Henrik Lissner 2bfb4accf2
Merge pull request #348 from UndeadKernel/rtags-fix
Correctly report when rtags's client or server are not found.
2018-01-11 13:11:47 -05:00
config.el Merge pull request #348 from UndeadKernel/rtags-fix 2018-01-11 13:11:47 -05:00

:lang cc

This module adds support for the C-family of languages: C, C++, and Objective-C.

  • Code completion (company-irony)
  • eldoc support (irony-eldoc)
  • Syntax-checking (flycheck-irony)
  • Code navigation (rtags)
  • File Templates (c-mode, c++-mode)
  • Snippets (cc-mode, c-mode, c++-mode)
  • Several improvements to C++11 indentation and syntax highlighting.

C contends with Haskell and Ruby for my favorite language. That said, it's more accurate to say I write C, but a C++ feature or three.

The module provides nominal support for Objective-C, which I really only use to inspect generated glue code for iOS mobile apps. Otherwise, I prefer Swift.

Table of Contents   TOC


This module requires:

  • irony-server
  • rtags


Irony powers the code completion, eldoc and syntax checking systems.


Due to linking issues, MacOS users must compile irony-server manually:

brew install cmake
brew install llvm  # 1gb+ installation! May take a while!

git clone irony-mode
mkdir irony-mode/server/build
pushd irony-mode/server/build

cmake --build . --use-stderr --config Release --target install

install_name_tool -change @rpath/libclang.dylib \
    /usr/local/opt/llvm/lib/libclang.dylib \

# cleanup
rm -rf irony-mode

Arch Linux

sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S clang cmake

Then run M-x irony-install-server in Emacs.


Code navigation requires an rtags server (rdm) installed and running. This should be available through your OS's package manager.

This module will auto-start rdm when you open C/C++ buffers (so long as one isn't already). If you prefer to run it yourself, outside of Emacs:

rdm &
rc -J $PROJECT_ROOT  # loads PROJECT_ROOT's compile_commands.json


Compile settings

By default, a set of default compile settings are defined in +cc-default-compiler-options for C, C++ and Objective C. Irony, rtags and flycheck will fall back to these.

To make these tools aware of project specific build settings, you need a JSON compilation database present (i.e. a compile_commands.json file).

There are many ways to generate one. I use CMake and bear:

# For CMake projects

# For non-CMake projects
make clean
bear make

Use M-x +cc/reload-compile-db to reload your compile db in an already-open C/C++/ObjC buffer.