2017-01-16 23:15:48 -05:00

319 lines
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;; core-ui.el --- draw me like one of your French editors
(defvar doom-ui-fringe-size '3
"Default fringe width")
(defvar doom-ui-theme 'doom-one
"The color theme currently in use.")
(defvar doom-ui-font
(font-spec :family "Fira Mono" :size 12)
"The font currently in use.")
(defvar doom-ui-variable-pitch-font
(font-spec :family "Fira Sans" :size 12)
"The font currently in use.")
(defvar doom-ui-unicode-font
(font-spec :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :size 12)
"Fallback font for unicode glyphs.")
(setq bidi-display-reordering nil ; disable bidirectional text for tiny performance boost
blink-matching-paren nil ; don't blink--too distracting
cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil
echo-keystrokes 0.02
frame-inhibit-implied-resize t
;; remove continuation arrow on right fringe
fringe-indicator-alist (delq (assq 'continuation fringe-indicator-alist)
highlight-nonselected-window nil
image-animate-loop t
indicate-buffer-boundaries nil
indicate-empty-lines nil
jit-lock-defer-time nil
jit-lock-stealth-nice 0.1
jit-lock-stealth-time 0.2
jit-lock-stealth-verbose nil
max-mini-window-height 0.3
mode-line-default-help-echo nil ; disable mode-line mouseovers
redisplay-dont-pause t ; don't pause display on input
resize-mini-windows 'grow-only ; Minibuffer resizing
show-help-function nil ; hide :help-echo text
show-paren-delay 0.075
show-paren-highlight-openparen t
show-paren-when-point-inside-paren t
split-width-threshold nil ; favor horizontal splits
uniquify-buffer-name-style nil
use-dialog-box nil ; always avoid GUI
visible-bell nil
visible-cursor nil
x-stretch-cursor t)
;; Bootstrap
(tooltip-mode -1) ; relegate tooltips to echo area only
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(when window-system
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
;; full filename in frame title
(setq frame-title-format '(buffer-file-name "%f" ("%b")))
;; Set theme and font
(with-demoted-errors "FONT ERROR: %s"
(set-frame-font doom-ui-font t t)
;; Fallback to `doom-unicode-font' for Unicode characters
(when doom-ui-unicode-font
(set-fontset-font t 'unicode doom-ui-unicode-font))
;; Set font for variable-pitch mode
(when doom-ui-variable-pitch-font
(set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :font doom-ui-variable-pitch-font)))
;; standardize fringe width
(fringe-mode doom-ui-fringe-size)
(push `(left-fringe . ,doom-ui-fringe-size) default-frame-alist)
(push `(right-fringe . ,doom-ui-fringe-size) default-frame-alist)
;; no fringe in the minibuffer
(add-hook! (emacs-startup minibuffer-setup)
(set-window-fringes (minibuffer-window) 0 0 nil))
;; Show tilde in margin on empty lines
(define-fringe-bitmap 'tilde [64 168 16] nil nil 'center)
(set-fringe-bitmap-face 'tilde 'fringe)
(setcdr (assq 'empty-line fringe-indicator-alist) 'tilde))
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ; y/n instead of yes/no
(global-eldoc-mode -1) ; auto-enabled in Emacs 25+; I'd rather do this myself
;;; TODO Smart quit-confirmation prompt
;; Only prompt if there are real buffers left (see ;; `doom-real-buffer-p')
;;(setq confirm-kill-emacs
;; (lambda (_)
;; (if (ignore-errors (doom-get-real-buffers))
;; (y-or-n-p " Quit?")
;; t)))
;;; Flash the mode-line on error
;; TODO More flexible colors (only suits dark themes)
;; FIXME With a rapid key-repeat setting the mode-line bg can get stuck
(defvar doom--visual-bell-bg nil)
(setq ring-bell-function 'doom-visual-bell)
(defun doom-visual-bell ()
(unless doom--visual-bell-bg
(setq doom--visual-bell-bg (face-attribute 'mode-line :background)))
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :background "#54252C")
0.1 nil
(lambda () (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :background doom--visual-bell-bg))))
;;; TODO/FIXME/NOTE highlighting in comments
(add-hook! (prog-mode emacs-lisp-mode css-mode)
nil '(("\\<\\(TODO\\(?:(.*)\\)?:?\\)\\>" 1 'warning prepend)
("\\<\\(FIXME\\(?:(.*)\\)?:?\\)\\>" 1 'error prepend)
("\\<\\(NOTE\\(?:(.*)\\)?:?\\)\\>" 1 'success prepend))))
;;; More reliable inter-window border
;; The native border "consumes" a pixel of the fringe on righter-most splits (in
;; Yamamoto's emacs-mac at least), `window-divider' does not.
;; NOTE available since Emacs 25.1
(setq window-divider-default-places t
window-divider-default-bottom-width 1
window-divider-default-right-width 1)
(window-divider-mode +1)
;;; Mode-line hiding minor mode
(defvar doom-hide-mode-line-format nil
"Format to use when `doom-hide-mode-line-mode' replaces the modeline")
(defvar-local doom--old-mode-line nil)
(define-minor-mode doom-hide-mode-line-mode
"Minor mode to hide the mode-line in the current buffer."
:init-value nil
:global nil
(if doom-hide-mode-line-mode
(setq doom--old-mode-line mode-line-format
mode-line-format doom-hide-mode-line-format)
(setq mode-line-format doom--old-mode-line
doom--mode-line doom-hide-mode-line-format))
;; Ensure major-mode or theme changes don't overwrite these variables
(put 'doom--old-mode-line 'permanent-local t)
(put 'doom-hide-mode-line-mode 'permanent-local t)
;; mode-line is unimportant in some windows
(with-current-buffer "*Messages*" (doom-hide-mode-line-mode +1))
(add-hook! (help-mode compilation-mode messages-buffer-mode completion-list-mode)
;; Plugins
;; Causes a flash around the cursor when it moves across a "large" distance.
;; Usually between windows, or across files. This makes it easier to keep track
;; where your cursor is, which I find helpful on my 30" 2560x1600 display.
(package! beacon
:config (beacon-mode +1)
(setq beacon-color (let ((bg (face-attribute 'highlight :background nil t)))
(if (eq bg 'unspecified) (face-attribute 'highlight :foreground nil t) bg))
beacon-blink-when-buffer-changes t
beacon-blink-when-point-moves-vertically 10))
;; I modified the built-in `hideshow' package to be prettier, autoload when
;; needed, and to behave as much like folding in vim does as possible. A better
;; option might be `origami', but certain bugs in it are preventing the switch
;; for now.
(package! hideshow :ensure nil
:commands (hs-minor-mode hs-toggle-hiding hs-already-hidden-p)
(defun doom*load-hs-minor-mode ()
(hs-minor-mode 1)
(advice-remove 'evil-toggle-fold 'doom-load-hs-minor-mode))
(advice-add 'evil-toggle-fold :before 'doom*load-hs-minor-mode)
;; Prettify code folding in emacs
(defface doom-folded-face '((t (:background "#ff8")))
"Face to hightlight `hideshow' overlays."
:group 'hideshow)
(setq hs-set-up-overlay
(lambda (ov)
(when (eq 'code (overlay-get ov 'hs))
ov 'display (propertize " [...] " 'face 'doom-folded-face))))))
;; Show unintrusive indentation markers, and do some whitespace voodoo to
;; prevent the lack-of-indent-guides-on-blank-lines problem.
(package! highlight-indent-guides
:commands highlight-indent-guides-mode
(setq highlight-indent-guides-method 'character)
(defun doom|highlight-indent-guides-adjust-whitespace (&optional start end)
"Consider this the opposite of `delete-trailing-whitespace'. Injects
whitespace into buffer so that `highlight-indent-guides-mode' will display
consistent, unbroken indent markers. This whitespace is stripped out on save, as
not to affect the resulting file."
(interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
(if (use-region-p)
(list (region-beginning) (region-end))
(list nil nil))))
(unless indent-tabs-mode
(let ((end-marker (copy-marker (or end (point-max))))
(start (or start (point-min))))
(goto-char start)
(while (and (re-search-forward "^$" end-marker t) (not (>= (point) end-marker)))
(let (line-start line-end next-start next-end)
;; Check previous line indent
(forward-line -1)
(setq line-start (point)
line-end (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point)))
;; Check next line indent
(forward-line 2)
(setq next-start (point)
next-end (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point)))
;; Back to origin
(forward-line -1)
;; Adjust indent
(let* ((line-indent (- line-end line-start))
(next-indent (- next-end next-start))
(indent (min line-indent next-indent)))
(insert (make-string (if (zerop indent) 0 (1+ indent)) ? )))))
(forward-line 1)))))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(add-hook! highlight-indent-guides-mode
(if highlight-indent-guides-mode
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'doom|highlight-indent-guides-adjust-whitespace nil t))
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook 'doom|highlight-indent-guides-adjust-whitespace t)
;; If all else fails, this package tries to guess the indentation, but does it
;; naively, so get default indentation from editorconfig instead.
(defun doom*highlight-indentation-guess-offset (&rest _)
(when (featurep 'editorconfig)
(setq-local highlight-indentation-offset
(string-to-int (gethash 'indent_size (editorconfig-get-properties))))))
(advice-add 'highlight-indentation-guess-offset :before 'doom*highlight-indentation-guess-offset))
;; Some modes don't adequately highlight numbers, therefore...
(package! highlight-numbers :commands highlight-numbers-mode)
;; Line highlighting (built-in)
(package! hl-line :ensure nil
;; stickiness doesn't play nice with emacs 25+
(setq hl-line-sticky-flag nil
global-hl-line-sticky-flag nil)
;; Remember whether hl-line was initially on or off in the current buffer
(defvar-local doom--hl-line-mode nil)
(defun doom|hl-line-on () (if doom--hl-line-mode (hl-line-mode +1)))
(defun doom|hl-line-off () (if doom--hl-line-mode (hl-line-mode -1)))
(add-hook! hl-line-mode (if hl-line-mode (setq doom--hl-line-mode t))))
;; A faster (or equal, in the worst case) line number plugin than `linum'. I've
;; modified it to highlight the current line, and fixed some glaring problems
;; with nlinum and frames.
(package! nlinum
:commands nlinum-mode
:preface (defvar nlinum-format "%4d ")
(markdown-mode prog-mode scss-mode web-mode conf-mode groovy-mode
nxml-mode snippet-mode php-mode)
(defun doom/nlinum-toggle ()
"Toggle `nlinum-mode'."
(nlinum-mode (if (bound-and-true-p nlinum-mode) -1 +1)))
;; Optimization: calculate line number column width beforehand
(add-hook! nlinum-mode
(setq nlinum--width (length (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max))
(format-mode-line "%l")))))
;; Disable nlinum when making frames, otherwise we get linum face error
;; messages that prevent frame creation.
(defun doom|nlinum-off () (nlinum-mode -1))
(add-hook 'before-make-frame-hook 'doom|nlinum-off)
(add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'doom|nlinum-off))
;; Makes distinguishing stacked delimiters apart much, much easier. Especially
;; in parentheses-drunk languages like Lisp.
(package! rainbow-delimiters
:commands rainbow-delimiters-mode
:config (setq rainbow-delimiters-max-face-count 3)
(add-hook! (emacs-lisp-mode lisp-mode js-mode css-mode c-mode-common)
;; Give color codes or names a background in that color. Nifty for css. Note
;; that hl-line and rainbow-mode don't play nicely together.
(package! rainbow-mode
:commands rainbow-mode
:init (after! hl-line (add-hook 'rainbow-mode-hook 'doom|hl-line-off)))
;; This makes distractions-free mode possible, but modifying window margins on
;; the fly and centering the buffer.
(package! visual-fill-column
(add-hook! visual-fill-column-mode
(setq-local split-window-preferred-function 'visual-line-mode-split-window-sensibly)))
(provide 'core-ui)
;;; core-ui.el ends here