Go to file
2016-06-06 01:19:38 -04:00
core Add pcre2el for pcre defuns 2016-06-06 01:19:38 -04:00
modules Refactor doom-fix-unicode 2016-06-06 01:19:38 -04:00
private :dash -> doom:docs-lookup 2016-06-06 01:19:38 -04:00
Cask Add pcre2el for pcre defuns 2016-06-06 01:19:38 -04:00
init.el Goodbye Helm, hello Ivy 2016-06-06 01:19:37 -04:00
Makefile General cleanup + update readme 2016-06-06 01:19:00 -04:00
README.md General cleanup + update readme 2016-06-06 01:19:00 -04:00


This is an Emacs configuration for stubborn vimmers and silent demon annihilating protagonists alike. It strives to emulate vim as best it can, and surpass it in any way possible.

[![Yay! Evil!](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hlissner/.emacs.d/screenshots/cacochan.png)](http://ultravioletbat.deviantart.com/art/Yay-Evil-111710573)

It is tailored to OSX 10.11+, Emacs 24.5.1+ and my needs as a software developer, designer, scientist and doom enthusiast.

Splash page screenshot Main screenshots


brew install cask
brew install emacs --with-cocoa --with-imagemagick
git clone https://github.com/hlissner/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d
make          # installs plugins via cask and generates autoloads

# Optional
make compile  # compiles core and autoloaded files
make snippets # install hlissner/emacs-snippets into private/snippets

For a more comprehensive byte compile, run :bc! (:bc will compile the current *.el file).


To get a picture of what's in here, check out:


  • Pretty line numbers with nlinum and neckbearded hackery
  • Syntax checking with Flycheck
  • Completion with company-mode
  • Nigh-universal code debugging interface with realgud
  • Pretty mode-line with spaceline
  • Project navigation with helm and neotree
  • Project search with ag and file search with evil-search or helm-swoop
  • Project-wide search and replace with helm-ag (press shift-Tab while in results buffer)
  • Session persistence (and tab emulation) with workgroups2 Workgroups2 tabs emulation
  • Run code inline with quickrun
  • REPLs for many major modes with repl-toggle, including Ruby, Python, PHP, JS, Elisp, Haskell and Lua.
  • 2-char motions with evil-snipe
  • Diffs in the margin with git-gutter
  • Repeat (most) motions with SPC
  • Snippet expansion with yasnippet and auto-yasnippet
  • File template support with auto-insert and yasnippet
  • Code folding with hideshow
  • Multiple cursors with evil-multiedit
  • O/S interaction functions, like os-reveal and os-open-in-browser
  • Custom TODO, FIXME and NOTE highlighting
  • big-mode for presentations and demonstrations
  • Tmux integration with :t and :tcd ex commands
  • Tamed popup windows with shackle
  • Vim-esque omnicompletion. e.g. C-x C-f for files
  • Quick keybindings with :[nviom]map
  • Emacs for modern note-taking/LaTeX/writing with org-mode or rst-mode
  • Modeline improvements
    • evil-search/iedit/evil-substitute mode-line integration:

      matches count in mode-line substitutions count in mode-line

    • Macro-recording indicator:

      macro indicator in modeline

    • Show (py|rb)env version in mode-line

      py/rb version in modeline