Henrik Lissner 0a84d2f0a9
core-lib: add auto-minor-mode, revise def-project-mode!
- Adds the auto-minor-mode package to replace our in-house
- Merges associate! into the def-project-mode! macro because associate!
  on its own is less useful than auto-minor-mode-alist,
  auto-minor-mode-magic-alist or hooks.
- Changes the semantics of :modes and :add-hooks properties of
  def-project-mode!. Its arguments are evaluated as is; lists will need
  to be quoted.

squash! core-lib: remove associate! macro
2019-07-22 02:30:39 +02:00

105 lines
3.4 KiB

;;; lang/php/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(def-package! php-mode
:mode "\\.inc\\'"
;; Disable HTML compatibility in php-mode. `web-mode' has superior support for
;; php+html. Use the .phtml
(setq php-template-compatibility nil)
(set-docsets! 'php-mode "PHP" "PHPUnit" "Laravel" "CakePHP" "CodeIgniter" "Doctrine_ORM")
(set-repl-handler! 'php-mode #'php-boris)
(set-lookup-handlers! 'php-mode :documentation #'php-search-documentation)
(set-formatter! 'php-mode #'php-cs-fixer-fix)
(if (featurep! +lsp)
(add-hook 'php-mode-local-vars-hook #'lsp!)
;; `+php-company-backend' uses `company-phpactor', `php-extras-company' or
;; `company-dabbrev-code', in that order.
(set-company-backend! 'php-mode '+php-company-backend 'company-dabbrev-code))
;; Use the smallest `sp-max-pair-length' for optimum `smartparens' performance
(setq-hook! 'php-mode-hook sp-max-pair-length 5)
(sp-with-modes '(php-mode)
(sp-local-pair "<?" "?>" :post-handlers '(("| " "SPC" "=") ("||\n[i]" "RET") ("[d2]" "p")))
(sp-local-pair "<?php" "?>" :post-handlers '(("| " "SPC") ("||\n[i]" "RET"))))
(map! :localleader
:map php-mode-map
:prefix "t"
"r" #'phpunit-current-project
"a" #'phpunit-current-class
"s" #'phpunit-current-test))
(def-package! phpactor
:unless (featurep! +lsp)
:after php-mode
(set-lookup-handlers! 'php-mode
:definition #'phpactor-goto-definition)
(map! :localleader
:map php-mode-map
:prefix "r"
"cc" #'phpactor-copy-class
"mc" #'phpactor-move-class
"oi" #'phpactor-offset-info
"t" #'phpactor-transform
"ic" #'phpactor-import-class))
(def-package! php-refactor-mode
:hook php-mode
(map! :localleader
:map php-refactor-mode-map
:prefix "r"
"cv" #'php-refactor--convert-local-to-instance-variable
"u" #'php-refactor--optimize-use
"xm" #'php-refactor--extract-method
"rv" #'php-refactor--rename-local-variable))
(def-package! php-extras
:after php-mode
;; We'll set up company support ourselves
(advice-add #'php-extras-company-setup :override #'ignore)
(setq php-extras-eldoc-functions-file
(concat doom-etc-dir "php-extras-eldoc-functions"))
;; Silence warning if `php-extras-eldoc-functions-file' hasn't finished
;; generating yet.
(defun php-extras-load-eldoc ()
(require 'php-extras-eldoc-functions php-extras-eldoc-functions-file t))
;; Make expensive php-extras generation async
(unless (file-exists-p (concat php-extras-eldoc-functions-file ".el"))
(message "Generating PHP eldoc files...")
(require 'async)
(async-start `(lambda ()
,(async-inject-variables "\\`\\(load-path\\|php-extras-eldoc-functions-file\\)$")
(require 'php-extras-gen-eldoc)
(php-extras-generate-eldoc-1 t))
(lambda (_)
(load (concat php-extras-eldoc-functions-file ".el"))
(message "PHP eldoc updated!")))))
(def-package! hack-mode
:when (featurep! +hack)
:mode "\\.hh$")
;; Projects
(def-project-mode! +php-laravel-mode
:modes '(php-mode yaml-mode web-mode nxml-mode js2-mode scss-mode)
:files (and "artisan" "server.php"))
(def-project-mode! +php-composer-mode
:modes '(web-mode php-mode)
:files ("composer.json"))