Henrik Lissner 7d3ffdff06
Remove third line in section headers
This is truly important stuff. We've saved many lives with this update.
2018-09-09 09:58:19 -04:00

243 lines
9.4 KiB

;;; core/autoload/help.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom--module-mode-alist
'((c-mode :lang cc)
(c++-mode :lang cc)
(objc++-mode :lang cc)
(java-mode :lang java)
(csharp-mode :lang csharp)
(clojure-mode :lang clojure)
(emacs-lisp-mode :lang emacs-lisp)
(go-mode :lang go)
(haskell-mode :lang haskell)
(js2-mode :lang javascript)
(julia-mode :lang julia)
(latex-mode :lang latex)
(LaTeX-mode :lang latex)
(ledger-mode :lang ledger)
(lua-mode :lang lua)
(markdown-mode :lang markdown)
(gfm-mode :lang markdown)
(ocaml-mode :lang ocaml)
(org-mode :lang org)
(perl-mode :lang perl)
(php-mode :lang php)
(hack-mode :lang php)
(plantuml-mode :lang plantuml)
(purescript-mode :lang purescript)
(python-mode :lang python)
(restclient-mode :lang rest)
(ruby-mode :lang ruby)
(rust-mode :lang rust)
(scala-mode :lang scala)
(sh-mode :lang sh)
(swift-mode :lang swift)
(typescript-mode :lang typescript)
(web-mode :lang web)
(css-mode :lang web)
(scss-mode :lang web)
(sass-mode :lang web)
(less-css-mode :lang web)
(stylus-mode :lang web))
;; Helpers
(defun doom-active-minor-modes ()
"Return a list of active minor-mode symbols."
(cl-loop for mode in minor-mode-list
if (and (boundp mode) (symbol-value mode))
collect mode))
;; Commands
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'doom/describe-setting 'doom/describe-setters "2.1.0")
(defun doom/describe-setters (setting)
"Open the documentation of Doom functions and configuration macros."
(let* ((settings
(cl-loop with case-fold-search = nil
for sym being the symbols of obarray
for sym-name = (symbol-name sym)
if (and (or (functionp sym)
(macrop sym))
(string-match-p "[a-z]!$" sym-name))
collect sym))
(sym (symbol-at-point))
"Describe setter: "
;; TODO Could be cleaner (refactor me!)
(cl-loop with maxwidth = (apply #'max (mapcar #'length (mapcar #'symbol-name settings)))
for def in (sort settings #'string-lessp)
if (or (get def 'doom-module)
(doom-module-from-path (symbol-file def)))
(format (format "%%-%ds%%s" (+ maxwidth 4))
def (propertize (format "%s %s" (car it) (cdr it))
'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
else if (file-in-directory-p (symbol-file def) doom-core-dir)
(format (format "%%-%ds%%s" (+ maxwidth 4))
def (propertize (format "%s %s" :core (file-name-sans-extension (file-relative-name (symbol-file def) doom-core-dir)))
'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
collect (symbol-name def))
nil t
(when (and (symbolp sym)
(string-match-p "!$" (symbol-name sym)))
(symbol-name sym)))))
(list (and setting (car (split-string setting " "))))))
(or (stringp setting)
(functionp setting)
(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(stringp functionp) setting)))
(let ((fn (if (functionp setting)
(intern-soft setting))))
(or (fboundp fn)
(error "'%s' is not a valid DOOM setting" setting))
(if (fboundp 'helpful-callable)
(helpful-callable fn)
(describe-function fn))))
(defun doom/describe-module (category module)
"Open the documentation of CATEGORY MODULE.
CATEGORY is a keyword and MODULE is a symbol. e.g. :feature and 'evil.
Automatically selects a) the module at point (in private init files), b) the
module derived from a `featurep!' or `require!' call, c) the module that the
current file is in, or d) the module associated with the current major mode (see
(let* ((module
(cond ((and buffer-file-name
(eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
(file-in-directory-p buffer-file-name doom-private-dir)
(save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "^\\s-*(doom! " nil t))
(thing-at-point 'sexp t)))
(require 'smartparens)
(unless (eq (char-after) ?\()
(let ((sexp (sexp-at-point)))
(when (memq (car-safe sexp) '(featurep! require!))
(format "%s %s" (nth 1 sexp) (nth 2 sexp)))))))
((and buffer-file-name
(when-let* ((mod (doom-module-from-path buffer-file-name)))
(format "%s %s" (car mod) (cdr mod)))))
((when-let* ((mod (cdr (assq major-mode doom--module-mode-alist))))
(format "%s %s"
(symbol-name (car mod))
(symbol-name (cadr mod)))))))
"Describe module: "
(cl-loop for path in (doom-module-load-path 'all)
for (cat . mod) = (doom-module-from-path path)
for format = (format "%s %s" cat mod)
if (doom-module-p cat mod)
collect format
collect (propertize format 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
nil t nil nil module))
(key (split-string module-string " ")))
(list (intern (car key))
(intern (cadr key)))))
(cl-check-type category symbol)
(cl-check-type module symbol)
(or (doom-module-p category module)
(error "'%s %s' isn't a valid module" category module))
(let ((doc-path (doom-module-path category module "")))
(unless (file-exists-p doc-path)
(error "There is no documentation for this module (%s)" doc-path))
(find-file doc-path)))
(defun doom/describe-active-minor-mode (mode)
"Get information on an active minor mode. Use `describe-minor-mode' for a
selection of all minor-modes, active or not."
(list (completing-read "Minor mode: " (doom-active-minor-modes))))
(cond ((stringp mode) (intern mode))
((symbolp mode) mode)
((error "Expected a symbol/string, got a %s" (type-of mode))))))
(defun doom/what-face (arg &optional pos)
"Shows all faces and overlay faces at point.
Interactively prints the list to the echo area. Noninteractively, returns a list
whose car is the list of faces and cadr is the list of overlay faces."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((pos (or pos (point)))
(faces (let ((face (get-text-property pos 'face)))
(if (keywordp (car-safe face))
(list face)
(cl-loop for f in (doom-enlist face) collect f))))
(overlays (cl-loop for ov in (overlays-at pos (1+ pos))
nconc (doom-enlist (overlay-get ov 'face)))))
(cond ((called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "%s %s\n%s %s"
(propertize "Faces:" 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(if faces
(cl-loop for face in faces
if (or (listp face) arg)
concat (format "'%s " face)
concat (concat (propertize (symbol-name face) 'face face) " "))
"n/a ")
(propertize "Overlays:" 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(if overlays
(cl-loop for ov in overlays
if arg concat (concat (symbol-name ov) " ")
else concat (concat (propertize (symbol-name ov) 'face ov) " "))
(and (or faces overlays)
(list faces overlays))))))
(defalias 'doom/help 'doom/open-manual)
(defun doom/open-manual ()
(find-file (expand-file-name "" doom-docs-dir)))
(defun doom/reload (&optional force-p)
"Reloads your config. This is experimental!
If called from a noninteractive session, this will try to communicate with a
live server (if one is found) to tell it to run this function.
If called from an interactive session, tries to reload autoloads files (if
necessary), reinistalize doom (via `doom-initialize') and reloads your private
init.el and config.el. Then runs `doom-reload-hook'."
(interactive "P")
(require 'core-cli)
(doom-reload-autoloads force-p)
(setq load-path doom-site-load-path)
(let (doom-init-p)
(with-demoted-errors "PRIVATE CONFIG ERROR: %s"
(doom-initialize-modules 'force))
(run-hook-wrapped 'doom-reload-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)
(message "Finished!"))