2020-05-28 22:01:23 -04:00

48 lines
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;;; tools/editorconfig/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; editorconfig cannot procure the correct settings for extension-less files.
;; Executable scripts with a shebang line, for example. So why not use Emacs'
;; major mode to drop editorconfig a hint? This is accomplished by temporarily
;; appending an extension to `buffer-file-name' when we talk to editorconfig.
(defvar +editorconfig-mode-alist
'((emacs-lisp-mode . "el")
(js2-mode . "js")
(perl-mode . "pl")
(php-mode . "php")
(python-mode . "py")
(ruby-mode . "rb")
(sh-mode . "sh"))
"An alist mapping major modes to extensions. Used by
`doom--editorconfig-smart-detection-a' to give editorconfig filetype hints.")
;; Handles whitespace (tabs/spaces) settings externally. This way projects can
;; specify their own formatting rules.
(use-package! editorconfig
:hook (doom-first-buffer . editorconfig-mode)
(when (require 'ws-butler nil t)
(setq editorconfig-trim-whitespaces-mode 'ws-butler-mode))
(defadvice! +editorconfig--smart-detection-a (orig-fn)
"Retrieve the properties for the current file. If it doesn't have an
extension, try to guess one."
:around #'editorconfig-call-editorconfig-exec
(let ((buffer-file-name
(if (and (not (bound-and-true-p org-src-mode))
(file-name-extension buffer-file-name))
(format "%s%s" (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))
(if-let (ext (alist-get major-mode +editorconfig-mode-alist))
(concat "." ext)
(funcall orig-fn)))
(add-hook! 'editorconfig-after-apply-functions
(defun +editorconfig-disable-indent-detection-h (props)
"Inhibit `dtrt-indent' if an explicit indent_style and indent_size is
specified by editorconfig."
(when (or (gethash 'indent_style props)
(gethash 'indent_size props))
(setq doom-inhibit-indent-detection 'editorconfig)))))