Henrik Lissner c399c07694
Add :tools lsp checks for +lsp flag
- Reorganizes some :lang modules' packages.el file.
- Adds setuptools check in lang/python
- Adds javac check in lang/java
- Removes the depends-on! macro
2019-04-24 18:16:05 -04:00

:lang ocaml

This module adds OCaml support, powered by tuareg-mode.

Module Flags

This module provides the +opam-site-lisp flag to compile editor support .el files from opam's site-lisp directory. By default all editor plugins are installed from MELPA/GitHub even if the corresponding opam package isn't installed. If this flag is enabled then you must have all of the packages listed in package.el installed via opam.

To enable this, use:

(doom! :lang (ocaml +opam-site-lisp))


It is highly recommended to install opam. To get all the features you should also install these opam packages, however they are not all required (features should be disabled gracefully when a tool is missing):

opam install merlin utop ocp-indent dune ocamlformat


  • the following files should have syntax highlighting support:

.ml{i,p,y,}, .eliom{i,}, jbuild, dune, opam

  • merlin-mode is activated whenever a .merlin file is found (including in a parent directory) and ocamlmerlin executable is present
  • line-based auto-indentation is provided by ocp-indent when installed


  • if :completion company is enabled then autocomplete is provided by merlin
  • when :tools flycheck is enabled then flycheck-ocaml is activated to do on-the-fly syntax/type checking via merlin, otherwise this is only done when the file is saved.
  • spell checking is activated in comments if :tools flyspell is active
  • a REPL is provided if utop is installed and :tools eval is active
  • if :editor format is enabled, the ocamlformat executable is available and there is an .ocamlformat file present then format-all-buffer is bound to ocamlformat, otherwise to ocp-indent
  • if :editor multiple-cursors is enabled then identifiers can be refactored with v R and multiple cursors (this correctly matches identifier occurrences according to scope, it is not purely a textual match)
  • if :emacs imenu is enabled then top level symbols (modules, type, functions, etc.) can be looked up using SPC / i

Run make install to install all packages, and make doctor to diagnose missing tools.



command key / ex command description
merlin-type-enclosing SPC m t display type under point
tuareg-find-alternate-file SPC m a switch between .ml and .mli
merlin-locate gd lookup definition
merlin-occurences SPC c D lookup references
merlin-document K lookup documentation
merlin-imenu SPC / i symbol lookup in file
merlin-iedit-occurrences v R visual refactor identifier under point (multiple cursors)
utop SPC o r open utop as REPL
utop-eval-region SPC c e evaluate selected region in utop


  • set-pretty-symbols! is called with the full tuareg prettify symbol list, this can cause columns to change as certain keywords are shortened (e.g. fun becomes λ.
  • tuareg-opam-update-env is called the first time tuareg is loaded