Henrik Lissner 77e4cc4d58
💥 Remove :feature category
:feature was a "catch-all" category. Many of its modules fit better in
other categories, so they've been moved:

- feature/debugger -> tools/debugger
- feature/evil -> editor/evil
- feature/eval -> tools/eval
- feature/lookup -> tools/lookup
- feature/snippets -> editor/snippets
- feature/file-templates -> editor/file-templates
- feature/workspaces -> ui/workspaces

More potential changes in the future:

- A new :term category for terminal emulation modules (eshell, term and
- A new :os category for modules dedicated to os-specific functionality.
  The :tools macos module would fit here, but so would modules for nixos
  and arch.
- A new :services category for web-service integration, like wakatime,
  twitter, elfeed, gist and pastebin services.
2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
app 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
completion 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
config 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
editor 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
emacs 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
lang 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
tools 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00
ui 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00 💥 Remove :feature category 2019-04-24 18:16:04 -04:00

Doom Modules


Modules that provide new interfaces or frameworks for completion, including code completion.

  • company +auto +childframe: The ultimate code completion backend
  • helm +fuzzy +childframe: Another search engine for love and life
  • ido: The other other search engine for love and life
  • ivy +fuzzy +childframe: The search engine for love and life


Aesthetic modules that affect the Emacs interface or user experience.


Modules that affect and augment your ability to manipulate or insert text.


Modules that reconfigure or augment packages or features built into Emacs.

  • dired +ranger +icons:
  • electric:
  • eshell:
  • imenu:
  • term:
  • vc:


Small modules that give Emacs access to external tools & services.

  • ansible:
  • debugger: A (nigh-)universal debugger in Emacs
  • docker:
  • editorconfig:
  • ein:
  • eval: REPL & code evaluation support for a variety of languages
  • flycheck: Live error/warning highlights
  • flyspell: Spell checking
  • gist:
  • lookup +docsets: Universal jump-to & documentation lookup backend
  • lsp:
  • macos:
  • magit:
  • make:
  • password-store:
  • pdf:
  • prodigy:
  • rgb:
  • terraform:
  • tmux:
  • upload:
  • wakatime:
  • vterm:


Modules that bring support for a language or group of languages to Emacs.

  • agda:
  • assembly:
  • cc +lsp:
  • clojure:
  • common-lisp:
  • coq:
  • crystal:
  • csharp:
  • data:
  • erlang:
  • elixir:
  • elm:
  • emacs-lisp:
  • ess:
  • go +lsp:
  • haskell +intero +dante:
  • hy:
  • idris:
  • java +meghanada:
  • javascript +lsp:
  • julia:
  • kotlin:
  • latex:
  • ledger:
  • lua:
  • markdown:
  • nim:
  • nix:
  • ocaml +lsp:
  • org +attach +babel +capture +export +present +ipython:
  • perl:
  • php +lsp:
  • plantuml:
  • purescript:
  • python +lsp:
  • qt:
  • racket:
  • rest:
  • ruby +lsp:
  • rust +lsp:
  • scala:
  • sh +fish +lsp:
  • solidity:
  • swift:
  • terra:
  • web +lsp:
  • vala:


Large, opinionated modules that transform and take over Emacs, i.e. Doom-specific porcelains.

  • calendar:
  • email +gmail:
  • irc:
  • rss +org:
  • twitter:
  • write +wordnut +langtool:


Modules that enable collaborative programming over the internet.

  • floobits:
  • impatient-mode:


Modules that configure Emacs one way or another, or focus on making it easier for you to customize it yourself.

  • literate:
  • default +bindings +smartparens: