2016-06-06 01:19:38 -04:00

64 lines
2.5 KiB

;;; defuns-ivy.el
(defun doom/ivy-switch-buffer (&optional all-p)
"Displays open buffers in current project. If ALL-P, then show all open
(let ((this-command 'ivy-switch-buffer))
(ivy-read "Switch to buffer: " (doom/get-buffer-names (not all-p))
:matcher #'ivy--switch-buffer-matcher
:preselect (buffer-name (other-buffer (current-buffer)))
:action #'ivy--switch-buffer-action
:keymap ivy-switch-buffer-map
:caller 'doom/ivy-switch-buffer)))
(defun doom/ivy-kill-ring ()
(ivy-read "Kill ring:" (--filter (not (or (< (length it) 3)
(string-match-p "\\`[\n[:blank:]]+\\'" it)))
(remove-duplicates kill-ring :test' equal))))
;;;###autoload (autoload 'doom:ivy-recentf "defuns-ivy" nil t)
(evil-define-command doom:ivy-recentf (&optional bang)
"Ex-mode interface for `ivy-recentf' and `projectile-recentf'."
:repeat nil
(interactive "<!>")
(if bang (ivy-recentf) (projectile-recentf)))
;;;###autoload (autoload 'doom:ivy-swipe "defuns-ivy" nil t)
(evil-define-command doom:ivy-swiper (&optional search)
(interactive "<a>")
(swiper (or search (thing-at-point 'symbol))))
(defvar doom-ivy-ag-last-search nil)
;;;###autoload (autoload 'doom:ivy-ag-search "defuns-ivy" nil t)
(evil-define-operator doom:ivy-ag-search (beg end search regex-p &optional dir)
"Preform a counsel search with SEARCH. If SEARCH is nil and in visual mode,
use the selection, otherwise activate live ag searching in helm.
If REGEX-P is non-nil, SEARCH will be treated as a regular expression.
DIR specifies the default-directory from which ag is run."
:type inclusive :repeat nil
(interactive "<r><a><!>")
(let ((counsel-ag-base-command
(format "ag --nocolor --nogroup %s %%s -- ."
(if regex-p "-Q" "")))
(search (or search
(and (evil-visual-state-p)
(and beg end (rxt-quote-pcre (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))
(setq doom-ivy-ag-last-search search)
(counsel-ag search (or dir (f-slash (doom/project-root))))))
;;;###autoload (autoload 'doom:ivy-ag-search-cwd "defuns-ivy" nil t)
(evil-define-operator doom:ivy-ag-search-cwd (beg end search regex-p)
:type inclusive :repeat nil
(interactive "<r><a><!>")
(doom:ivy-ag-search beg end search regex-p default-directory))
(provide 'defuns-ivy)
;;; defuns-ivy.el ends here