2020-06-04 20:13:28 -04:00

443 lines
17 KiB

;;; config/default/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +default-want-RET-continue-comments t
"If non-nil, RET will continue commented lines.")
(defvar +default-minibuffer-maps
(append '(minibuffer-local-map
(cond ((featurep! :completion ivy)
((featurep! :completion helm)
"A list of all the keymaps used for the minibuffer.")
;;; Reasonable defaults
;;;###package avy
(setq avy-all-windows nil
avy-all-windows-alt t
avy-background t
;; the unpredictability of this (when enabled) makes it a poor default
avy-single-candidate-jump nil)
(after! epa
;; With GPG 2.1+, this forces gpg-agent to use the Emacs minibuffer to prompt
;; for the key passphrase.
(set (if EMACS27+
'epa-pinentry-mode) ; DEPRECATED `epa-pinentry-mode'
;; Default to the first secret key available in your keyring.
(or (default-value 'epa-file-encrypt-to)
(unless (string-empty-p user-full-name)
(cl-loop for key in (ignore-errors (epg-list-keys (epg-make-context) user-full-name))
collect (epg-sub-key-id (car (epg-key-sub-key-list key)))))
;; And suppress prompts if epa-file-encrypt-to has a default value (without
;; overwriting file-local values).
(defadvice! +default--dont-prompt-for-keys-a (&rest _)
:before #'epa-file-write-region
(unless (local-variable-p 'epa-file-encrypt-to)
(setq-local epa-file-encrypt-to (default-value 'epa-file-encrypt-to)))))
(use-package! drag-stuff
:defer t
(map! "<M-up>" #'drag-stuff-up
"<M-down>" #'drag-stuff-down
"<M-left>" #'drag-stuff-left
"<M-right>" #'drag-stuff-right))
;;;###package tramp
(unless IS-WINDOWS
(setq tramp-default-method "ssh")) ; faster than the default scp
;;; Smartparens config
(when (featurep! +smartparens)
;; You can disable :unless predicates with (sp-pair "'" nil :unless nil)
;; And disable :post-handlers with (sp-pair "{" nil :post-handlers nil)
;; or specific :post-handlers with:
;; (sp-pair "{" nil :post-handlers '(:rem ("| " "SPC")))
(after! smartparens
;; Smartparens' navigation feature is neat, but does not justify how
;; expensive it is. It's also less useful for evil users. This may need to
;; be reactivated for non-evil users though. Needs more testing!
(add-hook! 'after-change-major-mode-hook
(defun doom-disable-smartparens-navigate-skip-match-h ()
(setq sp-navigate-skip-match nil
sp-navigate-consider-sgml-tags nil)))
;; Autopair quotes more conservatively; if I'm next to a word/before another
;; quote, I don't want to open a new pair or it would unbalance them.
(let ((unless-list '(sp-point-before-word-p
(sp-pair "'" nil :unless unless-list)
(sp-pair "\"" nil :unless unless-list))
;; Expand {|} => { | }
;; Expand {|} => {
;; |
;; }
(dolist (brace '("(" "{" "["))
(sp-pair brace nil
:post-handlers '(("||\n[i]" "RET") ("| " "SPC"))
;; I likely don't want a new pair if adjacent to a word or opening brace
:unless '(sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-before-same-p)))
;; In lisps ( should open a new form if before another parenthesis
(sp-local-pair sp-lisp-modes "(" ")" :unless '(:rem sp-point-before-same-p))
;; Major-mode specific fixes
(sp-local-pair 'ruby-mode "{" "}"
:pre-handlers '(:rem sp-ruby-pre-handler)
:post-handlers '(:rem sp-ruby-post-handler))
;; Don't eagerly escape Swift style string interpolation
(sp-local-pair 'swift-mode "\\(" ")" :when '(sp-in-string-p))
;; Don't do square-bracket space-expansion where it doesn't make sense to
(sp-local-pair '(emacs-lisp-mode org-mode markdown-mode gfm-mode)
"[" nil :post-handlers '(:rem ("| " "SPC")))
;; Reasonable default pairs for HTML-style comments
(sp-local-pair (append sp--html-modes '(markdown-mode gfm-mode))
"<!--" "-->"
:unless '(sp-point-before-word-p sp-point-before-same-p)
:actions '(insert) :post-handlers '(("| " "SPC")))
;; Disable electric keys in C modes because it interferes with smartparens
;; and custom bindings. We'll do it ourselves (mostly).
(after! cc-mode
(setq-default c-electric-flag nil)
(dolist (key '("#" "{" "}" "/" "*" ";" "," ":" "(" ")" "\177"))
(define-key c-mode-base-map key nil))
;; Smartparens and cc-mode both try to autoclose angle-brackets
;; intelligently. The result isn't very intelligent (causes redundant
;; characters), so just do it ourselves.
(define-key! c++-mode-map "<" nil ">" nil)
(defun +default-cc-sp-point-is-template-p (id action context)
"Return t if point is in the right place for C++ angle-brackets."
(and (sp-in-code-p id action context)
(cond ((eq action 'insert)
(sp-point-after-word-p id action context))
((eq action 'autoskip)
(/= (char-before) 32)))))
(defun +default-cc-sp-point-after-include-p (id action context)
"Return t if point is in an #include."
(and (sp-in-code-p id action context)
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(looking-at-p "[ ]*#include[^<]+"))))
;; ...and leave it to smartparens
(sp-local-pair '(c++-mode objc-mode)
"<" ">"
:when '(+default-cc-sp-point-is-template-p
:post-handlers '(("| " "SPC")))
(sp-local-pair '(c-mode c++-mode objc-mode java-mode)
"/*!" "*/"
:post-handlers '(("||\n[i]" "RET") ("[d-1]< | " "SPC"))))
;; Expand C-style doc comment blocks. Must be done manually because some of
;; these languages use specialized (and deferred) parsers, whose state we
;; can't access while smartparens is doing its thing.
(defun +default-expand-asterix-doc-comment-block (&rest _ignored)
(let ((indent (current-indentation)))
(insert (make-string indent 32) " */")
(delete-char 2))))
'(js2-mode typescript-mode rjsx-mode rust-mode c-mode c++-mode objc-mode
csharp-mode java-mode php-mode css-mode scss-mode less-css-mode
stylus-mode scala-mode)
"/*" "*/"
:actions '(insert)
:post-handlers '(("| " "SPC")
("|\n[i]*/[d-2]" "RET")
(+default-expand-asterix-doc-comment-block "*")))
(after! smartparens-ml
(sp-with-modes '(tuareg-mode fsharp-mode)
(sp-local-pair "(*" "*)" :actions nil)
(sp-local-pair "(*" "*"
:actions '(insert)
:post-handlers '(("| " "SPC") ("|[i]*)[d-2]" "RET")))))
(after! smartparens-markdown
(sp-with-modes '(markdown-mode gfm-mode)
(sp-local-pair "```" "```" :post-handlers '(:add ("||\n[i]" "RET")))
;; The original rules for smartparens had an odd quirk: inserting two
;; asterixex would replace nearby quotes with asterixes. These two rules
;; set out to fix this.
(sp-local-pair "**" nil :actions :rem)
(sp-local-pair "*" "*"
:actions '(insert skip)
:unless '(:rem sp-point-at-bol-p)
;; * then SPC will delete the second asterix and assume
;; you wanted a bullet point. * followed by another *
;; will produce an extra, assuming you wanted **|**.
:post-handlers '(("[d1]" "SPC") ("|*" "*"))))
;; This keybind allows * to skip over **.
(map! :map markdown-mode-map
:ig "*" (general-predicate-dispatch nil
(looking-at-p "\\*\\* *")
(cmd! (forward-char 2)))))))
;;; Keybinding fixes
;; Highjacks backspace to delete up to nearest column multiple of `tab-width' at
;; a time. If you have smartparens enabled, it will also:
;; a) balance spaces inside brackets/parentheses ( | ) -> (|)
;; b) close empty multiline brace blocks in one step:
;; {
;; |
;; }
;; becomes {|}
;; c) refresh smartparens' :post-handlers, so SPC and RET expansions work even
;; after a backspace.
;; d) properly delete smartparen pairs when they are encountered, without the
;; need for strict mode.
;; e) do none of this when inside a string
(advice-add #'delete-backward-char :override #'+default--delete-backward-char-a)
;; HACK Makes `newline-and-indent' continue comments (and more reliably).
;; Consults `doom-point-in-comment-functions' to detect a commented region
;; and uses that mode's `comment-line-break-function' to continue comments.
;; If neither exists, it will fall back to the normal behavior of
;; `newline-and-indent'.
;; We use an advice here instead of a remapping because many modes define
;; and remap to their own newline-and-indent commands, and tackling all
;; those cases was judged to be more work than dealing with the edge cases
;; on a case by case basis.
(defadvice! +default--newline-indent-and-continue-comments-a (&rest _)
"A replacement for `newline-and-indent'.
Continues comments if executed from a commented line. Consults
`doom-point-in-comment-functions' to determine if in a comment."
:before-until #'newline-and-indent
(interactive "*")
(when (and +default-want-RET-continue-comments
(fboundp comment-line-break-function))
(funcall comment-line-break-function nil)
;; This section is dedicated to "fixing" certain keys so that they behave
;; sensibly (and consistently with similar contexts).
;; Consistently use q to quit windows
(after! tabulated-list
(define-key tabulated-list-mode-map "q" #'quit-window))
;; OS specific fixes
(when IS-MAC
;; Fix MacOS shift+tab
(define-key key-translation-map [S-iso-lefttab] [backtab])
;; Fix conventional OS keys in Emacs
(map! "s-`" #'other-frame ; fix frame-switching
;; fix OS window/frame navigation/manipulation keys
"s-w" #'delete-window
"s-W" #'delete-frame
"s-n" #'+default/new-buffer
"s-N" #'make-frame
"s-q" (if (daemonp) #'delete-frame #'save-buffers-kill-terminal)
"C-s-f" #'toggle-frame-fullscreen
;; Restore somewhat common navigation
"s-l" #'goto-line
;; Restore OS undo, save, copy, & paste keys (without cua-mode, because
;; it imposes some other functionality and overhead we don't need)
"s-f" #'swiper
"s-z" #'undo
"s-Z" #'redo
"s-c" (if (featurep 'evil) #'evil-yank #'copy-region-as-kill)
"s-v" #'yank
"s-s" #'save-buffer
"s-x" #'execute-extended-command
:v "s-x" #'kill-region
;; Buffer-local font scaling
"s-+" #'doom/reset-font-size
"s-=" #'doom/increase-font-size
"s--" #'doom/decrease-font-size
;; Conventional text-editing keys & motions
"s-a" #'mark-whole-buffer
"s-/" (cmd! (save-excursion (comment-line 1)))
:n "s-/" #'evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines
:v "s-/" #'evilnc-comment-operator
:gi [s-backspace] #'doom/backward-kill-to-bol-and-indent
:gi [s-left] #'doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent
:gi [s-right] #'doom/forward-to-last-non-comment-or-eol
:gi [M-backspace] #'backward-kill-word
:gi [M-left] #'backward-word
:gi [M-right] #'forward-word))
;;; Keybind schemes
;; Custom help keys -- these aren't under `+bindings' because they ought to be
;; universal.
(define-key! help-map
;; new keybinds
"'" #'describe-char
"u" #'doom/help-autodefs
"E" #'doom/sandbox
"M" #'doom/describe-active-minor-mode
"O" #'+lookup/online
"T" #'doom/toggle-profiler
"V" #'set-variable
"W" #'+default/man-or-woman
"C-k" #'describe-key-briefly
"C-l" #'describe-language-environment
"C-m" #'info-emacs-manual
;; Unbind `help-for-help'. Conflicts with which-key's help command for the
;; <leader> h prefix. It's already on ? and F1 anyway.
"C-h" nil
;; replacement keybinds
;; replaces `info-emacs-manual' b/c it's on C-m now
"r" nil
"rr" #'doom/reload
"rt" #'doom/reload-theme
"rp" #'doom/reload-packages
"rf" #'doom/reload-font
"re" #'doom/reload-env
;; make `describe-bindings' available under the b prefix which it previously
;; occupied. Add more binding related commands under that prefix as well
"b" nil
"bb" #'describe-bindings
"bi" #'which-key-show-minor-mode-keymap
"bm" #'which-key-show-major-mode
"bt" #'which-key-show-top-level
"bf" #'which-key-show-full-keymap
"bk" #'which-key-show-keymap
;; replaces `apropos-documentation' b/c `apropos' covers this
"d" nil
"db" #'doom/report-bug
"dc" #'doom/goto-private-config-file
"dC" #'doom/goto-private-init-file
"dd" #'doom-debug-mode
"df" #'doom/help-faq
"dh" #'doom/help
"dl" #'doom/help-search-load-path
"dL" #'doom/help-search-loaded-files
"dm" #'doom/help-modules
"dn" #'doom/help-news
"dN" #'doom/help-search-news
"dpc" #'doom/help-package-config
"dpd" #'doom/goto-private-packages-file
"dph" #'doom/help-package-homepage
"dpp" #'doom/help-packages
"ds" #'doom/help-search-headings
"dS" #'doom/help-search
"dt" #'doom/toggle-profiler
"du" #'doom/help-autodefs
"dv" #'doom/version
"dx" #'doom/sandbox
;; replaces `apropos-command'
"a" #'apropos
"A" #'apropos-documentation
;; replaces `describe-copying' b/c not useful
"C-c" #'describe-coding-system
;; replaces `Info-got-emacs-command-node' b/c redundant w/ `Info-goto-node'
"F" #'describe-face
;; replaces `view-hello-file' b/c annoying
"h" nil
;; replaces `view-emacs-news' b/c it's on C-n too
"n" #'doom/help-news
;; replaces `help-with-tutorial', b/c it's less useful than `load-theme'
"t" #'load-theme
;; replaces `finder-by-keyword' b/c not useful
"p" #'doom/help-packages
;; replaces `describe-package' b/c redundant w/ `doom/help-packages'
"P" #'find-library)
(after! which-key
(let ((prefix-re (regexp-opt (list doom-leader-key doom-leader-alt-key))))
(cl-pushnew `((,(format "\\`\\(?:<\\(?:\\(?:f1\\|help\\)>\\)\\|C-h\\|%s h\\) d\\'" prefix-re))
nil . "doom")
(cl-pushnew `((,(format "\\`\\(?:<\\(?:\\(?:f1\\|help\\)>\\)\\|C-h\\|%s h\\) r\\'" prefix-re))
nil . "reload")
(cl-pushnew `((,(format "\\`\\(?:<\\(?:\\(?:f1\\|help\\)>\\)\\|C-h\\|%s h\\) b\\'" prefix-re))
nil . "bindings")
(when (featurep! +bindings)
;; Make M-x harder to miss
(define-key! 'override
"M-x" #'execute-extended-command
"A-x" #'execute-extended-command)
;; A Doom convention where C-s on popups and interactive searches will invoke
;; ivy/helm for their superior filtering.
(when-let (command (cond ((featurep! :completion ivy)
((featurep! :completion helm)
:keymaps (append +default-minibuffer-maps
(when (featurep! :editor evil +everywhere)
"C-s" command))
;; Smarter C-a/C-e for both Emacs and Evil. C-a will jump to indentation.
;; Pressing it again will send you to the true bol. Same goes for C-e, except
;; it will ignore comments+trailing whitespace before jumping to eol.
(map! :gi "C-a" #'doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent
:gi "C-e" #'doom/forward-to-last-non-comment-or-eol
;; Standardizes the behavior of modified RET to match the behavior of
;; other editors, particularly Atom, textedit, textmate, and vscode, in
;; which ctrl+RET will add a new "item" below the current one and
;; cmd+RET (Mac) / meta+RET (elsewhere) will add a new, blank line below
;; the current one.
:gn [C-return] #'+default/newline-below
:gn [C-S-return] #'+default/newline-above
(:when IS-MAC
:gn [s-return] #'+default/newline-below
:gn [S-s-return] #'+default/newline-above)))
;;; Bootstrap configs
(if (featurep 'evil)
(load! "+evil")
(load! "+emacs"))