinates. See
`posframe-poshandler-frame-center' as a reference.")
(defvar +helm-posframe-text-scale 1
"The text-scale to use in the helm childframe. Set to nil for no scaling. Can
be negative.")
(defvar +helm-posframe-parameters
'((internal-border-width . 8)
(width . 0.5)
(height . 0.35)
(min-width . 80)
(min-height . 16))
;; Packages
(def-package! helm-mode
:defer 1
:after-call pre-command-hook
(define-key! 'global
[remap apropos] #'helm-apropos
[remap find-library] #'helm-locate-library
[remap bookmark-jump] #'helm-bookmarks
[remap execute-extended-command] #'helm-M-x
[remap find-file] #'helm-find-files
[remap imenu-anywhere] #'helm-imenu-anywhere
[remap imenu] #'helm-semantic-or-imenu
[remap noop-show-kill-ring] #'helm-show-kill-ring
[remap persp-switch-to-buffer] #'+helm/workspace-mini
[remap switch-to-buffer] #'helm-buffers-list
[remap projectile-find-file] #'+helm/projectile-find-file
[remap projectile-recentf] #'helm-projectile-recentf
[remap projectile-switch-project] #'helm-projectile-switch-project
[remap projectile-switch-to-buffer] #'helm-projectile-switch-to-buffer
[remap recentf-open-files] #'helm-recentf)
(helm-mode +1)
;; helm is too heavy for `find-file-at-point'
(add-to-list 'helm-completing-read-handlers-alist (cons #'find-file-at-point nil)))
(def-package! helm
:after helm-mode
(setq helm-candidate-number-limit 50
;; Remove extraineous helm UI elements
helm-display-header-line nil
helm-mode-line-string nil
helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value nil
helm-find-files-doc-header nil
;; Don't override evil-ex's completion
helm-mode-handle-completion-in-region nil
;; Default helm window sizes
helm-display-buffer-default-width nil
helm-display-buffer-default-height 0.25
;; When calling `helm-semantic-or-imenu', don't immediately jump to
;; symbol at point
helm-imenu-execute-action-at-once-if-one nil
;; disable special behavior for left/right, M-left/right keys.
helm-ff-lynx-style-map nil)
(when (featurep! :feature evil +everywhere)
(setq helm-default-prompt-display-function #'+helm--set-prompt-display))
(when (and EMACS26+ (featurep! +childframe))
(setq helm-display-function #'+helm-posframe-display)
;; Fix "Specified window is not displaying the current buffer" error
(advice-add #'posframe--get-font-height :around #'+helm*fix-get-font-height))
(let ((fuzzy (featurep! +fuzzy)))
(setq helm-M-x-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-ag-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-apropos-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-apropos-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-bookmark-show-location fuzzy
helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching fuzzy
helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-completion-in-region-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-ff-fuzzy-matching fuzzy
helm-file-cache-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-flx-for-helm-locate fuzzy
helm-imenu-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-lisp-fuzzy-completion fuzzy
helm-locate-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-mode-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-projectile-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-recentf-fuzzy-match fuzzy
helm-semantic-fuzzy-match fuzzy))
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*helm" :vslot -100 :size 0.22)
(defun +helm*replace-prompt (plist)
"Globally replace helm prompts with `+helm-global-prompt'."
(cond ((not +helm-global-prompt) plist)
((keywordp (car plist))
(plist-put plist :prompt +helm-global-prompt))
((setf (nth 2 plist) +helm-global-prompt)
(advice-add #'helm :filter-args #'+helm*replace-prompt)
;; Hide the modeline
(defun +helm|hide-mode-line (&rest _)
(with-current-buffer (helm-buffer-get)
(unless helm-mode-line-string
(hide-mode-line-mode +1))))
(add-hook 'helm-after-initialize-hook #'+helm|hide-mode-line)
(advice-add #'helm-display-mode-line :override #'+helm|hide-mode-line)
(advice-add #'helm-ag-show-status-default-mode-line :override #'ignore)
(defun +helm*hide-minibuffer-maybe ()
"Hide minibuffer in Helm session if we use the header line as input field."
(when (with-current-buffer (helm-buffer-get) helm-echo-input-in-header-line)
(let ((ov (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max) nil nil t)))
(overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))
(overlay-put ov 'face
(let ((bg-color (face-background 'default nil)))
`(:background ,bg-color :foreground ,bg-color)))
(setq-local cursor-type nil))))
(add-hook 'helm-minibuffer-set-up-hook #'+helm*hide-minibuffer-maybe)
;; TODO Find a better way
(defun +helm*use-helpful (orig-fn &rest args)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'describe-function)
(symbol-function #'helpful-callable))
((symbol-function #'describe-variable)
(symbol-function #'helpful-variable)))
(apply orig-fn args)))
(advice-add #'helm-describe-variable :around #'+helm*use-helpful)
(advice-add #'helm-describe-function :around #'+helm*use-helpful))
(def-package! helm-flx
:when (featurep! +fuzzy)
:hook (helm-mode . helm-flx-mode)
:config (helm-flx-mode +1))
;; `helm-ag'
(after! helm-ag
(map! :map helm-ag-edit-map :n "RET" #'compile-goto-error)
(define-key helm-ag-edit-map [remap quit-window] #'helm-ag--edit-abort)
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*helm-ag-edit" :size 0.35 :ttl 0 :quit nil)
;; Recenter after jumping to match
(advice-add #'helm-ag--find-file-action :after-while #'doom*recenter))
;; `helm-bookmark'
(setq helm-bookmark-show-location t)
;; `helm-css-scss' --
(setq helm-css-scss-split-direction #'split-window-vertically
helm-css-scss-split-with-multiple-windows t)
;; `helm-files'
(after! helm-files
(setq helm-boring-file-regexp-list
(append (list "\\.projects$" "\\.DS_Store$")
;; `helm-locate'
(defvar helm-generic-files-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(after! helm-locate (set-keymap-parent helm-generic-files-map helm-map))
;; `helm-projectile'
(def-package! helm-projectile
:commands (helm-projectile-find-file
(setq projectile-completion-system 'helm)
(defvar helm-projectile-find-file-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(set-keymap-parent helm-projectile-find-file-map helm-map))
;; `swiper-helm'
(setq swiper-helm-display-function
(lambda (buf &optional _resume) (pop-to-buffer buf)))