Henrik Lissner 87fd81281f
Rewrite 'doom update'
- Is now much more fault tolerant (produces better errors)
- Now handles async.el process errors as well
- Standardizes data structure of thread responses
2019-07-29 21:01:46 +02:00

390 lines
18 KiB

;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/cli/packages.el
(defmacro doom--ensure-autoloads-while (&rest body)
(when (progn ,@body)
(doom-reload-package-autoloads 'force-p))
;;; Dispatchers
(defcli! (update u) ()
"Updates packages.
This excludes packages whose `package!' declaration contains a non-nil :freeze
or :ignore property."
(doom-packages-update doom-auto-accept)))
(defcli! (rebuild build b) (&rest args)
"Rebuilds all installed packages.
This ensures that all needed files are symlinked from their package repo and
their elisp files are byte-compiled."
(doom-packages-rebuild doom-auto-accept (member "-f" args))))
(defcli! (purge p) (&rest args)
"Deletes any unused ELPA packages, straight builds, and (optionally) repos.
By default, this does not purge repos.
Available options:
--no-elpa Don't purge ELPA packages
--no-builds Don't purge unneeded (built) packages
--repos Purge unused repos"
(doom-packages-purge (not (member "--no-elpa" args))
(not (member "--no-builds" args))
(or (member "-r" args)
(member "--repos" args))
;; (defcli! rollback () ; TODO rollback
;; "<Not implemented yet>"
;; (user-error "Not implemented yet, sorry!"))
;;; Library
(defun doom-packages-install (&optional auto-accept-p)
"Installs missing packages.
This function will install any primary package (i.e. a package with a `package!'
declaration) or dependency thereof that hasn't already been.
Unless AUTO-ACCEPT-P is non-nil, this function will prompt for confirmation with
a list of packages that will be installed."
(print! "> Installing & building packages...")
(let ((n 0))
(dolist (package (hash-table-keys straight--recipe-cache))
(straight--with-plist (gethash package straight--recipe-cache)
(let ((existed-p (file-directory-p (straight--repos-dir package))))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(and (straight-use-package (intern package) nil nil " ")
(not existed-p)
(file-directory-p (straight--repos-dir package))
(cl-incf n))
(signal 'doom-package-error
(list e (straight--process-get-output))))))))
(if (= n 0)
(ignore (print! (success "No packages need to be installed")))
(print! (success "Installed & built %d packages") n)
(defun doom-packages-rebuild (&optional auto-accept-p all)
"(Re)build all packages."
(print! (start "(Re)building %spackages...") (if all "all " ""))
(let ((n 0))
(if all
(let ((straight--packages-to-rebuild :all)
(straight--packages-not-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (package (hash-table-keys straight--recipe-cache))
(intern package) nil (lambda (_) (cl-incf n) nil) " ")))
(dolist (recipe (hash-table-values straight--recipe-cache))
(straight--with-plist recipe (package local-repo no-build)
(unless (or no-build (null local-repo))
;; REVIEW We do these modification checks manually because
;; Straight's checks seem to miss stale elc files. Need
;; more tests to confirm this.
(when (or (ignore-errors
(gethash package straight--packages-to-rebuild))
(gethash package straight--cached-package-modifications)
(not (file-directory-p (straight--build-dir package)))
(cl-loop for file
in (doom-files-in (straight--build-dir package)
:match "\\.el$"
:full t)
for elc-file = (byte-compile-dest-file file)
if (and (file-exists-p elc-file)
(file-newer-than-file-p file elc-file))
return t))
(let ((straight-use-package-pre-build-functions
(add-hook 'straight-use-package-pre-build-functions
(lambda (&rest _) (cl-incf n)))
(let ((straight--packages-to-rebuild :all)
(straight--packages-not-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(straight-use-package (intern package) nil nil " "))
(straight--byte-compile-package recipe)
(dolist (dep (straight--get-dependencies package))
(when-let (recipe (gethash dep straight--recipe-cache))
(straight--byte-compile-package recipe)))))))))
(if (= n 0)
(ignore (print! (success "No packages need rebuilding")))
(print! (success "Rebuilt %d package(s)" n))
(defun doom--packages-remove-outdated-f (packages)
`(lambda ()
(setq load-path ',load-path
doom-modules ',doom-modules)
(condition-case e
(let (packages errors)
(load ,(concat doom-core-dir "core.el"))
(dolist (recipe ',group)
(condition-case e
(straight--with-plist recipe
(package local-repo remote upstream-repo upstream-host)
;; HACK There's a contingency of `straight-fetch-package'
;; where it will pop up a window for confirmation, but this
;; window is invisible because a) this command runs in a
;; headless session and b) this code runs in an async child
;; process, so we ensure the remotes are correctly set up to
;; prevent that contingency.
(when (and local-repo (straight--repository-is-available-p recipe))
((url (ignore-errors (straight--get-call "git" "remote" "get-url" remote)))
(desired-url (straight-vc-git--encode-url upstream-repo upstream-host)))
(unless (straight-vc-git--urls-compatible-p url desired-url)
(straight--get-call "git" "remote" "remove" remote)
(straight--get-call "git" "remote" "add" remote desired-url)
(straight--get-call "git" "fetch" remote)))
(straight-fetch-package package)
;; REVIEW Is there no better way to get this information?
(let* ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(n (string-to-number
(straight--get-call "git" "rev-list" "--right-only" "--count" "HEAD..@{u}")))
(shell-command-to-string "git log -1 --format=%at HEAD")))
;; HACK `straight--get-call' has a higher
;; failure rate when querying FETCH_HEAD; not
;; sure why. Doing this manually, with
;; `shell-command-to-string' works fine.
(shell-command-to-string "git log -1 --format=%at FETCH_HEAD"))))
(with-current-buffer (straight--process-get-buffer)
(print! (debug (autofill "%s") (indent 2 (buffer-string))))
(when (> n 0)
(push (list n pretime time recipe)
(push (list package e (string-trim (or (straight--process-get-output) "")))
(if errors
(cons 'error errors)
(cons 'ok (nreverse packages))))
(cons 'error e))))))
(defun doom-packages-update (&optional auto-accept-p)
"Updates packages.
Unless AUTO-ACCEPT-P is non-nil, this function will prompt for confirmation with
a list of packages that will be updated."
(print! (start "Scanning for outdated packages (this may take a while)..."))
;; REVIEW Does this fail gracefully enough? Is it error tolerant?
;; TODO Add version-lock checks; don't want to spend all this effort on
;; packages that shouldn't be updated
(let ((futures
(or (cl-loop for group
in (seq-partition (hash-table-values straight--repo-cache)
if (doom--packages-remove-outdated-f group)
collect it)
(error! "Failed to create any threads"))))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((total (length futures))
(while futures
(print! ". %.0f%%" (* (/ (- total (length futures))
(float total))
(while (not (async-ready (car futures)))
(sleep-for 2)
(print! "."))
(cl-destructuring-bind (status . result)
(or (async-get (pop futures))
(cons nil nil))
(cond ((null status)
(error "Thread returned an invalid result: %S" errors result))
((eq status 'error)
(error "There were errors:\n\n%s"
(if (and (listp result)
(symbolp (car result)))
(prin1-to-string result)
(mapconcat (lambda (e)
(format! " - %s: %s" (yellow (car e)) (cdr e)))
((eq status 'ok)
(print! (debug "Appended %S to package list") (or result "nothing"))
(appendq! specs result))
((error "Thread returned a non-standard status: %s\n\n%s"
status result)))))
(print! ". 100%%")
(if-let (specs (delq nil specs))
(if (not
(or auto-accept-p
"%s\n\nThere %s %d package%s available to update. Update them?"
(lambda (spec)
(cl-destructuring-bind (n pretime time recipe) spec
(straight--with-plist recipe (package)
(format! "+ %-33s %s commit(s) behind %s -> %s"
(yellow package) (yellow n)
(format-time-string "%Y%m%d" pretime)
(format-time-string "%Y%m%d" time)))))
(if (cdr specs) "are" "is")
(length specs)
(if (cdr specs) "s" "")))))
(ignore (print! (info "Aborted update")))
(let ((straight--packages-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(straight--packages-not-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(dolist (spec specs)
(cl-destructuring-bind (n pretime time recipe) spec
(straight--with-plist recipe (local-repo package)
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(print! (start "Updating %S") package)
;; HACK `straight' assumes it won't be used in a
;; noninteractive session, but here we are. If the repo
;; is dirty, the command will lock up, waiting for
;; interaction that will never come, so discard all
;; local changes. Doom doesn't want you modifying those
;; anyway.
(and (straight--get-call "git" "reset" "--hard")
(straight--get-call "git" "clean" "-ffd"))
(straight-merge-package package)
;; HACK `straight-rebuild-package' doesn't pick up that
;; this package has changed, so we do it manually. Is
;; there a better way?
(delete-directory (straight--build-dir package) 'recursive))
(puthash package t straight--packages-to-rebuild)
(cl-incf n))
(with-current-buffer (straight--process-get-buffer)
(print! (debug (autofill "%s") (indent 2 (buffer-string))))
(doom-packages-rebuild auto-accept-p))
(print! (success "No packages to update"))
(message "Output:\n%s" (straight--process-get-output))
(signal (car e) (error-message-string e)))))))
(defun doom--packages-to-purge ()
(let (builds repos)
(dolist (name (straight--directory-files (straight--repos-dir)))
(unless (straight--checkhash name straight--repo-cache)
(push name repos)))
(dolist (name (straight--directory-files (straight--build-dir)))
(unless (gethash name straight--profile-cache)
(push name builds)))
(list builds repos)))
(defmacro doom--packages-purge (packages label auto-accept-p &rest files)
(declare (indent defun))
`(let ((packages ,packages)
(label ,label))
(if (not packages)
(ignore (print! (success "No orphaned %s(s) to purge" label)))
(if (not (or ,auto-accept-p
(format! "\n%s\n\n%d %s(s) are orphaned. Purge them (for the Emperor)?"
(mapconcat (lambda (pkgs)
(mapconcat (lambda (p) (format " + %-20.20s" p))
(seq-partition (cl-sort (copy-sequence packages) #'string-lessp)
(length packages)
(ignore (print! (warn "Aborted")))
(let ((n 0))
(print! (start "Pruning %ss..." label))
(dolist (it packages)
(print! (info "Deleting %s/%s") label it)
(dolist (path (list ,@files))
(cond ((file-directory-p path)
(delete-directory path 'recursive))
((file-regular-p path)
(delete-file path)))
(if (file-exists-p path)
(print! (error "Failed to find %s/%s") label it)
(cl-incf n))))
(if (= n 0)
(ignore (print! (warn "Didn't prune any %s(s) for some reason" label)))
(print! (success "Pruned %d %s(s)" n label))
(defun doom-packages-purge (&optional elpa-p builds-p repos-p auto-accept-p)
"Auto-removes orphaned packages and repos.
An orphaned package is a package that isn't a primary package (i.e. doesn't have
a `package!' declaration) or isn't depended on by another primary package.
If BUILDS-P, include straight package builds.
If REPOS-P, include straight repos.
If ELPA-P, include packages installed with package.el (M-x package-install).
Unless AUTO-ACCEPT-P is non-nil, this function will prompt for confirmation with
a list of packages that will be removed."
(print! (start "Searching for orphaned packages..."))
(cl-destructuring-bind (builds repos)
(let (success)
(if builds-p
(and (doom--packages-purge builds "build" auto-accept-p
(straight--build-dir it)
(straight--modified-file it))
(setq success t)
(print! (info "Skipping builds")))
(if repos-p
(and (doom--packages-purge repos "repo" auto-accept-p
(straight--repos-dir it))
(setq success t))
(print! (info "Skipping repos")))
(if (not elpa-p)
(print! (info "Skipping elpa packages"))
(unless (bound-and-true-p package--initialized)
(and (doom--packages-purge (mapcar #'symbol-name (mapcar #'car package-alist))
"package" auto-accept-p
(package-desc-dir (cadr (assq (intern it) package-alist))))
(setq success t))
(when (file-directory-p package-user-dir)
(delete-directory package-user-dir t)))
(when success