Henrik Lissner 235ad55ba1
Force counsel-rg-base-command to be a list
Counsel allows `counsel-rg-base-command' to be a string or list. This
backwards compatibility is a maintenance burden for Doom, so it's
simpler to force it to always be a list.
2020-06-07 13:58:12 -04:00

398 lines
16 KiB

;;; completion/ivy/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +ivy-buffer-preview nil
"If non-nil, preview buffers while switching, à la `counsel-switch-buffer'.
When nil, don't preview anything.
When non-nil, preview non-virtual buffers.
When 'everything, also preview virtual buffers")
(defvar +ivy-buffer-unreal-face 'font-lock-comment-face
"The face for unreal buffers in `ivy-switch-to-buffer'.")
(defvar +ivy-edit-functions nil
"A plist mapping ivy/counsel commands to commands that generate an editable
results buffer.")
;;; Packages
(use-package! ivy
:hook (doom-first-input . ivy-mode)
(let ((standard-search-fn
(if (featurep! +prescient)
(if (featurep! +fuzzy)
;; Ignore order for non-fuzzy searches by default
(setq ivy-re-builders-alist
`((counsel-rg . ,standard-search-fn)
(swiper . ,standard-search-fn)
(swiper-isearch . ,standard-search-fn)
(t . ,alt-search-fn))
'((counsel-rg . 1)
(counsel-search . 2)
(t . 3))))
[remap switch-to-buffer] #'+ivy/switch-buffer
[remap switch-to-buffer-other-window] #'+ivy/switch-buffer-other-window
[remap persp-switch-to-buffer] #'+ivy/switch-workspace-buffer
[remap evil-show-jumps] #'+ivy/jump-list)
;; Counsel changes a lot of ivy's state at startup; to control for that, we
;; need to load it as early as possible. Some packages (like `ivy-prescient')
;; require this.
(require 'counsel nil t)
(setq ivy-height 17
ivy-wrap t
ivy-fixed-height-minibuffer t
projectile-completion-system 'ivy
;; disable magic slash on non-match
ivy-magic-slash-non-match-action nil
;; don't show recent files in switch-buffer
ivy-use-virtual-buffers nil
;; ...but if that ever changes, show their full path
ivy-virtual-abbreviate 'full
;; don't quit minibuffer on delete-error
ivy-on-del-error-function #'ignore
;; enable ability to select prompt (alternative to `ivy-immediate-done')
ivy-use-selectable-prompt t)
;; Highlight each ivy candidate including the following newline, so that it
;; extends to the right edge of the window
(setf (alist-get 't ivy-format-functions-alist)
;; Integrate `ivy' with `better-jumper'; ensure a jump point is registered
;; before jumping to new locations with ivy
(setf (alist-get 't ivy-hooks-alist)
(lambda ()
(setq +ivy--origin (point-marker)))))
(add-hook! 'minibuffer-exit-hook
(defun +ivy--set-jump-point-maybe-h ()
(and (markerp (bound-and-true-p +ivy--origin))
(not (equal (ignore-errors (with-ivy-window (point-marker)))
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer +ivy--origin)
(better-jumper-set-jump +ivy--origin)))
(setq +ivy--origin nil)))
(after! yasnippet
(add-hook 'yas-prompt-functions #'+ivy-yas-prompt-fn))
(defadvice! +ivy--inhibit-completion-in-region-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"`ivy-completion-in-region' struggles with completing certain
evil-ex-specific constructs, so we disable it solely in evil-ex."
:around #'evil-ex
(let ((completion-in-region-function #'completion--in-region))
(apply orig-fn args)))
(define-key! ivy-minibuffer-map
[remap doom/delete-backward-word] #'ivy-backward-kill-word
"C-c C-e" #'+ivy/woccur
"C-o" #'ivy-dispatching-done
"M-o" #'hydra-ivy/body))
(use-package! ivy-rich
:after ivy
(setq ivy-rich-parse-remote-buffer nil)
(when (featurep! +icons)
(cl-pushnew '(+ivy-rich-buffer-icon)
(cadr (plist-get ivy-rich-display-transformers-list
:test #'equal))
;; Enahnce the appearance of a couple counsel commands
(plist-put! ivy-rich-display-transformers-list
((counsel-describe-variable-transformer (:width 40)) ; the original transformer
(+ivy-rich-describe-variable-transformer (:width 50)) ; display variable value
(ivy-rich-counsel-variable-docstring (:face font-lock-doc-face))))
((counsel-M-x-transformer (:width 60))
(ivy-rich-counsel-function-docstring (:face font-lock-doc-face))))
;; Apply switch buffer transformers to `counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer' as well
(plist-get ivy-rich-display-transformers-list 'ivy-switch-buffer)
((ivy-rich-candidate (:width 0.5))
(ivy-rich-bookmark-filename (:width 60)))))
;; Remove built-in coloring of buffer list; we do our own
(setq ivy-switch-buffer-faces-alist nil)
(ivy-set-display-transformer 'internal-complete-buffer nil)
;; Highlight buffers differently based on whether they're in the same project
;; as the current project or not.
(when-let* ((plist (plist-get ivy-rich-display-transformers-list 'ivy-switch-buffer))
(switch-buffer-alist (assq 'ivy-rich-candidate (plist-get plist :columns))))
(setcar switch-buffer-alist '+ivy-rich-buffer-name))
(ivy-rich-mode +1))
(use-package! all-the-icons-ivy
:when (featurep! +icons)
:after ivy
;; `all-the-icons-ivy' is incompatible with ivy-rich's switch-buffer
;; modifications, so we disable them and merge them ourselves
(setq all-the-icons-ivy-buffer-commands nil)
(after! counsel-projectile
(let ((all-the-icons-ivy-file-commands
(use-package! counsel
:defer t
[remap apropos] #'counsel-apropos
[remap bookmark-jump] #'counsel-bookmark
[remap compile] #'+ivy/compile
[remap describe-bindings] #'counsel-descbinds
[remap describe-face] #'counsel-faces
[remap describe-function] #'counsel-describe-function
[remap describe-variable] #'counsel-describe-variable
[remap evil-ex-registers] #'counsel-evil-registers
[remap evil-show-marks] #'counsel-mark-ring
[remap execute-extended-command] #'counsel-M-x
[remap find-file] #'counsel-find-file
[remap find-library] #'counsel-find-library
[remap imenu] #'counsel-imenu
[remap info-lookup-symbol] #'counsel-info-lookup-symbol
[remap load-theme] #'counsel-load-theme
[remap locate] #'counsel-locate
[remap org-goto] #'counsel-org-goto
[remap org-set-tags-command] #'counsel-org-tag
[remap projectile-compile-project] #'+ivy/project-compile
[remap recentf-open-files] #'counsel-recentf
[remap set-variable] #'counsel-set-variable
[remap swiper] #'counsel-grep-or-swiper
[remap unicode-chars-list-chars] #'counsel-unicode-char
[remap yank-pop] #'counsel-yank-pop)
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*ivy-occur" :size 0.35 :ttl 0 :quit nil)
;; HACK Fix an issue where `counsel-projectile-find-file-action' would try to
;; open a candidate in an occur buffer relative to the wrong buffer,
;; causing it to fail to find the file we want.
(defadvice! +ivy--run-from-ivy-directory-a (orig-fn &rest args)
:around #'counsel-projectile-find-file-action
(let ((default-directory (ivy-state-directory ivy-last)))
(apply orig-fn args)))
;; Don't use ^ as initial input. Set this here because `counsel' defines more
;; of its own, on top of the defaults.
(setq ivy-initial-inputs-alist nil)
;; REVIEW Counsel allows `counsel-rg-base-command' to be a string or list.
;; This backwards compatibility complicates things for Doom. Simpler to
;; just force it to always be a list.
(when (stringp counsel-rg-base-command)
(setq counsel-rg-base-command (split-string counsel-rg-base-command)))
;; REVIEW Fix #3215: prevents mingw on Windows throwing an error trying to
;; expand / to an absolute path. Remove this when it is fixed upstream
;; in counsel.
(when (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
(listp counsel-rg-base-command)
(member "--path-separator" counsel-rg-base-command))
(setf (cadr (member "--path-separator" counsel-rg-base-command))
;; Integrate with `helpful'
(setq counsel-describe-function-function #'helpful-callable
counsel-describe-variable-function #'helpful-variable)
;; Record in jumplist when opening files via counsel-{ag,rg,pt,git-grep}
(add-hook 'counsel-grep-post-action-hook #'better-jumper-set-jump)
(add-hook 'counsel-grep-post-action-hook #'recenter)
'counsel-rg ; also applies to `counsel-rg'
'(("O" +ivy-git-grep-other-window-action "open in other window")))
;; Make `counsel-compile' projectile-aware (if you prefer it over
;; `+ivy/compile' and `+ivy/project-compile')
(add-to-list 'counsel-compile-root-functions #'projectile-project-root)
(after! savehist
;; Persist `counsel-compile' history
(add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'counsel-compile-history))
;; `counsel-imenu' -- no sorting for imenu. Sort it by appearance in page.
(add-to-list 'ivy-sort-functions-alist '(counsel-imenu))
;; `counsel-locate'
(when IS-MAC
;; Use spotlight on mac by default since it doesn't need any additional setup
(setq counsel-locate-cmd #'counsel-locate-cmd-mdfind))
;; `swiper'
;; Don't mess with font-locking on the dashboard; it causes breakages
(add-to-list 'swiper-font-lock-exclude #'+doom-dashboard-mode)
;; `counsel-find-file'
(setq counsel-find-file-ignore-regexp "\\(?:^[#.]\\)\\|\\(?:[#~]$\\)\\|\\(?:^Icon?\\)")
(dolist (fn '(counsel-rg counsel-find-file))
fn '(("p" (lambda (path) (with-ivy-window (insert (file-relative-name path default-directory))))
"insert relative path")
("P" (lambda (path) (with-ivy-window (insert path)))
"insert absolute path")
("l" (lambda (path) (with-ivy-window (insert (format "[[./%s]]" (file-relative-name path default-directory)))))
"insert relative org-link")
("L" (lambda (path) (with-ivy-window (insert (format "[[%s]]" path))))
"Insert absolute org-link"))))
(ivy-add-actions 'counsel-file-jump (plist-get ivy--actions-list 'counsel-find-file))
;; `counsel-search': use normal page for displaying results, so that we see
;; custom ddg themes (if one is set).
(setf (nth 1 (alist-get 'ddg counsel-search-engines-alist))
;; REVIEW Move this somewhere else and perhaps generalize this so both
;; ivy/helm users can enjoy it.
(defadvice! +ivy--counsel-file-jump-use-fd-rg-a (args)
"Change `counsel-file-jump' to use fd or ripgrep, if they are available."
:override #'counsel--find-return-list
(cl-destructuring-bind (find-program . args)
(cond ((executable-find doom-projectile-fd-binary)
(append (list doom-projectile-fd-binary
"--color=never" "-E" ".git"
"--type" "file" "--type" "symlink" "--follow")
(if IS-WINDOWS '("--path-separator=/"))))
((executable-find "rg")
(append (list "rg" "--files" "--follow" "--color=never" "--hidden" "--no-messages")
(cl-loop for dir in projectile-globally-ignored-directories
collect "--glob"
collect (concat "!" dir))
(if IS-WINDOWS (list "--path-separator" "/"))))
((cons find-program args)))
(unless (listp args)
(user-error "`counsel-file-jump-args' is a list now, please customize accordingly."))
(cons find-program args)
(lambda ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((offset (if (member find-program (list "rg" doom-projectile-fd-binary)) 0 2))
(while (< (point) (point-max))
(push (buffer-substring (+ offset (line-beginning-position)) (line-end-position))
(forward-line 1))
(nreverse files)))))))
(use-package! counsel-projectile
:defer t
[remap projectile-find-file] #'+ivy/projectile-find-file
[remap projectile-find-dir] #'counsel-projectile-find-dir
[remap projectile-switch-to-buffer] #'counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer
[remap projectile-grep] #'counsel-projectile-grep
[remap projectile-ag] #'counsel-projectile-ag
[remap projectile-switch-project] #'counsel-projectile-switch-project)
;; A more sensible `counsel-projectile-find-file' that reverts to
;; `counsel-find-file' if invoked from $HOME, `counsel-file-jump' if invoked
;; from a non-project, `projectile-find-file' if in a big project (more than
;; `ivy-sort-max-size' files), or `counsel-projectile-find-file' otherwise.
(setf (alist-get 'projectile-find-file counsel-projectile-key-bindings)
;; no highlighting visited files; slows down the filtering
(ivy-set-display-transformer #'counsel-projectile-find-file nil)
(when (featurep! +prescient)
(setq counsel-projectile-sort-files t)))
(use-package! wgrep
:commands wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode
:config (setq wgrep-auto-save-buffer t))
(use-package! ivy-posframe
:when (featurep! +childframe)
:hook (ivy-mode . ivy-posframe-mode)
(setq ivy-fixed-height-minibuffer nil
ivy-posframe-border-width 10
`((min-width . 90)
(min-height . ,ivy-height)))
;; default to posframe display function
(setf (alist-get t ivy-posframe-display-functions-alist)
;; posframe doesn't work well with async sources (the posframe will
;; occasionally stop responding/redrawing), and causes violent resizing of the
;; posframe.
(dolist (fn '(swiper counsel-rg counsel-grep counsel-git-grep))
(setf (alist-get fn ivy-posframe-display-functions-alist)
(add-hook 'doom-reload-hook #'posframe-delete-all))
(use-package! flx
:when (featurep! +fuzzy)
:unless (featurep! +prescient)
:defer t ; is loaded by ivy
:init (setq ivy-flx-limit 10000))
(use-package! ivy-prescient
:when (featurep! +prescient)
:hook (ivy-mode . ivy-prescient-mode)
:hook (ivy-prescient-mode . prescient-persist-mode)
(setq prescient-filter-method
(if (featurep! +fuzzy)
'(literal regexp initialism fuzzy)
'(literal regexp initialism)))
(setq ivy-prescient-sort-commands
'(:not swiper swiper-isearch ivy-switch-buffer counsel-grep
counsel-git-grep counsel-ag counsel-rg counsel-imenu
counsel-yank-pop counsel-recentf counsel-buffer-or-recentf)
ivy-prescient-retain-classic-highlighting t)
(defun +ivy-prescient-non-fuzzy (str)
(let ((prescient-filter-method '(literal regexp)))
(ivy-prescient-re-builder str)))
;; NOTE prescient config duplicated with `company'
(setq prescient-save-file (concat doom-cache-dir "prescient-save.el")))
;;;###package swiper
(setq swiper-action-recenter t)
;;;###package amx
(setq amx-save-file (concat doom-cache-dir "amx-items")) ; used by `counsel-M-x'