2015-09-19 00:56:22 -04:00

91 lines
3.9 KiB

;;; module-js.el
(use-package js2-mode
:mode "\\.js$"
:interpreter "node"
js2-skip-preprocessor-directives t
js2-show-parse-errors nil
js2-global-externs '("module" "require" "buster" "sinon" "assert"
"refute" "setTimeout" "clearTimeout"
"setInterval" "clearInterval" "location"
"__dirname" "console" "JSON" "jQuery" "$"
;; Launchbar API
"LaunchBar" "File" "Action" "HTTP" "include"))
(after! web-beautify
(add-hook! js2-mode (setenv "jsbeautify_indent_size" "4"))
(bind! :map js2-mode-map :m "gQ" 'web-beautify-js))
(use-package js2-refactor
:after emr
:init (add-hook! js2-mode 'emr-initialize)
(mapc (lambda (x)
(let ((command-name (car x))
(title (cadr x))
(region-p (caddr x))
(setq predicate (cond ((eq region-p 'both) nil)
(t (if region-p
(lambda () (use-region-p))
(lambda () (not (use-region-p)))))))
(emr-declare-command (intern (format "js2r-%s" (symbol-name command-name)))
:title title :modes 'js2-mode :predicate predicate)))
'((extract-function "extract function" t)
(extract-method "extract method" t)
(introduce-parameter "introduce parameter" t)
(localize-parameter "localize parameter" nil)
(expand-object "expand object" nil)
(contract-object "contract object" nil)
(expand-function "expand function" nil)
(contract-function "contract function" nil)
(expand-array "expand array" nil)
(contract-array "contract array" nil)
(wrap-buffer-in-iife "wrap buffer in ii function" nil)
(inject-global-in-iife "inject global in ii function" t)
(add-to-globals-annotation "add to globals annotation" nil)
(extract-var "extract variable" t)
(inline-var "inline variable" t)
(rename-var "rename variable" nil)
(var-to-this "var to this" nil)
(arguments-to-object "arguments to object" nil)
(ternary-to-if "ternary to if" nil)
(split-var-declaration "split var declaration" nil)
(split-string "split string" nil)
(unwrap "unwrap" t)
(log-this "log this" 'both)
(debug-this "debug this" 'both)
(forward-slurp "forward slurp" nil)
(forward-barf "forward barf" nil))))
;; [pedantry intensifies]
(defadvice js2-mode (after js2-mode-rename-modeline activate)
(setq mode-name "JS2"))
(define-minor-mode nodejs-mode
:lighter " Node" :keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
(add-yas-minor-mode! 'nodejs-mode))
(associate! nodejs-mode :files ("package.json") :in (js2-mode)))
(use-package tern
:diminish tern-mode
:commands tern-mode
:init (add-hook! js2-mode 'tern-mode)
(after! company
(require 'company-tern)
(add-company-backend! js2-mode (tern))))
(use-package unityjs-mode
:mode "/Assets/.*\\.js$"
(add-hook! unityjs-mode
(flycheck-mode 1)
(setq js-indent-level 2)))
(provide 'module-js)
;;; module-js.el ends here