Henrik Lissner ab07120ea6 Remove doom/reload
This command didn't do what was intended, and it would be too much work
to write one that looks for outdated packages and reloads them.

Instead, just restart Emacs for changes to take effect. This is only
necessary if package management is done outside of Emacs. You
(theoretically) don't have to do anything if doing it from the inside.
2017-03-04 00:26:37 -05:00

458 lines
19 KiB

;;; core-packages.el
;; Emacs package management is opinionated. Unfortunately, so am I. With the
;; help of `use-package', `quelpa' and package.el, DOOM Emacs manages its
;; plugins and their dependencies through `doom/packages-install',
;; `doom/packages-update' and `doom/packages-autoremove', which can be called
;; via `make' on the command line (make {install,update,autoremove}).
;; My config is divided into two parts: configuration and packages.el files.
;; You'll find packages.el files in each DOOM module (in `doom-modules-dir') and
;; one in `doom-core-dir'. When executed, they fill `doom-packages' and
;; `doom-modules', which are necessary for DOOM to extrapolate all kinds of
;; information about plugins.
;; Why all the trouble? Because:
;; 1. Scriptability: I want an alternative to package.el's list-packages
;; interface for updating and installing packages.
;; 2. Flexibility: I sometimes want packages from sources other than ELPA. Like
;; github or the Emacs wiki, because certain plugins are out-of-date through
;; official channels, have changed hands unofficially, or simply haven't been
;; submitted to an ELPA repo yet.
;; 3. Stability: I don't want to worry that each time I use my package
;; manager something might inexplicably go wrong. Cask, I'm looking at you.
;; 4. Performance: A minor point, but it helps startup performance not to do
;; package.el initialization and package installation checks at startup.
;; 5. Simplicity: Without Cask, I have no external dependencies to worry about
;; (unless you count make). DOOM handles itself. Arguably, my emacs.d is
;; overcomplicated, but configuring is simpler as a result (well, for me
;; anyway :P).
;; It should be safe to use package.el functionality, however, avoid
;; `package-autoremove' as it will not reliably select the correct packages to
;; delete.
;; For complete certainty, I've provided DOOM alternatives of package commands,
;; like `doom/install-package', `doom/delete-package' & `doom/update-packages'.
;; See core/autoload/packages.el for more functions.
(defvar doom-init-p nil
"Non-nil if doom's package system has been initialized (by `doom-initialize').
This will be nil if you have byte-compiled your configuration (as intended).")
(defvar doom-modules nil
"A hash table of enabled modules. Set by `doom-initialize-modules'.")
(defvar doom-packages nil
"A list of enabled packages. Each element is a sublist, whose CAR is the
package's name as a symbol, and whose CDR is the plist supplied to its
`package!' declaration. Set by `doom-initialize-packages'.")
(defvar doom-protected-packages
'(persistent-soft quelpa use-package)
"A list of packages that must be installed (and will be auto-installed if
missing) and shouldn't be deleted.")
(defvar doom-init-time nil
"The time it took, in seconds, for DOOM Emacs to initialize.")
(defvar doom--base-load-path
(append (list doom-core-dir doom-modules-dir)
"A backup of `load-path' before it was altered by `doom-initialize'. Used as a
base when running `doom/reload', or by `doom!', for calculating how many
packages exist.")
(setq load-prefer-newer nil
package--init-file-ensured t
package-user-dir (expand-file-name "elpa" doom-packages-dir)
package-enable-at-startup nil
'(("gnu" . "")
("melpa" . "")
("org" . ""))
;; I omit Marmalade because its packages are manually submitted rather
;; than pulled, so packages are often out of date with upstream.
use-package-always-defer t
use-package-always-ensure nil
use-package-expand-minimally (not doom-debug-mode)
use-package-debug nil
use-package-verbose doom-debug-mode
use-package-minimum-reported-time (if doom-debug-mode 0 0.1)
;; Don't use MELPA, we'll use package.el for those
quelpa-checkout-melpa-p nil
quelpa-update-melpa-p nil
quelpa-melpa-recipe-stores nil
quelpa-self-upgrade-p nil
quelpa-dir (expand-file-name "quelpa" doom-packages-dir)
byte-compile-dynamic t
byte-compile-warnings '(not mapcar free-vars unresolved noruntime lexical make-local))
;; Bootstrap function
(defun doom-initialize (&optional force-p)
"Initialize installed packages (using package.el) and ensure the core packages
are installed. If you byte-compile core/core.el, this function will be avoided
to speed up startup."
;; Called early during initialization; only use native functions!
(unless (or doom-init-p force-p)
(unless noninteractive
(message "Doom initialized"))
(setq load-path doom--base-load-path
package-activated-list nil)
;; Ensure core folders exist
(dolist (dir (list doom-local-dir doom-cache-dir package-user-dir))
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(make-directory dir t)))
(package-initialize t)
;; Sure, we could let `package-initialize' fill `load-path', but package
;; activation costs precious milliseconds and does other stuff I don't
;; really care about (like load autoload files). My premature optimization
;; quota isn't filled yet.
;; Also, in some edge cases involving package initialization during a
;; non-interactive session, `package-initialize' fails to fill `load-path'.
;; If we want something done right, do it ourselves!
(setq load-path (append load-path (directory-files package-user-dir t "^\\w" t)))
;; Ensure core packages are installed
(let ((core-packages (cl-remove-if 'package-installed-p doom-protected-packages)))
(when core-packages
(dolist (pkg core-packages)
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(package-install pkg))
(if (package-installed-p pkg)
(message "Installed %s" pkg)
(error "Couldn't install %s" pkg)))))
(require 'quelpa)
(require 'use-package)
;; Remove package management keywords, I'll deal with that myself
(mapc (lambda (keyword) (setq use-package-keywords (delq keyword use-package-keywords)))
'(:ensure :pin))
(setq doom-init-p t)))
(defun doom-initialize-autoloads (&optional inhibit-reload-p)
"Ensures that `doom-autoload-file' exists and is loaded. Otherwise run
`doom/reload-autoloads' to generate it."
(unless (file-exists-p doom-autoload-file)
(quiet! (doom/reload-autoloads))))
(defun doom-initialize-packages (&optional force-p load-p)
"Crawls across your emacs.d in order to fill `doom-modules' (from init.el) and
`doom-packages' (from packages.el files), if they aren't set already. If FORCE-P
is non-nil, do it even if they are. Also aggressively loads all core autoload
(doom-initialize force-p)
(let ((noninteractive t)
(lambda (file &optional noerror)
(condition-case ex
(load file noerror :nomessage :nosuffix)
('error (message "INIT-PACKAGES ERROR (%s): %s" file ex))))))
(when (or force-p (not doom-modules))
(setq doom-modules nil)
(funcall load-fn (expand-file-name "init.el" doom-emacs-dir))
(when load-p
(mapc (lambda (file) (funcall load-fn file t))
(append (nreverse (file-expand-wildcards (concat doom-core-dir "core*.el")))
(file-expand-wildcards (concat doom-core-dir "autoload/*.el"))
(doom--module-paths "config.el")))))
(when (or force-p (not doom-packages))
(setq doom-packages nil)
(funcall load-fn (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-core-dir))
(mapc (lambda (file) (funcall load-fn file t))
(doom--module-paths "packages.el")))))
(defun doom-initialize-modules (modules)
"Adds MODULES to `doom-modules'. MODULES must be in mplist format.
e.g '(:feature evil :lang emacs-lisp javascript java)"
(unless doom-modules
(setq doom-modules (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size (length modules))))
(let (mode)
(dolist (m modules)
(cond ((keywordp m)
(setq mode m))
((not mode)
(error "No namespace specified on `doom!' for %s" m))
((eq m '*)
(cons mode
(lambda (dir) (intern (file-name-nondirectory dir)))
(directory-files (expand-file-name
(substring (symbol-name mode) 1)
t "^\\w"))))))
(doom--enable-module mode m))))))
(defun doom-module-path (module submodule &optional file)
"Get the full path to a module: e.g. :lang emacs-lisp maps to
~/.emacs.d/modules/lang/emacs-lisp/ and will append FILE if non-nil."
(unless (keywordp module)
(error "Expected a keyword, got %s" module))
(unless (symbolp submodule)
(error "Expected a symbol, got %s" submodule))
(let ((module-name (substring (symbol-name module) 1))
(submodule-name (symbol-name submodule)))
(expand-file-name (concat module-name "/" submodule-name "/" file)
(defun doom-module-loaded-p (module submodule)
"Returns t if MODULE->SUBMODULE is present in `doom-modules'."
(and doom-modules
(gethash (cons module submodule) doom-modules)))
(defun doom--module-pairs ()
"Returns `doom-modules' as a list of (MODULE . SUBMODULE) cons cells. The list
is sorted by order of insertion."
(let (pairs)
(maphash (lambda (key value) (push (cons (car key) (cdr key)) pairs))
(nreverse pairs)))
(defun doom--module-paths (&optional append-file)
"Returns a list of absolute file paths to modules, with APPEND-FILE added, if
the file exists."
(let (paths)
(dolist (pair (doom--module-pairs) (nreverse paths))
(let ((path (doom-module-path (car pair) (cdr pair) append-file)))
(when (file-exists-p path)
(push path paths))))))
(defun doom--enable-module (module submodule &optional force-p)
"Adds MODULE and SUBMODULE to `doom-modules', if it isn't already there (or if
FORCE-P is non-nil). MODULE is a keyword, SUBMODULE is a symbol. e.g. :lang
Used by `require!' and `depends-on!'."
(unless (or force-p (doom-module-loaded-p module submodule))
(puthash (cons module submodule) t doom-modules)))
(defun doom--display-benchmark ()
(message "Loaded %s packages in %.03fs"
(- (length load-path) (length doom--base-load-path))
(setq doom-init-time (float-time (time-subtract after-init-time before-init-time)))))
;; Macros
(autoload 'use-package "use-package" nil nil 'macro)
(defmacro doom! (&rest modules)
"DOOM Emacs bootstrap macro. List the modules to load. Benefits from
(doom-initialize-modules modules)
`(let (file-name-handler-alist)
(setq doom-modules ',doom-modules)
(unless noninteractive
,@(let (forms)
(dolist (module (doom--module-pairs) (nreverse forms))
(push `(require! ,(car module) ,(cdr module) t) forms)))
(when (display-graphic-p)
(require 'server)
(unless (server-running-p)
;; Benchmark
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'doom--display-benchmark t))))
(defmacro def-package! (name &rest plist)
"Defines and configures a package using `use-package'. Packages are deferred
by default. If the package isn't installed or loaded, `def-package!' is
(when (or (featurep name)
(progn (doom-initialize)
(package-installed-p name)))
`(use-package ,name ,@plist)))
(defmacro load! (filesym &optional path noerror)
"Loads a file relative to the current module (or PATH). FILESYM is a file path
as a symbol. PATH is a directory to prefix it with. If NOERROR is non-nil, don't
throw an error if the file doesn't exist."
(let ((path (or (and path
(cond ((symbolp path) (symbol-value path))
((stringp path) path)
((listp path) (eval path))))
(and load-file-name (file-name-directory load-file-name))
(and buffer-file-name (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
(and (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
(file-name-directory byte-compile-current-file)))))
(unless path
(error "Could not find %s" filesym))
(let ((file (expand-file-name (concat (symbol-name filesym) ".el") path)))
(if (file-exists-p file)
`(load ,(file-name-sans-extension file) ,noerror (not doom-debug-mode))
(unless noerror
(error "Could not load! file %s" file))))))
(defmacro require! (module submodule &optional reload-p)
"Like `require', but for doom modules. Will load a module's config.el file if
it hasn't already, and if it exists."
(when (or (not noninteractive)
(bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file))
(let ((loaded-p (doom-module-loaded-p module submodule)))
(when (or reload-p (not loaded-p))
(unless loaded-p
(doom--enable-module module submodule t))
`(load! config ,(doom-module-path module submodule) t)))))
(defmacro featurep! (module submodule)
"Convenience macro that wraps `doom-module-loaded-p'."
`(doom-module-loaded-p ,module ',submodule))
;; Declarative macros
(defmacro package! (name &rest plist)
"Declares a package and how to install it (if applicable). This does not load
nor install them.
Accepts the following properties:
:recipe RECIPE Takes a MELPA-style recipe (see `quelpa-recipe' in
`quelpa' for an example); for packages to be installed
from external sources.
:pin ARCHIVE-NAME Instructs ELPA to only look for this package in
ARCHIVE-NAME. e.g. \"org\". Ignored if RECIPE is present.
This macro serves a purely declarative purpose, and are used to fill
`doom-packages', so that functions like `doom/packages-install' can operate on
(declare (indent defun))
(let* ((old-plist (assq name doom-packages))
(pkg-recipe (or (plist-get plist :recipe)
(and old-plist (plist-get old-plist :recipe))))
(pkg-pin (or (plist-get plist :pin)
(and old-plist (plist-get old-plist :pin)))))
(when pkg-recipe
(when (= 0 (% (length pkg-recipe) 2))
(plist-put plist :recipe (cons name pkg-recipe)))
(when pkg-pin
(plist-put plist :pin nil)))
(when ,(and pkg-pin t)
(cl-pushnew (cons ',name ,pkg-pin) package-pinned-packages :key 'car))
(when ,(and old-plist t)
(assq-delete-all ',name doom-packages))
(push ',(cons name plist) doom-packages))))
(defmacro depends-on! (module submodule)
"Declares that this module depends on another. MODULE is a keyword, and
SUBMODULE is a symbol."
(doom--enable-module module submodule)
`(load! packages ,(doom-module-path module submodule) t))
;; Commands
(defun doom/reload-autoloads ()
"Refreshes the autoloads.el file, which tells Emacs where to find all the
autoloaded functions in enabled modules or among the core libraries, e.g.
In modules, checks modules/*/autoload.el and modules/*/autoload/*.el.
Rerun this whenever init.el is modified. You can also use `make autoloads` from
the commandline."
(doom-initialize-packages (not noninteractive))
(let ((generated-autoload-file doom-autoload-file)
(expand-file-name "autoload/*.el" doom-core-dir))))
(dolist (path (doom--module-paths))
(let ((auto-dir (expand-file-name "autoload" path))
(auto-file (expand-file-name "autoload.el" path)))
(when (file-exists-p auto-file)
(push auto-file autoload-files))
(when (file-directory-p auto-dir)
(mapc (lambda (file)
;; Make evil.el autoload files a special case; don't load them
;; unless evil is enabled.
(unless (and (equal (file-name-nondirectory file) "evil.el")
(not (featurep! :feature evil)))
(push file autoload-files)))
(file-expand-wildcards (expand-file-name "*.el" auto-dir) t)))))
(when (file-exists-p generated-autoload-file)
(delete-file generated-autoload-file)
(message "Deleted old autoloads.el"))
(dolist (file (nreverse autoload-files))
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(update-file-autoloads file))
(message "Scanned %s" (file-relative-name file doom-emacs-dir)))
(condition-case ex
(let ((buf (get-file-buffer generated-autoload-file)))
(with-current-buffer buf
(message "Finished generating autoloads.el!"))
(kill-buffer buf)))
(delete-file generated-autoload-file)
(error "Couldn't evaluate autoloads.el: %s" (cadr ex))))))
(defun doom/recompile ()
"Byte (re)compile the important files in your emacs configuration (init.el,
core/*.el & modules/*/*/**.el). DOOM Emacs was designed to benefit from this.
This may take a while."
;; Ensure all relevant config files are loaded. This way we don't need
;; eval-when-compile and require blocks scattered all over.
(doom-initialize-packages (not noninteractive) noninteractive)
(let ((targets
(append (list (expand-file-name "init.el" doom-emacs-dir)
(expand-file-name "core.el" doom-core-dir))
(file-expand-wildcards (expand-file-name "core-*.el" doom-core-dir))
(file-expand-wildcards (expand-file-name "autoload/*.el" doom-core-dir))))
(n 0)
(dolist (path (doom--module-paths))
(nconc targets (nreverse (directory-files-recursively path "\\.el$"))))
(dolist (file targets)
(push (cons (file-relative-name file doom-emacs-dir)
(and (byte-recompile-file file nil 0)
(setq n (1+ n))))
(when noninteractive
(if targets (message "\n"))
(message "Compiled %s/%s files" n (length results))
(when-let (errors (cl-remove-if 'cdr results))
(message "\n%s" (mapconcat (lambda (file) (concat "+ ERROR: " (car file)))
(nreverse errors) "\n"))))))
;; Package.el modifications
(advice-add 'package-delete :after 'doom*package-delete)
(provide 'core-packages)
;;; core-packages.el ends here