Henrik Lissner 77e4cc4d58
💥 Remove :feature category
:feature was a "catch-all" category. Many of its modules fit better in
other categories, so they've been moved:

- feature/debugger -> tools/debugger
- feature/evil -> editor/evil
- feature/eval -> tools/eval
- feature/lookup -> tools/lookup
- feature/snippets -> editor/snippets
- feature/file-templates -> editor/file-templates
- feature/workspaces -> ui/workspaces

More potential changes in the future:

- A new :term category for terminal emulation modules (eshell, term and
- A new :os category for modules dedicated to os-specific functionality.
  The :tools macos module would fit here, but so would modules for nixos
  and arch.
- A new :services category for web-service integration, like wakatime,
  twitter, elfeed, gist and pastebin services.
2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
autoload 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
test 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
+commands.el 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
+everywhere.el 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
config.el 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
packages.el 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00



This holy module brings the vim experience to Emacs.

Module Flags

  • +everywhere Enables evilified keybinds everywhere possible. Uses the evil-collection plugin as a foundation.


  • When a window is split, the new window will be focused.
  • The o/O keys will respect and continue commented lines (can be disabled by setting +evil-want-o/O-to-continue-comments to nil).
  • In visual mode, * and # will search for the current selection instead of the word-at-point.
  • The :g[lobal] ex command has been modified to highlight matches.
  • More of vim's filename modifiers are supported in ex commands (like :p, :p:h or :t) than vanilla evil-mode offers.
  • A custom filename modifier is available in Doom: :P, which expands to the project root (throws an error if not in a project).


This module has no external prerequisites.


Ported vim plugins

The following vim plugins have been ported to evil:

Vim Plugin Emacs Plugin Keybind(s)
vim-commentary evil-commentary omap gc
vim-easymotion evil-easymotion omap gs
vim-seek or vim-sneak evil-snipe mmap s=/=S, omap z=/=Z & x=/=x
vim-surround evil-embrace and evil-surround vmap S, omap ys

In other modules:

  • The tools/neotree & tools/treemacs modules provide a NERDTree equivalent.
  • The editor/multiple-cursors module contains functionality equal to the following vim plugins:

    • evil-multiedit => vim-multiedit
    • evil-mc => vim-multiple-cursors

Custom Text Objects

This module provides a couple extra text objects, along with the built-in ones. For posterity, here are the built-in ones:

  • w W words
  • s sentences
  • p paragraphs
  • b parenthesized blocks
  • ) { } [ ] < >= braces, parentheses and brackets
  • ' " ` quotes
  • t tags
  • o symbols

And these are text objects added by this module:

  • a C-style fucntion arguments (provided by evil-args)
  • B any block delimited by braces, parentheses or backets (provided by evil-textobj-anyblock)
  • i j k By indentation (k includes on line above and j includes one line below) (provided by evil-indent-plus)
  • x XML attributes (provided by exato)

Custom Ex Commands

Ex Command Description
:@ Apply macro on selected lines
:ag[!] REGEXP Perform a project search with ag
:agcwd[!] REGEXP Perform a project search with ag from the current directory
:al[ign][!] REGEXP Align text to the first match of REGEXP. If BANG, align all matches on each line
:cp[!] NEWPATH Copy the current file to NEWPATH
:dash QUERY Look up QUERY (or the symbol at point) in dash docsets
:dehtml [INPUT] HTML decode selected text / inserts result if INPUT is given
:enhtml [INPUT] HTML encode selected text / inserts result if INPUT is given
:grep[!] Perform a project search with git-grep
:grepcwd[!] Perform a project search with git-grep from the current directory
:iedit REGEXP Invoke iedit on all matches for REGEXP
:k[ill]all[!] Kill all buffers (if BANG, affect buffer across workspaces)
:k[ill]b Kill all buried buffers
:k[ill]m[!] REGEXP Kill buffers whose name matches REGEXP (if BANG, affect buffers across workspaces)
:k[ill]o Kill all other buffers besides the selected one
:k[ill] Kill the current buffer
:lo[okup] QUERY Look up QUERY on an online search engine
:mc REGEXP Invoke multiple cursors on all matches for REGEXP
:mv[!] NEWPATH Move the current file to NEWPATH
:na[rrow] Narrow the buffer to the selection
:pad Open a scratch pad for running code quickly
:pt[!] Perform a project search with pt
:ptcwd[!] Perform a project search with pt from the current directory
:ral[ign][!] REGEXP Right-Align text that matches REGEXP. If BANG, align all matches on each line
:repl Open a REPL and/or copy the current selection to it
:retab Convert indentation to the default within the selection
:rev[erse] Reverse the selected lines
:rg[!] Perform a project search with ripgrep
:rgcwd[!] Perform a project search with rigprep from the current directory
:rm[!] [PATH] Delete the current buffer's file and buffer
:tcd[!] Send cd X to tmux. X = the project root if BANG, X = default-directory otherwise


Removing evil-mode

You must do two things to remove Evil:

  1. Remove :editor evil from ~/.doom.d/init.el,
  2. Run doom refresh to clean up lingering dependencies and refresh yuor autoloads files.
  3. [OPTIONAL] You may want to assign new values to doom-leader-alt-key and doom-localleader-alt-key. These are bound to C-c and C-c l by default.

Ignore doom-leader-key and doom-localleader-key, they don't apply to non-evil sessions.

Evil-specific configuration and keybindings (defined with map!) will be ignored without :editor evil present (and omitted when byte-compiling).

Keep in mind that, at the time of this writing, Doom was designed by a vimmer, for vimmers. Little consideration has been put into designing a keybind scheme for vanilla Emacs users (though it's being worked on!).

That means that much of Doom's functionality will be orphaned in an evil-less setup. You'll have to set your own keybinds.

I suggest studying config/default/+emacs-bindings.el to see what keybinds are available for non-evil users. Otherwise, you may find inspiration on the example Doom configurations page.

Restoring old substitution behavior on s/S

Doom replaces the s and S keys with the evil-snipe package (a port of vim-seek/vim-sneak for 2-character versions of f/F/t/T).

To disable evil-snipe on s/S, you can either:

  1. Disable evil-snipe-mode by adding (after! evil-snipe (evil-snipe-mode -1)) to $DOOMDIR/config.el,
  2. Or disable evil-snipe completely with (package! evil-snipe :disable t) added to $DOOMDIR/packages.el, but this will also disable incremental highlighting for the f/F/t/T motions keys.
  3. Or use cl and cc, respectively; they do the same thing.